[pkg-firebird-general] Bug#565801: firebird2.5: FTBFS on kfreebsd-amd64 with -O1, builds fine with -O0

Petr Salinger Petr.Salinger at seznam.cz
Sun Mar 21 11:34:43 UTC 2010

Hi again. 
> I found that changing -O level is sufficient to build this package.
> The next step should be find somehow, which ".o" file built with -O1
> causes the trouble.

  dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc
  wait for segfault (or hang) during
        ../gen/firebird/bin/gbak_static -MODE read_only -R ../builds/misc/help.gbak ../gen/firebird/help/help.f$
  make clean
  make -C gen -f ../gen/Makefile.boot.gpre gpre_boot
  make -C gen -f ../gen/Makefile.libfbstatic libfbstatic
  alter gen/make.platform to "-O0"
  rm gen/firebird/lib/libfbstatic.a
  rm temp/boot/dsql/*
  make -C gen -f ../gen/Makefile.libfbstatic libfbstatic
  alter gen/make.platform to "-O1" or "-O2"

The problem seems be in (compilation of) 
some file from the rebuilt ones.

As this bug is going to block transitions,
it might be usefull to use

  CFLAGS=-O0 CXXFLAGS=-O0 ./configure $(confflags) --enable-superserver

when DEB_HOST_ARCH is kfreebsd-amd64 to workaround it in mean time.

No idea why it affects kfreebsd-amd64 but not (linux-)amd64.
Used gcc version 4.4.3 (Debian 4.4.3-2)


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