Bug#251458: [Pkg-firebird-general] Re: Bug#251458: firebird:
remote vulnerability
Remco Seesink
Remco Seesink <raseesink@hotpop.com>, 251458-quiet@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 28 Jul 2004 11:39:09 +0200
> > 2. Not all applications will work out of the box from 1.0.x moving to
> > 1.5.x
> Do you have in mind some example incompatibility? I don't think there is
> something fatal.
That could be true. I noticed ibconsole from IB6 doesn't work well with
firebird 1.5. It is complaining the version is to *old*.
Also firebird 1.5 is more strict with sql and can trigger bugs
not noticed in 1.0.x. Of course this is minor when developing, but can
be a pain for people just deploying. An example I ran into: doing an order
by in a select count(*) query is no longer allowed. (and shouldn't be)
There may be other issues.