[pkg-fetchmail-maint] Bug#530749: Bug#530749: fetchmail: Please add option to make "no mail" not an error condition

Nico Golde nion at debian.org
Thu May 28 22:57:13 UTC 2009

* Reuben Thomas <rrt at sc3d.org> [2009-05-27 18:15]:
> When using fetchmail in a cron job to fetch mail regularly (because
> daemon mode is still not reliable, and yes, I've reported it and tried
> and failed to help fix it), it's annoying that "no mail", which is a
> perfectly normal condition, returns an error code, as it means I have to
> write a wrapper script (or a very long cron job line!) to differentiate
> between that and a "real" error.
> Hence, an option to return exit code 0 in the case where there is no new
> mail would be most handy.

I fail to see why you can't just write a script, calling 
that from cron and let the script properly evaluate the 
return value. I also see no problem with returning 0 in this 
case though but I might miss any setups in which this would 
be a problem. Matthias, what is your opinion on this?

Nico Golde - http://www.ngolde.de - nion at jabber.ccc.de - GPG: 0x73647CFF
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