[pkg-fetchmail-maint] January'2015 Academic Conferences - First Call for Papers
January Conferences
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International Conference on Computer Vision & Image Analysis
(ICCVIA’ 2015)
18-20 January, Sousse, Tunisia.
CALL for Papers: http://www.iccvia.org/
International BioMetrics & Smart Government Summit
(IBMSGS’ 2015)
18-20 January, Sousse, Tunisia.
CALL for Papers: http://www.ibmsgs.org/
Venue: El Mouradi Club - Port El Kantoui, Sousse, Tunisia
Dear Authors,
The organizing committee of ICCVIA’2015 & IBMSGS'2015 announces a 2nd year of these exciting events. Be a part of this year's event!
Important Dates
Submission: 1 August, 2014
Notification: Within 2 weeks
Camera Ready: 1 December, 2014
Registration: 10 November, 2014
We seek novel paper submissions (English or French) to be presented or posted (as a poster paper) in ICCVIA’2015 with topics broadly including, but not limited to:
ICCVIA’ 2015 is dedicated to cutting edge research that addresses scientific needs of academic researchers and industrial professionals to explore new horizons of knowledge on various Computer Vision and Image Analysis related applications and research. ICCVIA’ 2015 is scheduled to include high-quality paper presentation sessions revealing the latest research findings, and to engage participants in interesting discussion sessions. We seek novel paper submissions to be presented or posted (as a poster paper) in ICCVIA’2015 with topics broadly including, but not limited to :
1. Image formation and preprocessing
2. Image and video analysis
3. Image and video understanding
4. Industrial Applications and services for Image Processing
5. Motion, tracking and stereo vision
6. Human-Computer Interaction
7. Intelligent Environments
8. Multimedia
9. Intelligent Robots
10. Image Processing and Computer Vision
11. Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
12. Industrial Applications for Computer Vision
Papers in the main technical program must describe high- quality, original research. Topics of interest include all aspects of computer vision and Image Analysis including, but not limited to:
Annotation and visualization
Audio and music processing for multimedia
Benchmarking systems
Capture and sensor systems (embedded, multi-sensors, …)
Coding and compression techniques
Content analysis and data mining
Content protection methods
Data storage and management
Distributed multimedia
Fundamentals of human perception
Hypermedia systems
Interactive multimedia applications
Interactive television (video-on-demand, home shopping, voting, and games)
Media blending technologies
Multimedia and education
Multimedia computing
Multimedia databases and archival systems
Multimedia documents and authoring
Multimedia interface design
Multimedia processing techniques (audio, image, video, …)
Multimedia programming
Multimedia retrieval methods
Multimedia tools
Network architectures and protocols
Operating system support for multimedia systems
Real world applications and emerging technologies
Security and privacy
Server design issues for multimedia systems
Synchronization (inter-media and intra-media) technologies
User interface challenges
Video conferencing and groupware
Video surveillance and sensor networks
3D imaging
Active and robot vision
AI, machine learning, SVT with applications in imaging science
Applications including: security, medicine, robotic, GIS, remote sensing, industrial inspection, nondestructive evaluation (or NDE), …
Biometric authentication
Camera networks and vision
Case studies
Classification and clustering techniques
Cognitive and biologically inspired vision
Digital imaging for film and television
Dimensionality reduction methods in pattern recognition
Enhancement techniques
Event recognition techniques in image sequences
Face recognition, face detection, and gesture recognition
Fuzzy and neural techniques in vision
Geometric modeling and fractals
Graph theory in image processing and vision
Image compression, coding, and encryption
Image data structures and databases
Image display techniques
Image feature extraction
Image formation techniques
Image generation, acquisition, and processing
Image geometry and multi-view geometry
Image restoration
Image-based modeling and algorithms
Indexing and retrieval of images (image databases)
Interpolation techniques
Invariance in pattern recognition
Knowledge-based recognition
Machine learning technologies for vision
Mathematical morphology
Medical image processing and analysis
Mosaic, image registration and fusion methods
Motion and tracking algorithms + orientation estimation
Multimedia Systems and Applications
Multi-resolution vision techniques
Novel document image understanding techniques + OCR
Novel noise reduction algorithms
Performance analysis and evaluation (real-time vision)
Printing technologies
Scene and object modeling
Sensors and early vision
Signal and speech processing
Soft computing methods in image processing and vision
Software tools for imaging
Special-purpose machine architectures for vision
Statistical pattern recognition
Structural and syntactic pattern recognition
Symbolic learning
Watermarking methods and protection
Wavelet methods
Wavelets, data hiding, image copyright and related issues
Applied Digital Signal Processing
Coding and Transmission
Color and Texture
Computer graphics and visualization
Computer vision
Digital Signal Processing in Communications
Emerging Technologies in Digital Signal Processing
Face and Gesture
Illumination and Reflectance Modeling
Image & signal processing Applications
Image Acquisition and Display
Image and Video Processing & Analysis
Image and Video Retrieval
Image scanning, display, and printing
Image-based Modeling
Machine learning, computer graphics, biological vision
Medical Image Analysis
Object Recognition
Physics-based Modeling
Segmentation and Grouping
Sensors and Early Vision
Shape Representation
Statistical Methods and Learning
Stereo and Structure from Motion
Storage and Retrieval
Video Analysis and Event Recognition
Vision for Robots
IBMSGS’2015 topics broadly including, but not limited to:
* Algorithms for molecular biology
* Aviation Security and Quality Control
* Banking and Financial Services
* Best Practices in Biometrics and Smart GOV.
* Biological image and signal analysis
* Biometrics and Security Reliability
* Biometrics Linked Services and Applications
* Biometrics Recognition and Methods for Performance Evaluation
* Biometrics system design
* Biometrics Technologies
* Biostatistics Research
* Border Control
* Brain-computer interfaces
* Computational anatomy and digital human; Medical robotics
* Computer Security
* Computer-aided detection and diagnosis
* Content based image retrieval and data mining;
* Data mining for biological databases
* Deformable object tracking and registration
* Education; Transportation
* Government Security and Safety
* Healthcare: Safety Quality and Quantity
* Homeland Security and Safety
* Image guidance and robot guidance of interventions
* Law Enforcement
* Medical and biological imaging
* Modeling, simulation and visualization
* Molecular and cellular image analysis
* Motor Vehicle; Physical Security;
* Multimedia Biometrics; Multimodal Biometrics Research; Physical Access Control; Retail and Electronic Commerce
* Segmentation of medical images
* Telecommunications
* Volumetric image analysis
Smart-Government (GOV.)
* Applications of Smart GOV.; Building Smart GOV.; Challenges of open-source and open-standard solutions in e-GOV.
* Citizen participation and involvement in public sector governance; Criteria in e-GOV. evaluation; E-GOV. evaluation and axiological philosophy; E-Id in public e-service development; E-infrastructure for public sector; E-participation and social media in democratic processes; E-services and redesign of public administration processes
* Ethics, Transparency and Accountability; Evaluation of e-GOV. strategies and plans
* Evaluation of websites, e-services, infrastructural components, e-GOV. interoperability, legacy systems; Innovative design and prototypes of e-GOV. services; Inter-organizational relationships in public sector; Legal, organizational and institutional barriers to e-service development; Methods and concepts of participatory e-GOV. processes; Methods for e-GOV. evaluation
* Metrics for e-GOV. evaluation; Models for e-GOV. evaluation
* National and international benchmarking of e-GOV.; New forms of governances and management; Perspectives and methodological points of departure for e-GOV. evaluation; Policy and GOV. Innovations; Practical evaluation vs. evaluation as a research activity; Role of Biometrics in Smart GOV.; Smart GOV. and Information Security; Smart GOV. for Smart Societies; The e-service concept; The role of evaluation in benefits management; The roles of values and policies in e-GOV.; Transparency and openness in e-Gov.
* Smart Space & Wireless Sensor Networks
* Best practices in Smart Government
Submission could be in the form of:
1- Abstract (paper not exceeding 2 pages)
2- Full papers: Prepare your manuscript (maximum 6 pages)
3- Poster Presentation: is a graphically based approach to presenting research
Language: Papers could be either in English or French.
Submission link: http://www.iccvia.org/submission/
Submission link: http://www.ibmsgs.org/submission/
Conferences proceedings will be indexed in Conference Publishing System (CPS), a subsidiary Conference Proceedings Publication wing of the Institute of Doctors Engineers and Scientists (IDES). All the CPS produced contents will be submitted for possible indexing in IET INSPEC, DBLP, EI (Compendex), Thomson ISI proceedings, Google Scholar, ProQuest, as well as other indexing services.
The Editors of the following international Journals welcome the submission of extended versions of papers that the program committee deems excellent.
Journal of Strategic Information Systems; Impact Factor: 1.500; 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.433; Imprint: ELSEVIER; ISSN: 0963-8687
Journal of Information Systems; Impact Factor: 1.768; 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.838; Imprint: ELSEVIER; ISSN: 0306-4379
Journal of Applied Computing and Informatics; Imprint: KING SAUD UNIVERSITY, ISSN: 2210-8327
International Journal of Computing and Optimization
IJCO is publishing refereed, high quality original research papers and reviews in the area of mathematical programming, classical optimization, meta-heuristics optimization and modern optimization, artificial intelligence, soft computing and computational intelligence, algorithms and theory, distributed and parallel computing, scientific computing, simulation, software engineering, real world applications, etc
Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Editor-in-Chief: Huiyu Zhou, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom
ISSN: 2352-0973 (Online), ISSN: 2352-0965 (Print)
Abstracted & Indexed in: Scopus, Chemical Abstracts, Engineering Village/Compendex, Genamics JournalSeek, MediaFinder®-Standard Periodical Directory, PubsHub, J-Gate.
Reviewing Process: Each submitted paper will be blindly reviewed by at least two members of an international technical program committee with appropriate expertise.
Keynote Speakers
will be announced later
IEEE Tunisia Section Technical co-sponsorship and IEEE Xplore Digital library publication is under processing.
Best Regards
January'2015 Conferences General Chairs.
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