[Pkg-firebird-general] libfirebird dependency and bug in
Remco Seesink
Wed, 28 Jul 2004 19:00:39 +0200
On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 17:11:53 +0200
"Daniel Urban" <daniel@sente.pl> wrote:
> > Just trying to combine current php4-interbase with firebird 1.5.1.
> > libfirebird2-* no longer provides libfirebird. I think best would be:
> >
> > Conflicts: libfirebird
> > Provides: libfirebird2, libfirebird
> Ok, I'll compile with it today
Uhm. On a second thought. shouldn't it be
Conflicts: libfirebird2, libfirebird
Provides: libfirebird2, libfirebird
since there are two libfirebird2 packages?
And just
Conflicts: libfirebird
Provides: libfirebird
after the rename?