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Thu Aug 20 06:46:28 UTC 2009

C/177 FIFAJI close
ZOGBOWE Cotonou=20
Dearest Friend,
It is my great pleasure and the trust which I have on you, though we have n=
ot met before, neither have we seen for the first time, but before I pick u=
p your E-mail contact and write to you I prayed over it that God should dir=
ect me to a trustworthy and God fearing partner who will help me to invest =
this money in a good business of your choice.. For this will permit me to g=
o into business relationship with you,
since I have made up my mind to make this money transfer with you. My name =
is Mrs Comfort Ibruni 43 years old the wife of Late Benjamin Okon Ibruni wh=
o was a Cocoa and Gold marchant in Cotonou Republic of Benin and i have onl=
y one child His name is RUBEN.
My husband was poisoned to death by his business associate on one of their =
business outings to Accra Ghana,on 19th Oct 2007. Before the death of my hu=
sband on the 26th December 2007 in a private hospital here. He sincerely ca=
lled me on his bed side and told me that he had a sum of ($5M US.DOLLARS) w=
hich he deposited in Finance Firm.
He also used his name to Deposit the money and explained to me that it was =
because of his wealth that he was poisoned by his business associates, That=
 i should seek for a foreign partner in a country of my choice where I will=
 transfer this money and use it for investment purposes, I want you to assi=
st me by investing this money into a good Nbusiness and also be a guardian =
over this money I am honourably seeking for your assistance in the followin=
g ways.
(1)To assist me to transfer this money into your account successfully
(2)To provide a trust bank account where this money would be transfered
(3)To make arrangement for me and my son to come over to your country for i=
nvestment, (4)To help find admission in a good university to enable him fin=
ish his educational career in your country.
In line with this,am willing to offer you 25% percent of the total sum as c=
ompensation for your effort/input after the successfull transfer of this fu=
nd in your safe account Below informations is what i need from you so that =
the bank can start this transfer immediately without delay.
Your Bank name and addres together with Account Number Your direct Telephon=
e and Fax Numbers and Your full name and address. On receipt of the above m=
entioned informations, I believe that this transaction would be concluded w=
ithin 7 working days as the bank Director promised me that he will commence=
 on the transfer immediately if i provide a bank account for remittance.
I am waiting to hear from you soonest.
Thanks and God bless you for your kind understanding.
Best Regards,
Mrs Comfort and Ruben Son.
00229 93 02 14 16.
=0A=0A=0A      ___________________________________________________________ =
=0A  =E5=A5=BD=E7=8E=A9=E8=B4=BA=E5=8D=A1=E7=AD=89=E4=BD=A0=E5=8F=91=EF=BC=
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<table cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" border=3D"0" ><tr><td valign=3D"=
top" style=3D"font: inherit;"><DIV id=3Dyiv673013311>
<DIV><STRONG><EM>From Mrs Comfort and Ruben Ibruni to Dearest Friend<BR>C/1=
<DIV><STRONG><EM>Dearest Friend,<BR>&nbsp; <BR>It is my great pleasure and =
the trust which I have on you, though we have not met before, neither have =
we seen for the first time, but before I pick up your E-mail contact and wr=
ite to you I prayed over it that God should direct me to a trustworthy and =
God fearing partner who will help me to invest this money in a good busines=
s of your choice.. For this will permit me to go into business relationship=
 with you,<BR>&nbsp;<BR>since I have made up my mind to make this money tra=
nsfer with you. My name is Mrs Comfort Ibruni 43 years old the wife of Late=
 Benjamin Okon Ibruni who was a Cocoa and Gold marchant in Cotonou Republic=
 of Benin and i have only one child His name is RUBEN.<BR>&nbsp;<BR>My husb=
and was poisoned to death by his business associate on one of their busines=
s outings to Accra Ghana,on 19th Oct 2007. Before the death of my husband o=
n the 26th December 2007 in a private hospital here. He sincerely
 called me on his bed side and told me that he had a sum of ($5M US.DOLLARS=
) which he deposited in Finance Firm.<BR>&nbsp;<BR>He also used his name to=
 Deposit the money and explained to me that it was because of his wealth th=
at he was poisoned by his business associates, That i should seek for a for=
eign partner in a country of my choice where I will transfer this money and=
 use it for investment purposes, I want you to assist me by investing this =
money into a good Nbusiness and also be a guardian over this money I am hon=
ourably seeking for your assistance in the following ways.<BR>&nbsp;<BR>(1)=
To assist me to transfer this money into your account successfully<BR>(2)To=
 provide a trust bank account where this money would be transfered<BR>(3)To=
 make arrangement for me and my son to come over to your country for invest=
ment, (4)To help find admission in a good university to enable him finish h=
is educational career in your country.<BR>&nbsp;<BR>In line with
 this,am willing to offer you 25% percent of the total sum as compensation =
for your effort/input after the successfull transfer of this fund in your s=
afe account Below informations is what i need from you so that the bank can=
 start this transfer immediately without delay.<BR>&nbsp;<BR>Your Bank name=
 and addres together with Account Number Your direct Telephone and Fax Numb=
ers and Your full name and address. On receipt of the above mentioned infor=
mations, I believe that this transaction would be concluded within 7 workin=
g days as the bank Director promised me that he will commence on the transf=
er immediately if i provide a bank account for remittance.<BR>&nbsp;<BR>I a=
m waiting to hear from you soonest.<BR>&nbsp;<BR>Thanks and God bless you f=
or your kind understanding.</EM></STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><EM>Best Regards,<BR>Mrs Comfort and Ruben Son.<BR>00229 93 02=
 14 16.<BR></EM></STRONG></DIV></DIV></td></tr></table><br>=0A=0A=0A      <=
hr size=3D1><a href=3D"*http://=">  =E5=A5=BD=E7=8E=A9=E8=B4=BA=E5=8D=A1=E7=AD=89=E4=

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