[pkg-fgfs-crew] [flightgear-data] 02/02: Tagging fgfs-base (1.0.0-1)

Markus Wanner markus_wanner-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jun 4 07:49:23 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

markus_wanner-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag debian/1.0.0-1
in repository flightgear-data.

commit 1562e43e963ad86f650a2154fa2917653653896d
Author: Ove Kåven <ovek at debian.org>
Date:   Fri May 16 13:41:17 2008 +0000

    Tagging fgfs-base (1.0.0-1)
 trunk/Docs/README      |    6 +
 trunk/debian/changelog |  145 +++++++
 trunk/debian/control   |   18 +
 trunk/debian/copyright |   14 +
 trunk/debian/dirs      |    1 +
 trunk/debian/links     |    1 +
 trunk/debian/postinst  |    9 +
 trunk/debian/rules     |   71 ++++
 trunk/debian/watch     |    3 +
 trunk/preferences.xml  | 1023 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 10 files changed, 1291 insertions(+)

diff --git a/trunk/Docs/README b/trunk/Docs/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02373f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/Docs/README
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+FGShortRef.pdf describes the key bindings and has a
+nice short description of controls for FGFS.
+The HTML documentation is a copy of the official 
+manual. If you would like a nicely printed copy
+it is available in PDF form as getstart.pdf.
diff --git a/trunk/debian/changelog b/trunk/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47e2024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+fgfs-base (1.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Sat, 22 Dec 2007 13:00:30 +0100
+fgfs-base (0.9.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Fri,  5 May 2006 20:57:50 -0400
+fgfs-base (0.9.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+    Seems to no longer have misplaced scenery dirs. Closes: #333062.
+  * No longer depend on flightgear, since circular dependencies
+    are not allowed. Using Conflicts for keeping flightgear version
+    in sync. Added a paragraph to the package description emphasizing
+    that this package does not contain the binaries. Closes: #339931.
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Mon,  2 Jan 2006 15:57:55 -0500
+fgfs-base (0.9.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Tue, 29 Mar 2005 21:51:05 -0500
+fgfs-base (0.9.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Sun, 30 Jan 2005 18:24:02 -0500
+fgfs-base (0.9.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+  * Moved list of extra doc files from debian/docs directly
+    into debian/rules, so it's easy to change the paths used
+    every time upstream changes which directory is used for
+    unpacking the contents of their tar.gz.
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Mon, 16 Aug 2004 21:08:15 +0200
+fgfs-base (0.9.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Wed,  7 Apr 2004 10:48:11 +0200
+fgfs-base (0.9.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+  * Removed URL to online copy of getstart.pdf from README,
+    since it is in the package already and don't need to be
+    downloaded. Closes: #185561.
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Mon, 10 Nov 2003 04:26:05 +0100
+fgfs-base (0.9.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Fri,  6 Jun 2003 02:54:57 +0200
+fgfs-base (0.9.1a-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Changed default browser "netscape" to "sensible-browser".
+    Closes: #162511, #185505 (fgfs does launch the local docs for me).
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Thu, 17 Apr 2003 13:00:31 +0200
+fgfs-base (0.9.1a-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Wed, 11 Dec 2002 14:48:55 +0100
+fgfs-base (0.8.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Mon,  9 Sep 2002 19:40:10 +0200
+fgfs-base (0.7.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Sat, 27 Apr 2002 19:10:21 +0200
+fgfs-base (0.7.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+  * Included the HTML help files. Closes: #125710.
+  * Use Build-Depends-Indep instead of Build-Depends.
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Sun, 17 Feb 2002 12:50:54 +0100
+fgfs-base (0.7.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release. (Taxiways and stuff.)
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Sat, 14 Jul 2001 21:38:59 +0200
+fgfs-base (0.7.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+  * Build-depend on debhelper v3.
+  * Standards-Version is 3.5.5.
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Fri, 22 Jun 2001 15:47:40 +0200
+fgfs-base (0.7.6-4) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Moved from /usr/share/FlightGear to /usr/share/games/FlightGear.
+  * Added a Depends on flightgear, as requested by a user, even
+    though to me that'd create a dependency loop, but it seems
+    other games are able to get away with that, so...
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Fri, 30 Mar 2001 12:00:52 +0200
+fgfs-base (0.7.6-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * This upload will determine whether I'm a third-time loser.
+  * only chmod ordinary files, not directories.
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Tue, 20 Feb 2001 14:22:29 +0100
+fgfs-base (0.7.6-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * chmod all files to 644.
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Mon, 19 Feb 2001 20:47:32 +0100
+fgfs-base (0.7.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Initial Release.
+ -- Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>  Tue,  6 Feb 2001 15:56:14 +0100
+Local variables:
+mode: debian-changelog
+add-log-mailing-address "ovek at arcticnet.no"
diff --git a/trunk/debian/control b/trunk/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..950e93f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Source: fgfs-base
+Section: games
+Priority: extra
+Maintainer: Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no>
+Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>> 3.0.0)
+Standards-Version: 3.5.5
+Package: fgfs-base
+Architecture: all
+Conflicts: flightgear (<< 1.0.0)
+Description: Flight Gear Flight Simulator -- base files
+ Flight Gear is a free and highly sophisticated flight simulator.
+ .
+ This package contains graphics, sounds, aircraft models, and the
+ minimum scenery you need to start Flight Gear.
+ .
+ This package does not contain the flight simulator itself.
+ If you want to fly, install the flightgear package.
diff --git a/trunk/debian/copyright b/trunk/debian/copyright
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23d2eb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/debian/copyright
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+This package was debianized by Ove Kaaven <ovek at arcticnet.no> on
+Tue,  6 Feb 2001 15:56:14 +0100.
+It was downloaded from ftp://ftp.flightgear.org/pub/fgfs/Shared/
+Upstream Authors: Curtis L. Olson <curt at flightgear.org>
+and the rest of the FlightGear team (see the Thanks file).
+Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Curtis L. Olson <curt at flightgear.org>
+You are free to distribute this software under the terms of
+the GNU General Public License.
+On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public
+License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL file.
diff --git a/trunk/debian/dirs b/trunk/debian/dirs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67bd2e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/debian/dirs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/trunk/debian/links b/trunk/debian/links
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..473144a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/debian/links
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+usr/share/games/FlightGear/Docs usr/share/doc/fgfs-base/Docs
diff --git a/trunk/debian/postinst b/trunk/debian/postinst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a654797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/debian/postinst
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+if [ -d /usr/share/FlightGear ]; then
+  # the user seem to have manually added scenery to the old location
+  echo Moving /usr/share/FlightGear to /usr/share/games/FlightGear...
+  cp -a /usr/share/FlightGear/* /usr/share/games/FlightGear
+  rm -rf /usr/share/FlightGear
diff --git a/trunk/debian/rules b/trunk/debian/rules
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0c14291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/debian/rules
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper.
+# GNU copyright 1997 to 1999 by Joey Hess.
+# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
+#export DH_VERBOSE=1
+# This is the debhelper compatability version to use.
+export DH_COMPAT=3
+configure: configure-stamp
+	dh_testdir
+	touch configure-stamp
+build: configure-stamp build-stamp
+	dh_testdir
+	touch build-stamp
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
+	rm -f build-stamp configure-stamp
+	dh_clean
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
+	dh_clean -k
+	dh_installdirs
+	cp -a $(DATA)/AI $(DATA)/Aircraft $(DATA)/Airports $(DATA)/Astro \
+	      $(DATA)/ATC $(DATA)/Fonts $(DATA)/Huds $(DATA)/Input \
+	      $(DATA)/Lighting $(DATA)/Models $(DATA)/Nasal \
+	      $(DATA)/Navaids $(DATA)/Protocol $(DATA)/Scenery \
+	      $(DATA)/Sounds $(DATA)/Textures $(DATA)/Textures.high \
+	      $(DATA)/Timezone $(DATA)/Traffic $(DATA)/Translations \
+	      $(DATA)/gui $(DATA)/*.dtd $(DATA)/*.xml $(DATA)/version \
+	   debian/fgfs-base/usr/share/games/FlightGear
+	cp -a $(DATA)/Docs debian/fgfs-base/usr/share/games/FlightGear
+	# fix some insane permissions
+	find debian/fgfs-base/usr/share/games/FlightGear -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
+	# remove some crud upstream left in
+	-find debian/fgfs-base/usr/share/games/FlightGear -name .xvpics -exec rm -rf {} \;
+	-find debian/fgfs-base/usr/share/games/FlightGear -name ".#*" -exec rm -f {} \;
+# Build architecture-independent files here.
+binary-indep: install
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
+	dh_installdocs $(DATA)/AUTHORS $(DATA)/NEWS $(DATA)/README $(DATA)/Thanks
+	dh_installchangelogs $(DATA)/ChangeLog
+	dh_link
+	dh_compress
+	dh_fixperms
+	dh_installdeb
+	dh_gencontrol
+	dh_md5sums
+	dh_builddeb
+# Build architecture-dependent files here.
+binary-arch: build install
+binary: binary-indep binary-arch
+.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install configure
diff --git a/trunk/debian/watch b/trunk/debian/watch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbd3031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/debian/watch
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Site			Directory				Pattern				Version	Script
+#ftp.flightgear.org	/pub/fgfs/Shared			fgfs-base-(.*)\.tar\.bz2	debian	uupdate
+ftp.ihg.uni-duisburg.de	/Mirrors/ftp.flightgear.org/Shared	fgfs-base-(.*)\.tar\.bz2	debian	uupdate
diff --git a/trunk/preferences.xml b/trunk/preferences.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc86021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/preferences.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1023 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+Global defaults for FlightGear property values.
+Started September 2000 by David Megginson, david at megginson.com
+ <!-- General simulation preferences -->
+ <sim>
+  <!-- show-aircraft option: show ALL aircraft regardless by default -->
+  <aircraft-min-status>all</aircraft-min-status>
+  <!-- don't reset the simulator when the aircraft hits the ground -->
+  <reset-on-crash type="bool">false</reset-on-crash>
+  <!-- Limit the time we need to spend in simulation loops to 1 second -->
+  <max-simtime-per-frame>1.0</max-simtime-per-frame>
+  <intl include="Translations/locale.xml"/>
+  <aircraft>c172p</aircraft>
+  <virtual-cockpit type="bool">false</virtual-cockpit>
+  <presets>
+   <airport-id>KSFO</airport-id>
+   <runway></runway>
+   <trim type="bool">true</trim>
+  </presets>
+  <startup>
+   <xsize type="int">800</xsize>
+   <ysize type="int">600</ysize>
+   <splash-screen type="bool">true</splash-screen>
+   <splash-progress type="bool">true</splash-progress>
+   <splash-title><!-- --></splash-title>
+   <intro-music type="bool">false</intro-music>
+   <game-mode type="bool">false</game-mode>
+   <fullscreen type="bool">false</fullscreen>
+   <units>feet</units>
+   <save-on-exit type="bool" userarchive="y">true</save-on-exit>
+   <browser-app>sensible-browser</browser-app><!--  help viewer -->
+   <terminal-ansi-colors type="bool">true</terminal-ansi-colors>
+  </startup>
+  <rendering>
+   <debug type="bool">false</debug>
+   <realism>5</realism>
+   <static-lod>
+    <detailed userarchive="y">1500</detailed>
+    <rough userarchive="y">9000</rough>
+    <bare userarchive="y">30000</bare>
+   </static-lod>
+   <random-objects type="bool" userarchive="y">true</random-objects>
+   <horizon-effect type="bool" userarchive="y">false</horizon-effect>
+   <point-sprites type="bool" userarchive="y">true</point-sprites>
+   <enhanced-lighting type="bool" userarchive="y">false</enhanced-lighting>
+   <distance-attenuation type="bool" userarchive="y">false</distance-attenuation>
+   <precipitation-enable type="bool" userarchive="y">false</precipitation-enable>
+   <precipitation>
+    <!-- streaks coloring and transparency -->
+    <min-light type="float">0.35</min-light>
+    <streak-brightness-nearmost-layer type="float">0.9</streak-brightness-nearmost-layer>
+    <streak-brightness-farmost-layer type="float">0.5</streak-brightness-farmost-layer>
+    <!-- streak period as a function of the speed, decreases with speed -->
+    <streak-period-max type="float">2.5</streak-period-max>
+    <streak-period-change-per-kt type="float">0.005</streak-period-change-per-kt>
+    <streak-period-min type="float">1.0</streak-period-min>
+    <!-- streak length as a function of the speed, increases with speed -->
+    <streak-length-min type="float">0.03</streak-length-min>
+    <streak-length-change-per-kt type="float">0.0005</streak-length-change-per-kt>
+    <streak-length-max type="float">0.1</streak-length-max>
+    <!-- # of rain streaks at the 100.0% precipitation density -->
+    <streak-count-min type="int">40</streak-count-min><!-- lightest rain -->
+    <streak-count-max type="int">190</streak-count-max><!-- heaviest rain -->
+    <!-- numbers over MAX_RAIN_SLICE in simgear/environment/visual_enviro.cxx
+         will be ignored in the current implementation.  -->
+    <!-- the precipitation cone geometry -->
+    <cone-base-radius type="float">15.0</cone-base-radius>
+    <cone-height type="float">30.0</cone-height>
+   </precipitation>
+   <lightning-enable type="bool" userarchive="y">false</lightning-enable>
+   <specular-highlight type="bool" userarchive="y">false</specular-highlight>
+   <bump-mapping type="bool" userarchive="y">false</bump-mapping>
+   <clouds3d-enable type="bool" userarchive="y">false</clouds3d-enable>
+   <clouds3d-vis-range type="float" userarchive="y">25000</clouds3d-vis-range>
+   <clouds3d-density type="float" userarchive="y">100</clouds3d-density>
+   <clouds3d-cache-size type="int" userarchive="y">1024</clouds3d-cache-size>
+   <clouds3d-cache-resolution type="int" userarchive="y">64</clouds3d-cache-resolution>
+   <draw-otw type="bool">true</draw-otw>
+   <shadows-ac type="bool" userarchive="y">false</shadows-ac>
+   <shadows-ac-transp type="bool" userarchive="y">false</shadows-ac-transp>
+   <shadows-ai type="bool" userarchive="y">false</shadows-ai>
+   <shadows-to type="bool" userarchive="y">false</shadows-to>
+   <shadows-debug type="bool" userarchive="y">false</shadows-debug>
+   <fps-display type="bool" userarchive="y">false</fps-display>
+   <glide-slope-tunnel type="bool" userarchive="y">false</glide-slope-tunnel>
+  </rendering>
+  <model-hz type="int">120</model-hz>
+  <navdb>
+   <localizers>
+     <auto-align>true</auto-align>
+     <auto-align-threshold-deg>5.0</auto-align-threshold-deg>
+   </localizers>
+  </navdb>
+  <sound>
+   <volume type="float" userarchive="y">0.8</volume>
+   <pause type="bool">false</pause>
+   <atc-chatter type="bool" userarchive="y">false</atc-chatter>
+   <atc-chatter-volume type="double" userarchive="y">0.5</atc-chatter-volume>
+   <voice type="bool">true</voice>
+   <voices>
+    <host type="string" write="n">localhost</host>
+    <port type="string" write="n">1314</port>
+    <enabled type="bool">false</enabled>
+    <atc alias="/sim/sound/voices/voice[0]/text"/>
+    <approach alias="/sim/sound/voices/voice[0]/text"/>
+    <ground alias="/sim/sound/voices/voice[0]/text"/>
+    <pilot alias="/sim/sound/voices/voice[1]/text"/>
+    <copilot alias="/sim/sound/voices/voice[2]/text"/>
+    <ai-plane alias="/sim/sound/voices/voice[3]/text"/>
+    <voice>
+     <desc>ATC/Approach/Ground</desc>
+     <text type="string"></text>
+     <volume type="double">1.0</volume>
+     <pitch type="double">100.0</pitch>
+     <speed type="double">1.0</speed>
+     <preamble type="string"></preamble>
+     <festival type="bool">true</festival>
+    </voice>
+    <voice>
+     <desc>Pilot</desc>
+     <text type="string"></text>
+     <volume type="double">1.0</volume>
+     <pitch type="double">100.0</pitch>
+     <speed type="double">1.0</speed>
+     <preamble type="string">(voice_us2_mbrola)</preamble>
+     <festival type="bool">true</festival>
+    </voice>
+    <voice>
+     <desc>Copilot/Instructor</desc>
+     <text type="string"></text>
+     <volume type="double">1.0</volume>
+     <pitch type="double">100.0</pitch>
+     <speed type="double">1.0</speed>
+     <preamble type="string">(voice_en1_mbrola)</preamble>
+     <festival type="bool">true</festival>
+    </voice>
+    <voice>
+     <desc>AI-Plane</desc>
+     <text type="string"></text>
+     <volume type="double">1.0</volume>
+     <pitch type="double">100.0</pitch>
+     <speed type="double">1.0</speed>
+     <preamble type="string">(voice_don_diphone)</preamble>
+     <festival type="bool">true</festival>
+    </voice>
+   </voices>
+  </sound>
+  <speed-up type="double">1.0</speed-up>
+  <current-view>
+    <field-of-view type="double">55.0</field-of-view>
+    <aspect-ratio-multiplier type="double">1.0</aspect-ratio-multiplier>
+    <dynamic-view type="bool" userarchive="y">false</dynamic-view>
+  </current-view>
+  <panel>
+   <path>Aircraft/Generic/Panels/generic-vfr-panel.xml</path>
+   <visibility type="bool">false</visibility>
+   <jitter type="bool">false</jitter>
+  </panel>
+  <panel_2>
+   <path>Aircraft/Generic/Panels/generic-trans-mini-panel.xml</path>
+  </panel_2>
+  <hud>
+   <path>Huds/Default/default.xml</path>
+   <path>Huds/NTPS.xml</path>                 <!-- new HUD -->
+   <visibility type="bool">false</visibility>
+   <visibility type="bool">false</visibility> <!-- new HUD -->
+   <font>
+    <name type="string">Helvetica.txf</name>
+    <size type="float">8</size>
+   </font>
+   <current-color type="int">0</current-color>
+   <palette>
+    <color n="0"><!-- day -->
+     <transparent type="bool">true</transparent>
+     <antialiased type="bool">true</antialiased>
+     <brightness type="float">0.85</brightness>
+     <alpha type="float">0.85</alpha>
+     <red type="float">0.38</red>
+     <green type="float">1.0</green>
+     <blue type="float">0.22</blue>
+    </color>
+    <color n="1"><!-- night -->
+     <transparent type="bool">false</transparent>
+     <antialiased type="bool">false</antialiased>
+     <brightness type="float">0.75</brightness>
+     <alpha type="float">0.67</alpha>
+     <red type="float">0.9</red>
+     <green type="float">0.1</green>
+     <blue type="float">0.1</blue>
+    </color>
+   </palette>
+  </hud>
+  <lon-lat-format type="int">2</lon-lat-format>
+  <systems>
+   <path>Aircraft/Generic/generic-systems.xml</path>
+   <autopilot>
+    <path>Aircraft/Generic/generic-autopilot.xml</path>
+   </autopilot>
+  </systems>
+  <instrumentation>
+   <path>Aircraft/Generic/generic-instrumentation.xml</path>
+  </instrumentation>
+  <instrument-options>
+   <nav n="0">
+    <has-gs-needle type="bool">true</has-gs-needle>
+    <needles-pivot type="bool">true</needles-pivot>
+   </nav>
+   <nav n="1">
+    <has-gs-needle type="bool">false</has-gs-needle>
+    <needles-pivot type="bool">true</needles-pivot>
+   </nav>
+   <hsi n="0">
+    <has-gs-needle type="bool">true</has-gs-needle>
+   </hsi>
+   <dg>
+    <style type="int">0</style>
+   </dg>
+  </instrument-options>
+  <input>
+   <selected>
+    <engine n="0" type="bool">true</engine>
+    <engine n="1" type="bool">true</engine>
+    <engine n="2" type="bool">true</engine>
+    <engine n="3" type="bool">true</engine>
+    <engine n="4" type="bool">true</engine>
+    <engine n="5" type="bool">true</engine>
+    <engine n="6" type="bool">true</engine>
+    <engine n="7" type="bool">true</engine>
+   </selected>
+   <property-key-handler type="bool" userarchive="y">false</property-key-handler>
+  </input>
+  <chase-distance-m type="double">-25.0</chase-distance-m>
+  <allow-toggle-cockpit type="bool">false</allow-toggle-cockpit>
+  <!-- "tower" positioned to right of runway at KSFO -->
+  <tower>
+    <longitude-deg type="double">-122.23045</longitude-deg>
+    <latitude-deg type="double">37.37027</latitude-deg>
+    <altitude-ft type="double">150</altitude-ft>
+    <roll-deg type="double">0</roll-deg>
+    <pitch-deg type="double">0</pitch-deg>
+    <heading-deg type="double">0</heading-deg>
+  </tower>
+  <view>
+    <name>Cockpit View</name>
+    <enabled type="bool" userarchive="y">true</enabled>
+    <type>lookfrom</type>
+    <internal type="bool">false</internal>
+    <config>
+      <from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
+      <from-model-idx type="int">0</from-model-idx>
+      <ground-level-nearplane-m type="double">0.5f</ground-level-nearplane-m>
+      <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">55.0</default-field-of-view-deg>
+      <default-pitch-deg type="double">0</default-pitch-deg>
+      <default-heading-deg type="double">0</default-heading-deg>
+      <front-direction-deg type="double">0</front-direction-deg>
+      <front-left-direction-deg type="double">45</front-left-direction-deg>
+      <left-direction-deg type="double">90</left-direction-deg>
+      <back-left-direction-deg type="double">135</back-left-direction-deg>
+      <back-direction-deg type="double">180</back-direction-deg>
+      <back-right-direction-deg type="double">225</back-right-direction-deg>
+      <right-direction-deg type="double">270</right-direction-deg>
+      <front-right-direction-deg type="double">315</front-right-direction-deg>
+      <dynamic-view type="bool">true</dynamic-view>
+    </config>
+  </view>
+  <view>
+    <name>Helicopter View</name>
+    <enabled type="bool" userarchive="y">true</enabled>
+    <type>lookat</type>
+    <config>
+      <from-model type="bool">false</from-model>
+      <from-model-idx type="int">0</from-model-idx>
+      <eye-lat-deg-path>/position/latitude-deg</eye-lat-deg-path>
+      <eye-lon-deg-path>/position/longitude-deg</eye-lon-deg-path>
+      <eye-alt-ft-path>/position/altitude-ft</eye-alt-ft-path>
+      <eye-heading-deg-path>/orientation/heading-deg</eye-heading-deg-path>
+      <at-model type="bool">true</at-model>
+      <at-model-idx type="int">0</at-model-idx>
+      <at-model-heading-damping type="double">0.0</at-model-heading-damping>
+      <target-z-offset-m type="double">0</target-z-offset-m>
+      <ground-level-nearplane-m type="double">0.5f</ground-level-nearplane-m>
+      <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">55.0</default-field-of-view-deg>
+      <x-offset-m type="double">0</x-offset-m>
+      <y-offset-m type="double">0</y-offset-m>
+      <z-offset-m alias="/sim/chase-distance-m"/>
+    </config>
+  </view>
+  <view>
+    <name>Chase View</name>
+    <enabled type="bool" userarchive="y">true</enabled>
+    <type>lookat</type>
+    <config>
+      <from-model type="bool">false</from-model>
+      <from-model-idx type="int">0</from-model-idx>
+      <eye-lat-deg-path>/position/latitude-deg</eye-lat-deg-path>
+      <eye-lon-deg-path>/position/longitude-deg</eye-lon-deg-path>
+      <eye-alt-ft-path>/position/altitude-ft</eye-alt-ft-path>
+      <eye-pitch-deg-path>/orientation/pitch-deg</eye-pitch-deg-path>
+      <eye-roll-deg-path>/orientation/roll-deg</eye-roll-deg-path>
+      <eye-heading-deg-path>/orientation/heading-deg</eye-heading-deg-path>
+      <at-model type="bool">true</at-model>
+      <at-model-idx type="int">0</at-model-idx>
+      <at-model-roll-damping type="double">1.8</at-model-roll-damping>
+      <at-model-pitch-damping type="double">1.8</at-model-pitch-damping>
+      <at-model-heading-damping type="double">1.8</at-model-heading-damping>
+      <target-z-offset-m type="double">0</target-z-offset-m>
+      <ground-level-nearplane-m type="double">0.5f</ground-level-nearplane-m>
+      <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">55.0</default-field-of-view-deg>
+      <x-offset-m type="double">0</x-offset-m>
+      <y-offset-m type="double">5</y-offset-m>
+      <z-offset-m alias="/sim/chase-distance-m"/>
+    </config>
+  </view>
+  <view>
+    <name>Tower View</name>
+    <enabled type="bool" userarchive="y">true</enabled>
+    <type>lookat</type>
+    <config>
+      <eye-lat-deg-path>/sim/tower/latitude-deg</eye-lat-deg-path>
+      <eye-lon-deg-path>/sim/tower/longitude-deg</eye-lon-deg-path>
+      <eye-alt-ft-path>/sim/tower/altitude-ft</eye-alt-ft-path>
+      <eye-roll-deg-path>/sim/tower/roll-deg</eye-roll-deg-path>
+      <eye-pitch-deg-path>/sim/tower/pitch-deg</eye-pitch-deg-path>
+      <eye-heading-deg-path>/sim/tower/heading-deg</eye-heading-deg-path>
+      <at-model type="bool">true</at-model>
+      <at-model-idx type="int">0</at-model-idx>
+      <ground-level-nearplane-m type="double">10.0f</ground-level-nearplane-m>
+      <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">55.0</default-field-of-view-deg>
+      <x-offset-m type="double">0</x-offset-m>
+      <y-offset-m type="double">0</y-offset-m>
+      <z-offset-m type="double">0</z-offset-m>
+    </config>
+  </view>
+  <view>
+    <name>Tower View Look From</name>
+    <enabled type="bool" userarchive="y">true</enabled>
+    <type>lookfrom</type>
+    <config>
+      <eye-lat-deg-path>/sim/tower/latitude-deg</eye-lat-deg-path>
+      <eye-lon-deg-path>/sim/tower/longitude-deg</eye-lon-deg-path>
+      <eye-alt-ft-path>/sim/tower/altitude-ft</eye-alt-ft-path>
+      <eye-roll-deg-path>/sim/tower/roll-deg</eye-roll-deg-path>
+      <eye-pitch-deg-path>/sim/tower/pitch-deg</eye-pitch-deg-path>
+      <eye-heading-deg-path>/sim/tower/heading-deg</eye-heading-deg-path>
+      <ground-level-nearplane-m type="double">10.0f</ground-level-nearplane-m>
+      <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">55.0</default-field-of-view-deg>
+      <x-offset-m type="double">0</x-offset-m>
+      <y-offset-m type="double">0</y-offset-m>
+      <z-offset-m type="double">0</z-offset-m>
+    </config>
+  </view>
+  <view>
+    <name>Chase View Without Yaw</name>
+    <enabled type="bool" userarchive="y">true</enabled>
+    <type>lookat</type>
+    <config>
+      <from-model type="bool">false</from-model>
+      <from-model-idx type="int">0</from-model-idx>
+      <eye-lat-deg-path>/position/latitude-deg</eye-lat-deg-path>
+      <eye-lon-deg-path>/position/longitude-deg</eye-lon-deg-path>
+      <eye-alt-ft-path>/position/altitude-ft</eye-alt-ft-path>
+      <at-model type="bool">true</at-model>
+      <at-model-idx type="int">0</at-model-idx>
+      <ground-level-nearplane-m type="double">0.5f</ground-level-nearplane-m>
+      <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">55.0</default-field-of-view-deg>
+      <x-offset-m type="double">2</x-offset-m>
+      <y-offset-m type="double">25</y-offset-m>
+      <z-offset-m alias="/sim/chase-distance-m"/>
+    </config>
+  </view>
+  <view>
+    <name>Fly-By View</name>
+    <enabled type="bool" userarchive="y">true</enabled>
+    <type>lookat</type>
+    <config>
+      <eye-lon-deg-path>/sim/viewer/longitude-deg</eye-lon-deg-path>
+      <eye-lat-deg-path>/sim/viewer/latitude-deg</eye-lat-deg-path>
+      <eye-alt-ft-path>/sim/viewer/altitude-ft</eye-alt-ft-path>
+      <at-model type="bool">true</at-model>
+      <at-model-idx type="int">0</at-model-idx>
+      <ground-level-nearplane-m type="double">0.5f</ground-level-nearplane-m>
+      <default-field-of-view-deg type="double">55.0</default-field-of-view-deg>
+    </config>
+  </view>
+  <menubar>
+   <visibility type="bool" userarchive="y">true</visibility>
+   <default include="gui/menubar.xml"/>
+  </menubar>
+  <gui>
+   <current-style type="int" userarchive="y">1</current-style>
+   <style n="0" include="gui/styles/classic.xml"/>
+   <style n="1" include="gui/styles/anthrax.xml"/>
+   <devel-widgets type="bool" userarchive="y">false</devel-widgets>
+  </gui>
+  <mouse>
+    <hide-cursor>true</hide-cursor>
+    <cursor-timeout-sec>10.0</cursor-timeout-sec>
+  </mouse>
+  <replay>
+   <duration type="double">90</duration>
+   <view type="int">1</view>
+  </replay>
+  <atc>
+   <enabled type="bool">true</enabled>
+  </atc>
+  <ai-traffic>
+   <enabled type="bool" userarchive="y">false</enabled>
+   <level type="int" userarchive="y">1</level>
+  </ai-traffic>
+  <traffic-manager>
+     <enabled type="bool">true</enabled>
+     <instantaneous-action type="bool">false</instantaneous-action>
+  </traffic-manager>
+  <ai>
+   <enabled type="bool">true</enabled>
+   <scenario>nimitz_demo</scenario>
+   <!-- <scenario>aircraft_demo</scenario> -->
+   <!-- <scenario>refueling_demo</scenario> -->
+   <!-- <scenario>lead_aircraft</scenario> -->
+  </ai>
+  <multiplay>
+   <chat type="string">Hello</chat>
+   <transmission-freq-hz type="string">118500000</transmission-freq-hz>
+   <chat-display type="bool" userarchive="y">true</chat-display>
+   <chat-menu include="ATC/chat-menu-entries.xml"/>
+  </multiplay>
+  <user>
+   <callsign type="string">Golf Foxtrot Sierra</callsign>
+  </user>
+ </sim>
+ <!-- mouse mode -->
+ <devices>
+  <status>
+   <mice>
+    <mouse n="0">
+     <mode>0</mode>
+    </mouse>
+   </mice>
+  </status>
+ </devices>
+ <!-- Position -->
+ <position>
+  <altitude-ft type="double">-9999</altitude-ft>
+ </position>
+ <!-- Velocities -->
+ <velocities>
+  <speed-north-fps type="double">0.0</speed-north-fps>
+  <speed-east-fps type="double">0.0</speed-east-fps>
+  <speed-down-fps type="double">0.0</speed-down-fps>
+ </velocities>
+ <!-- Orientation -->
+ <orientation>
+  <heading-deg type="double">270</heading-deg>
+  <roll-deg type="double">0.0</roll-deg>
+  <pitch-deg type="double">0.424</pitch-deg>
+ </orientation>
+ <!-- Environment -->
+ <environment>
+  <weather-scenario>Fair weather</weather-scenario>
+  <config>
+   <boundary-transition-ft>500</boundary-transition-ft>
+   <boundary>
+    <entry>
+     <elevation-ft>0</elevation-ft>
+     <wind-from-heading-deg>270</wind-from-heading-deg>
+     <wind-speed-kt>3</wind-speed-kt>
+     <visibility-m>16093.44</visibility-m>
+     <pressure-sea-level-inhg>29.92</pressure-sea-level-inhg>
+     <temperature-degc>15.0</temperature-degc>
+     <dewpoint-degc>5.0</dewpoint-degc>
+     <turbulence>
+      <magnitude-norm>0.0</magnitude-norm>
+      <rate-hz>1.0</rate-hz>
+     </turbulence>
+    </entry>
+    <entry>
+     <elevation-ft>500</elevation-ft>
+     <wind-from-heading-deg>280</wind-from-heading-deg>
+     <wind-speed-kt>6</wind-speed-kt>
+     <turbulence>
+      <magnitude-norm>0.1</magnitude-norm>
+      <rate-hz>1.0</rate-hz>
+     </turbulence>
+    </entry>
+   </boundary>
+   <aloft>
+    <entry>
+     <elevation-ft>3000</elevation-ft>
+     <wind-from-heading-deg>300</wind-from-heading-deg>
+     <wind-speed-kt>10</wind-speed-kt>
+     <visibility-m>16093.44</visibility-m>
+     <pressure-sea-level-inhg>29.92</pressure-sea-level-inhg>
+     <!-- <temperature-degc>15.0</temperature-degc> -->
+     <!-- <dewpoint-degc>5.0</dewpoint-degc> -->
+     <turbulence>
+      <magnitude-norm>0.05</magnitude-norm>
+      <rate-hz>1.0</rate-hz>
+     </turbulence>
+    </entry>
+    <entry>
+     <elevation-ft>6000</elevation-ft>
+     <wind-from-heading-deg>310</wind-from-heading-deg>
+     <wind-speed-kt>20</wind-speed-kt>
+     <turbulence>
+      <magnitude-norm>0.0</magnitude-norm>
+      <rate-hz>1.0</rate-hz>
+     </turbulence>
+    </entry>
+    <entry>
+     <elevation-ft>9000</elevation-ft>
+     <wind-from-heading-deg>320</wind-from-heading-deg>
+     <wind-speed-kt>30</wind-speed-kt>
+    </entry>
+   </aloft>
+  </config>
+  <clouds>
+   <status>true</status>
+   <layer n="0">
+    <coverage>scattered</coverage>
+    <elevation-ft>5000</elevation-ft>
+    <thickness-ft>600</thickness-ft>
+    <transition-ft>150</transition-ft>
+    <span-m>40000</span-m>
+   </layer>
+   <layer n="1">
+    <coverage>cirrus</coverage>
+    <elevation-ft>19500</elevation-ft>
+    <thickness-ft>65</thickness-ft>
+    <transition-ft>25</transition-ft>
+    <span-m>40000</span-m>
+   </layer>
+   <layer n="2">
+    <coverage>clear</coverage>
+    <span-m>40000</span-m>
+   </layer>
+   <layer n="3">
+    <coverage>clear</coverage>
+    <span-m>40000</span-m>
+   </layer>
+   <layer n="5">
+    <coverage>clear</coverage>
+    <span-m>40000</span-m>
+   </layer>
+  </clouds>
+  <cloudlayers include="cloudlayers.xml"/>
+  <params>
+   <real-world-weather-fetch type="bool">false</real-world-weather-fetch>
+   <metar-max-age-min type="long">240</metar-max-age-min>
+   <control-fdm-atmosphere type="bool">true</control-fdm-atmosphere>
+   <contrail-altitude>30000</contrail-altitude>
+  </params>
+ </environment>
+ <controls>
+  <flight>
+   <aileron type="double">0.0</aileron>
+   <aileron-trim type="double">0.0</aileron-trim>
+   <elevator type="double">0.0</elevator>
+   <elevator-trim type="double">0.0</elevator-trim>
+   <rudder type="double">0.0</rudder>
+   <rudder-trim type="double">0.0</rudder-trim>
+   <flaps type="double">0.0</flaps>
+   <flaps-serviceable type="bool">true</flaps-serviceable>
+  </flight>
+  <engines>
+   <engine n="0">
+    <starter type="bool">false</starter>
+    <magnetos type="int">0</magnetos>
+    <throttle type="double">0.0</throttle>
+    <mixture type="double">1.0</mixture>
+    <condition type="double">1.0</condition>
+    <propeller-pitch type="double">1.0</propeller-pitch>
+    <faults>
+     <serviceable>true</serviceable>
+     <left-magneto-serviceable>true</left-magneto-serviceable>
+     <right-magneto-serviceable>true</right-magneto-serviceable>
+     <spark-plugs-serviceable>true</spark-plugs-serviceable>
+     <oil-pressure-status>0</oil-pressure-status>
+     <fuel-pump-serviceable>true</fuel-pump-serviceable>
+    </faults>
+   </engine>
+   <engine n="1">
+    <starter type="bool">false</starter>
+    <magnetos type="int">0</magnetos>
+    <throttle type="double">0.0</throttle>
+    <mixture type="double">1.0</mixture>
+    <condition type="double">1.0</condition>
+    <propeller-pitch type="double">1.0</propeller-pitch>
+    <faults>
+     <serviceable>true</serviceable>
+     <left-magneto-serviceable>true</left-magneto-serviceable>
+     <right-magneto-serviceable>true</right-magneto-serviceable>
+     <spark-plugs-serviceable>true</spark-plugs-serviceable>
+     <oil-pressure-status>0</oil-pressure-status>
+     <fuel-pump-serviceable>true</fuel-pump-serviceable>
+    </faults>
+   </engine>
+   <engine n="2">
+    <starter type="bool">false</starter>
+    <magnetos type="int">0</magnetos>
+    <throttle type="double">0.0</throttle>
+    <mixture type="double">1.0</mixture>
+    <condition type="double">1.0</condition>
+    <propeller-pitch type="double">1.0</propeller-pitch>
+    <faults>
+     <serviceable>true</serviceable>
+     <left-magneto-serviceable>true</left-magneto-serviceable>
+     <right-magneto-serviceable>true</right-magneto-serviceable>
+     <spark-plugs-serviceable>true</spark-plugs-serviceable>
+     <oil-pressure-status>0</oil-pressure-status>
+     <fuel-pump-serviceable>true</fuel-pump-serviceable>
+    </faults>
+   </engine>
+   <engine n="3">
+    <starter type="bool">false</starter>
+    <magnetos type="int">0</magnetos>
+    <throttle type="double">0.0</throttle>
+    <mixture type="double">1.0</mixture>
+    <condition type="double">1.0</condition>
+    <propeller-pitch type="double">1.0</propeller-pitch>
+    <faults>
+     <serviceable>true</serviceable>
+     <left-magneto-serviceable>true</left-magneto-serviceable>
+     <right-magneto-serviceable>true</right-magneto-serviceable>
+     <spark-plugs-serviceable>true</spark-plugs-serviceable>
+     <oil-pressure-status>0</oil-pressure-status>
+     <fuel-pump-serviceable>true</fuel-pump-serviceable>
+    </faults>
+   </engine>
+  </engines>
+  <gear>
+   <brake-left type="double">0.0</brake-left>
+   <brake-right type="double">0.0</brake-right>
+   <brake-parking type="double">0.0</brake-parking>
+   <gear-down type="bool">true</gear-down>
+  </gear>
+  <lighting>
+   <taxi-light type="bool">true</taxi-light>
+   <landing-lights type="bool">true</landing-lights>
+   <nav-lights type="bool">true</nav-lights>
+   <beacon type="bool">true</beacon>
+   <strobe type="bool">false</strobe>
+  </lighting>
+  <anti-ice>
+   <pitot-heat type="bool">false</pitot-heat>
+   <engine n="0">
+    <carb-heat type="bool">false</carb-heat>
+   </engine>
+   <engine n="1">
+    <carb-heat type="bool">false</carb-heat>
+   </engine>
+   <engine n="2">
+    <carb-heat type="bool">false</carb-heat>
+   </engine>
+   <engine n="3">
+    <carb-heat type="bool">false</carb-heat>
+   </engine>
+  </anti-ice>
+ </controls>
+ <!-- User input devices -->
+ <input>
+  <!-- included externally -->
+  <keyboard include="keyboard.xml"/>
+  <!-- included externally -->
+  <joysticks include="joysticks.xml"/>
+  <!-- included externally -->
+  <mice include="mice.xml"/>
+ </input>
+ <instrumentation>
+  <!-- Radio settings -->
+  <comm n="0">
+   <frequencies>
+    <selected-mhz type="double">120.500</selected-mhz>
+    <standby-mhz type="double">118.850</standby-mhz>
+   </frequencies>
+   <volume type="double">0.6</volume>
+   <serviceable>true</serviceable>
+   <ptt type="int">0</ptt>
+  </comm>
+  <comm n="1">
+   <frequencies>
+    <selected-mhz type="double">118.300</selected-mhz>
+    <standby-mhz type="double">133.775</standby-mhz>
+   </frequencies>
+   <volume type="double">0.6</volume>
+   <serviceable>true</serviceable>
+   <ptt type="int">0</ptt>
+  </comm>
+  <nav n="0">
+   <frequencies>
+    <selected-mhz type="double">115.80</selected-mhz>
+    <standby-mhz type="double">111.70</standby-mhz>
+   </frequencies>
+   <radials>
+    <selected-deg type="double">280.0</selected-deg>
+   </radials>
+   <serviceable>true</serviceable>
+   <cdi>
+    <serviceable>true</serviceable>
+   </cdi>
+   <gs>
+    <serviceable>true</serviceable>
+   </gs>
+   <to-from>
+    <serviceable>true</serviceable>
+   </to-from>
+   <slaved-to-gps type="bool">false</slaved-to-gps>
+  </nav>
+  <nav n="1">
+   <frequencies>
+    <selected-mhz type="double">116.80</selected-mhz>
+    <standby-mhz type="double">113.90</standby-mhz>
+   </frequencies>
+   <radials>
+    <selected-deg type="double">029.0</selected-deg>
+   </radials>
+   <serviceable>true</serviceable>
+   <cdi>
+    <serviceable>true</serviceable>
+   </cdi>
+   <gs>
+    <serviceable>true</serviceable>
+   </gs>
+   <to-from>
+    <serviceable>true</serviceable>
+   </to-from>
+   <slaved-to-gps type="bool">false</slaved-to-gps>
+  </nav>
+  <transponder>
+    <inputs>
+      <serviceable>true</serviceable>
+    </inputs>
+  </transponder>
+  <marker-beacon>
+    <volume type="double">0.3</volume>
+  </marker-beacon>
+  <!-- Instruments -->
+  <airspeed-indicator>
+   <serviceable type="bool" archive="y">true</serviceable>
+  </airspeed-indicator>
+  <attitude-indicator>
+   <config>
+    <!-- true if this AI can tumble -->
+    <tumble-flag type="bool" archive="y">false</tumble-flag>
+   </config>
+   <caged type="bool" archive="y">false</caged>
+   <serviceable type="bool" archive="y">true</serviceable>
+   <spin type="double" archive="y">0.0</spin>
+   <tumble-norm type="double" archive="y">0.0</tumble-norm>
+   <indicated-pitch-deg type="double">0.0</indicated-pitch-deg>
+   <indicated-roll-deg type="double">0.0</indicated-roll-deg>
+  </attitude-indicator>
+  <altimeter>
+   <serviceable type="bool" archive="y">true</serviceable>
+   <setting-inhg type="double" archive="y">29.92</setting-inhg>
+  </altimeter>
+  <turn-indicator>
+   <serviceable type="bool" archive="y">true</serviceable>
+  </turn-indicator>
+  <slip-skid-ball>
+   <serviceable type="bool" archive="y">true</serviceable>
+  </slip-skid-ball>
+  <heading-indicator>
+   <serviceable type="bool" archive="y">true</serviceable>
+   <spin type="double" archive="y">0.0</spin>
+   <offset-deg type="double" archive="y">4.5</offset-deg>  <!-- just for fun -->
+  </heading-indicator>
+  <vertical-speed-indicator>
+   <serviceable type="bool" archive="y">true</serviceable>
+  </vertical-speed-indicator>
+  <magnetic-compass>
+   <serviceable type="bool" archive="y">true</serviceable>
+  </magnetic-compass>
+  <dme n="0">
+   <serviceable type="bool" archive="y">true</serviceable>
+   <switch-position type="int" archive="y">1</switch-position>
+   <frequencies>
+    <source>/instrumentation/nav[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz</source>
+   </frequencies>
+  </dme>
+  <gps>
+   <serviceable type="bool" archive="y">true</serviceable>
+   <message-alert type="bool">false</message-alert>
+   <waypoint-alert type="bool">false</waypoint-alert>
+   <leg-mode type="bool">true</leg-mode>
+   <obs-mode type="bool">false</obs-mode>
+   <approach-arm type="bool">false</approach-arm>
+   <approach-active type="bool">false</approach-active>
+   <cdi-deflection type="double">0</cdi-deflection>
+  </gps>
+  <kln89>
+   <scan-pull type="bool" archive="y">false</scan-pull>
+  </kln89>
+  <clock>
+   <serviceable type="bool" archive="y">true</serviceable>
+   <offset-sec type="long" archive="y">0</offset-sec>
+  </clock>
+  <adf>
+   <frequencies>
+    <selected-khz type="int">379</selected-khz>
+    <standby-khz type="int">341</standby-khz>
+   </frequencies>
+   <serviceable type="bool" archive="y">true</serviceable>
+   <indicated-bearing-deg type="double">90</indicated-bearing-deg>
+   <error-deg type="double">2</error-deg>
+   <mode>adf</mode>
+   <rotation-deg type="double">0</rotation-deg>
+   <volume-norm type="double">0.5</volume-norm>
+  </adf>
+  <kr-87>
+   <inputs>
+     <rotation-deg type="double">0</rotation-deg>
+   </inputs>
+   <outputs>
+    <selected-khz type="double">379.0</selected-khz>
+    <standby-khz type="double">341.0</standby-khz>
+   </outputs>
+  </kr-87>
+  <gps-annunciator>
+   <lamp-test type="bool">false</lamp-test>
+  </gps-annunciator>
+  <tacan n="0">
+   <serviceable type="bool" archive="y">true</serviceable>
+   <switch-position type="int" archive="y">1</switch-position>
+   <frequencies>
+    <selected-channel n="1">0</selected-channel>
+    <selected-channel n="2">2</selected-channel>
+    <selected-channel n="3">9</selected-channel>
+    <selected-channel n="4">Y</selected-channel>
+   </frequencies>
+  </tacan>
+ </instrumentation>
+ <systems>
+  <pitot>
+   <serviceable type="bool" archive="y">true</serviceable>
+  </pitot>
+  <static>
+   <serviceable type="bool" archive="y">true</serviceable>
+   <pressure-inhg type="double" archive="y">29.92</pressure-inhg>
+  </static>
+  <electrical>
+   <serviceable type="bool" archive="y">true</serviceable>
+  </electrical>
+  <vacuum>
+   <serviceable type="bool" archive="y">true</serviceable>
+  </vacuum>
+  <vacuum>
+   <serviceable type="bool" archive="y">true</serviceable>
+  </vacuum>
+  <refuel>
+   <serviceable type="bool" archive="y">true</serviceable>
+  </refuel>
+ </systems>
+ <autopilot>
+  <internal>
+   <ft type="double">0.1</ft>
+  </internal>
+  <route-manager>
+   <min-lock-altitude-agl-ft type="double">300</min-lock-altitude-agl-ft>
+  </route-manager>
+ </autopilot>
+ <logging>
+  <log n="0">
+   <enabled>false</enabled>
+   <interval-ms>1000</interval-ms>
+   <filename>fg_log.csv</filename>
+   <delimiter>,</delimiter>
+   <entry n="0">
+    <enabled>false</enabled>
+    <title>Longitude</title>
+    <property>/position/longitude-deg</property>
+   </entry>
+   <entry n="1">
+    <enabled>false</enabled>
+    <title>Latitude</title>
+    <property>/position/latitude-deg</property>
+   </entry>
+   <entry n="2">
+    <enabled>false</enabled>
+    <title>Altitude</title>
+    <property>/position/altitude-ft</property>
+   </entry>
+   <entry n="3">
+    <enabled>false</enabled>
+    <title>Roll</title>
+    <property>/orientation/roll-deg</property>
+   </entry>
+   <entry n="4">
+    <enabled>false</enabled>
+    <title>Pitch</title>
+    <property>/orientation/pitch-deg</property>
+   </entry>
+   <entry n="5">
+    <enabled>false</enabled>
+    <title>Heading</title>
+    <property>/orientation/heading-deg</property>
+   </entry>
+  </log>
+ </logging>
+<!-- end of preferences.xml -->

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