[pkg-fgfs-crew] flightgear 3.4 packaging

Markus Wanner markus at bluegap.ch
Wed Feb 18 12:34:26 UTC 2015

On 02/18/2015 01:11 PM, Rebecca N. Palmer wrote:
> Everything is now tagged final, and I've successfully tested the final
> simgear+flightgear (the only ones that changed).  I'll try your new
> flightgear-data packaging shortly.

Changes!?! Oh, yeah, both have changes in CMakeLists.txt.

Why on earth do they publish tarballs tagged 3.4.0 when they aren't
final? Looks like we need to change the watch file to look up the git
repo, instead.

And why do they *not* publish an updated tarball? Looks like there's
nothing I can do at the moment. The tarballs on ibiblio are still the
ones of Feb 15.


Markus Wanner

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