[pkg-fetchmail-maint] Gymnastic and Trampoline Coaching Courses

Winstrada enquiries at winstrada.com
Fri May 18 16:01:02 UTC 2012

Dear Teacher or Coach,
Gymnastic and Trampoline Coaching courses
This will be of interest to you if you wish to train (or have staff who wish to train) to become a gymnastics or trampolining coach. 
In response to a huge number of requests for an alternative to the UKCC courses for those who want to coach recreationally or teach in schools, we have been assessing providers of gymnastics and trampolining coaching courses and have agreed upon what we believe to be the best non UKCC courses available. These providers offer quality assured courses at significantly lower cost than the UKCC alternatives and with significantly less paperwork and examination requirements.
These courses are ideal for clubs, leisure centres, school teachers and freelance coaches.
For school teachers, they are also a suitable alternative to the BG ‘Coaching for Teachers’ courses and cover a wider range of abilities, making them suitable for special needs schools as well as mainstream primary and secondary. 
The courses are portable and equip the candidate for teaching and coaching in both school and community settings. For further details of these courses, please click the following link or paste it into your browser: http://www.winstrada.com/aart.shtml
If you have and questions about any of the courses you are very welcome to email us. We will either respond to your question ourselves or forward the question to the course providers for them to respond.
Please would you be kind enough to forward this message to colleagues of yours who may be interested.
Best regards,
James Merry
The Recreational and Therapeutic Gymnastic and Trampolining Association
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