[pkg-firebird-general] Re: fb2-ss "connection rejected for" problem

Ilja Marchew brammator at gmail.com
Fri Jun 16 11:23:17 UTC 2006

> May be the reason for rejection is indeed in /etc/hosts.allow and/or
> /etc/hosts.deny?

maybe, but i'm completely unfamiliar with them.  can you tell me what
to put here?

> Even if not specifying an user/password pair, a client is required to
> give path to database, so these empty packets seem very strange to me.

indeed, but db path included in both packets, first (with host/user)
and second (with login/password).

> Also, can you connect from the same windows maching using plain isql?
> (which version of isql?)

Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
SQL> connect "" user
"iam" password "udfltkegf";
Statement failed, SQLCODE = -923
connection rejected by remote interface
SQL> connect "" user
"iam" password "udfltkegf";
Statement failed, SQLCODE = -923
connection rejected by remote interface

the same 'full-of-nulls' packet came.  well, it's Yaffil874 isql, but
IBexpert sends that '000' packet regardless of DB type i configure
(fb2, fb1.5, yaffil)

> And last, maybe some cabling problem causes these "empty" packets?

No, it's strongly (but not drastically) loaded local network with many
working services, and no network accidents reported.

Also, i work with my IBexpert with many Yaffil DBs, local and remote,
so my local firewall configured for that.

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