[pkg-fgfs-crew] Bug#831588: [flightgear-phi] Missing JavaScript files in FlightGear Phi

Giovanni Mascellani gio at debian.org
Sun Jul 17 14:06:44 UTC 2016

Package: flightgear-phi
Version: 2016.2.1+dfsg2-2
Severity: important


FlightGear Phi does not work; the http server receives requests and
replies, but the service is not usable: the interface only features the
upper bar with FlightGear's name and a few unlabelled UI elements.

Chromium inspector reveals that many requested JavaScript files were not
found (see the attachment). Apparently the hardcoded file names do not
match those in the flightgear-phi package. For example,
knockout-3.2.0.js does not exist, while knockout-3.4.0.js does. Also,
scripts in 3rdparty/jquery/ui follow a different naming scheme than the
expected one.

Thanks for packaging FlightGear and all the best.


--- System information. ---
Architecture: amd64
Kernel:       Linux 4.0.0-1-amd64

Debian Release: stretch/sid
  500 unstable-debug  debug.mirrors.debian.org   500 unstable
repos.fds-team.de   500 unstable        ftp.ch.debian.org     1
experimental    ftp.ch.debian.org
--- Package information. ---
Depends                               (Version) | Installed
libjs-bootstrap                                 | 3.3.6+dfsg-1
libjs-jquery                                    | 1.12.4-1
libjs-jquery-flot                               | 0.8.3+dfsg-1
libjs-jquery-ui                                 | 1.10.1+dfsg-1
libjs-jquery-ui-theme-smoothness                | 1.8.24+dfsg-1
libjs-leaflet                                   | 0.7.7+20160312-1
node-sprintf-js                                 | 1.0.3-1
libjs-requirejs                                 | 2.2.0-1
libjs-requirejs-text                            | 2.0.12-1

Recommends      (Version) | Installed
flightgear                | 1:2016.2.1+dfsg-6

Package's Suggests field is empty.
Giovanni Mascellani <g.mascellani at gmail.com>
PhD Student - Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy

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