[pkg-firebird-general] Please consider interacting with translators when introducing/modifying new debconf templates

Christian Perrier bubulle at debian.org
Fri Mar 23 06:56:18 CET 2007

Quoting Damyan Ivanov (dam at modsoftsys.com):
> Hash: SHA1
> - -=| Christian Perrier, 22.03.2007 19:30 |=-
> > I just noticed new or modified debconf templates appearing for this
> > package.
> Nothing can escape your eyes, Christian!
> > I would like to suggest you to consider calling for debconf templates
> > review AND translation updates when you introduce new debconf
> I will, when I consider the templates stable enough :)

May I suggest that templates that are not stable enough are unmarked
for translations?

Otherwise, it's pretty likely that some translators and|or teams
*will* work on them anyway, whicch would be the waste of time you

Indeed, I fail to see why stabilizing templates should take such a
long time or even take time at all. Either you think that users have
to be prompted through debconf and then you write templates and you
try to write them carefully from the beginning.....or you don't think
so and then you don't use debconf templates...:-)

Anyway, we certainly can't interfere with your development model. I
have sent a HOLD message to debian-l10n-english.

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