[pkg-firebird-general] [firebird-devel] Editline digging into not just cmdline history (was qmtesting)
Mark O'Donohue
mark.odonohue at gmail.com
Fri Dec 19 22:10:46 UTC 2008
Hi Damyan
On 14/12/08 01:52, Damyan Ivanov wrote:
> It is my impression that the library Firebird has in extern/editline
> and libeditline are two different things. The former _seems_ to have
> NetBSD roots, while the later is written by Rich Salz[1]
So now I've been through the firebird cvs logs :-). It seems the
history of editline/readline/libedit is:
1) Just over six years ago I change fb to check and link with
readline library on linux, if it was available, to get the
history in isql (no source required).
2) About six months later someone pointed out readline was gpl and
we were not allowed to link to it (I hadn't looked and assumed
it was lgpl like the c libraries). So to resolve this I took
a copy of Debian/editline src, which was licence compatable and
included it in firebird2/src/exten/editline.
3) Then four years ago Nicklay replaced editline with libedit, but
kept the same directory name (firebird2/src/extern/editline).
4) also approx four years ago, it seems as part of ICU integration,
readline source was included in firebird2/extern/editline. (Note
the different directory). This is slightly ironic given what
happened in step 2, but different people involved and we all
need to learn how to jump through the same hoop.
5) It seems just over a year ago, someone noticed (again) readline
was incompatible, and Alex replaced readline with a version of
libedit in firebird2/extern/editline.
> so it seems a clone of the NetBSD libedit.
yes we are currently using libedit from BSD
The libedit package we are using is just a direct copy from :
But to make life exciting, we use it in a directory called editline, the
name of another package providing the same functions. But certainly if
anyone knows another possible readline alternative please do tell us so
we can try that one as well!
> Debian's libedit comes[2] from NetBSD CVS.
> [2]
> By the way, the COPYING file in extern/editline starts with:
> ....
> Note that "the above copyright notice" seems to be missing, which (1)
> makes it hard to confirm if this is really NetBSD libedit, and (2)
> Firebird project seems to not actually have permission to redistribute
> extern/editline since the copyright notice is not retained. *sigh*
I think the licences are ok, as all the source files have the correct
license attribution in them, although you are correct the COPYING file
itself is not complete. It also looks as if netbsd has changed the
license in their files to a 2 part one.
While I have spent this much time on it, I might straighten out our
build for fb3, call the directory libedit, and use the latest one from:
I have sent an email to Jess Thrysoee about the license, if he needs to
make a change we can incorporate that latter version when it comes through.
That ok?
Cheers - Mark
PS: I cc'd firebird-devel, they know the latter part of this story
better than I.
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