Bug#288063: [pkg-fetchmail-maint] Bug#288063: Reopen? /etc/fetchmailrc contains passwords

Nico Golde nico at ngolde.de
Tue Oct 18 16:01:14 UTC 2005

tags 288063 + pending
* Loic Minier <lool at dooz.org> [2005-10-18 17:04]:
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2005, Nico Golde wrote:
> > Ok just to clarifiy you mean keeping the /etc/fetchmailrc in 
> > the case of a purge too?
> > Thats not what purge ist for.
>  Purge concern files handled by a package.  For example, things created
>  by the package (configuration file, logs, pid file, run dir) or things
>  shipped by the package (.deb's conffile, files, scripts, list of
>  files), but not things added by the administrator to change the
>  behavior of the package.
>  But instead of discussing this to no-end, I see a simple solution to
>  that: ship an empty sample conffile, with useful comments, and it will
>  be purged by dpkg.

>  It does not (_IMO_) mean:
>  - remove users (but YMMV)
>  - remove anything related to the package
>  - remove databases
>  Right now, I think the best reason for handling fetchmailrc as I
>  suggest is symetry.

:) Ok now we are at the beginning. I removed the rm -f 
statement and also the output (which was the initial reason 
for this bts together with the deletion).
etc/fetchmailrc will not be deleted in the future.

@Steve McIntyre:
The policy clearly says that only file which are shipped 
with the package will be deleted with a package purge, so 
fetchmailrc which is a file created by the user will not be 

Loic: Thanks for being persistent :)

Regards Nico
Nico Golde - JAB: nion at jabber.ccc.de | GPG: 0x73647CFF
http://www.ngolde.de | http://www.muttng.org | http://grml.org
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