[pkg-fetchmail-maint] fetchmail bug

Lucas Wall lwall@debian.org
Sun, 26 Jun 2005 12:28:15 -0300

Nico Golde wrote, On 26/06/05 09:34:

> what about the upload?

Ah... Sorry, I thought I had mailed you.

Friday night I tried to upload the package to ftp-master, but couldn't
connect. I guess it has something to do with those machine moving (?).
Anyway, I uploaded the package to gluck's 0-day delay queue. The package
is still there...

So... If you add new changes please create a new chengelog entry.


Lucas Wall <kthulhu@kadath.com.ar>      .''`.
Buenos Aires, Argentina                : :=F8 :   Debian GNU/Linux
http://www.kadath.com.ar               `. `'  http://www.debian.org
PGP: 1024D/84FB46D6                      `-
     5D25 528A 83AB 489B 356A        http://people.debian.org/~lwall
     4087 BC9B 4733 84FB 46D6        mailto:lwall@debian.org