Bug#356675: [pkg-fetchmail-maint] Bug#356675: fetchmail: important info now missing from logs

Francesco Potorti` Potorti at isti.cnr.it
Mon Mar 13 18:38:43 UTC 2006

>> Moreover, having in addition a log of transactions that did not get any
>> mail would be helpful, even if not as important as the above mentioned
>> feature.
>Well, it is a fact that logging hundreds of 'all is well/nothing is
>happening' lines hides the usufull info in huge logs.

Again, that depends.  I get mail on about one attempt in ten, so useful
log is not hidden for me.  Also, since those lines are all equal,
compressing the logs yelds reasonable sizes for archiving.

>Fell free to open whishlist bug for that, but most likely I'll tag it as

Okay, I will mention the above observation in a new bug report.

Thanks for your work.

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