[pkg-firebird-general] Bug#702869: RM: firebird2.1 -- ROM; Phased out in favour of firebird2.5

Damyan Ivanov dmn at debian.org
Tue Mar 19 15:00:06 UTC 2013

A few clarifications that hopefully help process this.

-=| Damyan Ivanov, 12.03.2013 12:16:07 +0200 |=-
> Please remove firebird2.1 from unstable.

The intention also includes (automated?) removal from testing.

Checking with the archive copy on ries shows no dependencies:

 dmn at ries:~$ dak rm -n -R -s unstable firebird2.1
 Checking reverse dependencies...
 No dependency problem found.

 dmn at ries:~$ dak rm -n -R -s testing firebird2.1
 Checking reverse dependencies...
 No dependency problem found.

-- dam
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