[pkg-fgfs-crew] RFS: fgo 1.5.5-1 ready for upload to unstable

Florent Rougon f.rougon at free.fr
Thu Jun 25 09:51:33 UTC 2015


I have pushed an update to
<http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/fgo.git>. It makes fgo
1.5.5-1 ready for upload to unstable (which currently has 1.5.2-1). I
have improved the packaging already present in experimental and added a
patch to make the Reset button actually work (has been broken for a very
long time, I believe). 1.5.5 is the latest upstream release.

It would be nice if someone could upload this package. Normally, the
only things needed should be:

  git pull
  gbp buildpackage

  [test the resulting package, which I have done on mine]

  gbp buildpackage --git-tag --git-tag-only --git-sign-tags

(I did not test this last command, since no upload has actually



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