[pkg-fetchmail-maint] Bug#488085: /etc/init.d/fetchmail try-restart should be able to not start fetchmail if it is not running

Nico Golde nion at debian.org
Thu Jul 3 13:41:56 UTC 2008

Hi Florian,
* Florian Kriener <florian at kriener.org> [2008-07-03 00:44]:
> On Tuesday 01 July 2008 22:45:09 Nico Golde wrote:
> > Why don't you reorder your runlevels symlinks then?
> Because it seems not very sensible to me to start the mta and spamc before the 
> network gets started.

That was not my suggestion.

> > > So I investigated
> > > that problem and found try-restart behaving like it does,
> > > starting the daemon if it is not running already (which,
> > > in my opinion, is not intuitive).
> >
> > it's restarting the daemon or starting it if it's not yet
> > running.
> Yes, but it's called try-restart and not try-restart-or-start. But this is a 
> mere sidenote.

You are right, the start mechanism should not be there, also 
in my opinion. It turned out that this was a fix by Hector 
for #268346. Looking into the bug report it seems like the 
fix was wrong and the resolvconf script should just call 
start instead of adding start to try-restart.

> > I am not too happy about including this patch for this
> > corner-case. The init scripts in Debian include an LSB
> > header that defines dependencies on other init scripts (well
> > facilities to be precise). Did you already have a look at
> > the insserv package which automatically reorders your init
> > scripts based on these dependencies.
> >
> > This might be the right solution for you.
> Please see above, for why that is not the right solution. And I can understand 
> your point in not wanting to include that more or less crude patch. But let's 
> have a look at /etc/resolvconf/update-libc.d/fetchmail:
>   if [ -x /etc/init.d/fetchmail ]; then
>           /etc/init.d/fetchmail try-restart
>   fi
> I don't think that resolvconf should start any daemon, but it does. So 
> starting my network causes the start of fetchmail. (BTW: init tries to start 
> fetchmail too, which then fails of cause).

Well these files are treated like any other configuration 
files as far as I know, feel free to modify or remove them.

Hector, what's your opinion towards the fix of #268346 and 
this bug?
Kind regards
Nico Golde - http://www.ngolde.de - nion at jabber.ccc.de - GPG: 0x73647CFF
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