[Pkg-firebird-general] Firebird 1.0.3-1 packages ready for upload

Grzegorz B. Prokopski gadek@debian.org
Thu, 17 Jun 2004 08:44:16 -0400

On Thu, 2004-06-17 at 05:17, Remco Seesink wrote:
> Hello,
> Don't you love the smell of freshly baked .debs in the morning ?
> The firebird 1.0.3 packages are ready for upload and testing.
> They can be found at:
> Gadek, would you be so kind to sponsor them for an upload?

Sure.  What would you say to a suggestion to set Maintainer: field to
pkg-firebird-general@lists.alioth.debian.org and put yourself to
Uploaders: field?

'apt-get source java-common' will give you a good example.

This would be especially good idea, as this version might be the
one released with Sarge.


Grzegorz B. Prokopski      <gadek@debian.org>
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