[pkg-fetchmail-maint] Bug#389270: additional information

Nico Golde nion at gmx.net
Wed Nov 22 18:34:34 CET 2006

* Nagy Gabor Peter <linux42 at freemail.hu> [2006-11-22 03:08]:
> So I hope this helps to find the problem:
> I am running etch on a laptop. When I have ethernet connection to a
> working DNS server when fetchmail is started, it fetches the emails all
> right.
> Like I am in an office, pop3 is not allowed to the outside, but DNS
> works. After login I start my vpn, and through the vpn link the next
> time fetchmail awakens, it fetches all my mail.
> But if I don't have a working DNS when I start my machine (like no
> network at all), fetchmail tries to resolve the names, and fails. So far
> it's OK.
Will be fixed with the next upload, we just changed the 
awaken to a restart in the init script since fetchmail is 
really not able to notice when the environment changes.
Kind regards
Nico Golde - http://www.ngolde.de
JAB: nion at jabber.ccc.de - GPG: 0x73647CFF
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gimme a keyboard with 103/104/105 keys!
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