[pkg-fetchmail-maint] Bug in postinst

Héctor García hector at scouts-es.org
Mon Nov 14 22:13:23 UTC 2005

El lun, 14-11-2005 a las 19:28 +0100, Loïc Minier escribió:
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2005, Héctor García wrote:
> > Doing it this way (your original patch plus 2 flags to adduser, needed
> > in my opinion), fetchmail gets created if it didn't exists
> > and /var/run/fetchmail only gets to change permisions and owner if it
> > didn't exits (just thing of people with old conf that use another user
> > to run fetchmail, but uses same dir).
>  Well, the chmod is never going to run for new installs, and that's bad.
Yes, it is. Look at the --no-create-home flag for adduser.

>  I explicitely forced the creation of the directory outside of adduser
>  so that the permissions are forcibly set, and that is true in both of
>  my patches.
Yes, the same as in the one I proposed.

>  The fetchmail user and run directory are only used for the fetchmail
>  daemon, people will local hacks to run it as a different user or with
>  different permissions should simply live with them and fix their
>  system IMO.
>  I consider it harmful to try to support configuration schemes that were
>  never officially supported in the package or to invent possible ways in
>  which the system might have been modified below /var or /usr.
Well, I consider harmful to break anyones system when is really not
needed and this is one case of that.

>  In this sense, I prefer adduser not to create the directory (as it
>  doesn't offer a way to force the mode reliably and often breaks /
>  changes interface), and the script to force the chmod + chown in all
>  cases.
Well, it isn't creating the dir. Did you really read the patch I sended?
It was your initial patch with 2 more flags for adduser.
--disabled-password for obvious security reasons and --ingroup nogroup
to force group.

So, where is the problem with the patch?
There must be something I'm missing here.



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