[pkg-fetchmail-maint] Work with me.

Elena Pieter elena at mbahconag.emea.microsoftonline.com
Fri Mar 12 10:13:06 UTC 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010.
cheng1eung at yahoo.com.hk<mailto:cheng1eung at yahoo.com.hk>
Good day, I hope you are having a good day and this message meets you in a good mood.
I am Cheng Keung, and I am an employee of one of the top financial institutions here in Hong Kong.
I want to use this opportunity to Offer you a business undertaking with a very high monetary gain and value, mutually beneficial to both parties if you are interested.
Your immediate response will be appreciated, via my email address below.
Best Regards
Cheng Keung
cheng1eung at yahoo.com.hk<mailto:cheng1eung at yahoo.com.hk>
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