[Pkg-firebird-general] Re: linking fun with libfbembeded and libfbclient

Remco Seesink raseesink@hotpop.com
Fri, 17 Sep 2004 12:49:27 +0200

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> Hi Remco
> Sorry about taking time to reply,
> I typed out a long answer about using the libgds.so link, only to find 
> out by reading the note a third time that there seems to be a problem in 
> using the link as per the attached file - so if a link aka libgds.so -> 
> xxx (or libfirebird.so -> xxx ) is not a solution, I will need to follow 
> up the bugs you list, - which I promise to do later this weekend :-).

I already asked Gregorz to upload a version linked against libfbclient.

The other solution (linking against libgds) is stalled on ftp-masters to
remove some packages and that is taking to long. I just noticed a removal
hint was filed against php4-interbase, so it is going to be 4.3.8-3 
(linked against libfbclient) or nothing now. I set the priority to high
so it should go from sid to sarge in two days once it goes in.



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