Bug#356675: [pkg-fetchmail-maint] Bug#356675: fetchmail: important info now missing from logs

Francesco Potorti` Potorti at isti.cnr.it
Mon Mar 13 15:26:26 UTC 2006

>> That is, the time and date of getting mail is missing, and moreover the
>> attempts of getting mail that result in no mail available are not logged
>> any more.  This is important to me, because the old behavior allowed me
>> to quickly locate problems, while the current log style does not.
>It is not missing. Previous logging method was a bug.

Well, what is a bug and what is a feature it is sometimes a matter of
opinion :-)

>There is no sense to log debug as normal info.

On the contrary, the old log format made a lot of sense to me.  It is
the normal way I run fetchmail, and I keep old logs for some time.

>To get that debug info that you are missing please use the '-v' flag.

I just tried it, but it is not what I need.  It logs a lot of
information that I don't need.

Generally speaking, a trace that does not log date and time is an error:
you don't know when things happened.  If the log is in the same format
as it is now, but with time logged, that would be a great improvement.

Moreover, having in addition a log of transactions that did not get any
mail would be helpful, even if not as important as the above mentioned

>P.D: Unless you have more objections I'll close this bug which it is not
>on my oppinion.

I would say that the missing date and time is a "normal" bug, unless
there are other ways of obtaining them by using configuration or command
line options.

I would also say that having logs of transactions that do not get any
mail is a "wishlist" bug.

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