[Pkg-firebird-general] Re: Manuals gbak, gfix and gsec
Remco Seesink
Tue, 13 Jul 2004 20:05:58 +0200
CC-GNU GPL Is fine. It has one drawback compared to dual licening with
It makes it impossible to copy text from the manual into the source
code. That would force firebird to the GPL. I am planning to do the
reverse for the qli tool since that tool is mostly selfdocumenting.
On Tue, 13 Jul 2004 15:47:47 +0200
Stefan Heymann <stefan@destructor.de> wrote:
> Hi Remco,
> I have now released my Firebird documents under the CC-GNU GLP
> licence. I hope that you can use them now. Please let me know if you
> still have problems.
> Best Regards
> Stefan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Remco Seesink <r.a.seesink@alumnus.utwente.nl>
> Date: 12.07.2004 00:02
> To: stefan@destructor.de <stefan@destructor.de>
> Subject: Manuals gbak, gfix and gsec
> Hello,
> I am (helping with) packaging firebird for the debian operating system.
> We didn't have much manuals yet. You site seems to contain a couple for
> gbak, gfix and gsec.
> We from the debian project would like to include them in our package.
> We can only do that if:
> 1) We have permission to do that from the author.
> 2) The license furfills the conditions of the Debian Free Software Guidelines.
> Are they available for us to package, and if so under what license? Are you the
> author?
> Many thanks,
> Remco Seesink.
> --
> Stefan Heymann
> www.destructor.de