[pkg-fetchmail-maint] close fetchmail Debian bug #223933?

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at gmx.de
Sat Jul 23 18:46:41 UTC 2005


should #223933 be closed? It is nonreproducible, moreinfo, the
reporter's address is nonfunctional, the report is against 5.9.11-6.2
and cannot be reproduced with 6.2.5.

I have a fake POP3 server here to simulate the problem, and fetchmail
6.2.5 (non-Debian) and 6.2.6-pre8 (not yet released) happily proceed to
the next message when "RETR 1" results in -ERR.

| Debian Bug report logs - #223933
| fetchmail: should ignore mails that are stuck on a server
| [...]
| Many a time I have the problem that certain mails get stucked on a pop3
| server. These malicious messages cannot be retrieved from the pop3
| server. I checked that by connecting via telnet to the pop3 server and I
| was able to LIST all the mails and I was also able to RETR all normal
| mails but when I try to RETR one of the malicious mails the server just
| replies:
| -ERR cannot open disk file error
| So no single byte of those malicious mails is transmitted. This is not
| fetchmail's fault of course. My other email clients just ignore those
| mails and fetch the remaing messages, but the problem is fetchmail
| doesn't!  Whenever it tries to RETR one of the malicious mails it just
| stops mail retrieval, which it shouldn't do. Instead it should simply
| log the incident and continue to fetch the remaining mails from the pop3
| server, because next time when it tries to fetch emails from that
| server, one of the malicious mails is on ther first position in the
| queue on the pop3 server's side and thus fetchmail refuses to retrieve
| any mail from that server from that point.

Matthias Andree

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