[pkg-fetchmail-maint] waiting to hear from you
amahkweku at katamail.com
amahkweku at katamail.com
Tue Apr 11 16:44:03 UTC 2006
Dear Friend,
I am Miss Amah Kweku, the personal beautician to Chief Mrs Stella Obasanjo,wife of the President of the federal repulic of Nigeria. I have worked with the first lady for five years as her personal aid. Within this period, we have been so close and she trusted me so much considering the fact that my aunty Mrs Nana Khufour the wife of the president of the republic of Ghana
introduced me to her and asked her as her personal beautician. It was during this introduction that she insisted that i must work with her considering the good job she had seen me do on my aunty and former boss.
The worst happened recently. If you have been close to the news, am quite sure that you have heared of the death of my boss Mrs Stella
Obansanjo at a Spanish hospital. I was personally part of the trip and had long returned back home for her burial, which is over now.
Now that my boss is late and my job gone, i have one thing that only i and her know about. She deposited some fund ($22million) in my name in a clearing house in Accra Ghana during one of our visits to Ghana. When demanded what the money was meant for she insisted that she hould let me know when the time comes. Till date she never told me and now she is late.What i want now is someone who will assist me by way of providing
me with informations about himself/herself so that i will be able to effect the ownership of the fund in his or her name so as to be able to transfer the money to the persons country. The fund is in a special account though in my name,i will not be able to make withdrawals until it is cleared from the clearinghouse.
I later understood that this is how they have been embezzling public fund using names of their aids and personal assistants. I do not wish to let my Aunty know abou this as she will rather return the money to the Obasanjo's family in Nigeria. At present, i am in Ghana my country to see that i effect this transaction.
I wish to assure you that this transaction is
risk free.
Thanks in anticipation of your kind gesture.
Amah Kweku. amahkweku at ParsiMail.com
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