[pkg-firebird-general] Bug#769161: ppc64el port is wrong

Damyan Ivanov dmn at debian.org
Tue Nov 11 20:16:48 UTC 2014

Package: src:firebird2.5
Subject: firebird2.5: ppc64el built as bigendian
Severity: serious
Justification: possible data corruption

-=| marius adrian popa, 11.11.2014 15:57:19 +0200 |=-
> From the build log i see that ppc64el is treated like a bigendian port
> https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=firebird2.5&arch=ppc64el&ver=

Good catch. Forwarding as a bugreport.

In my understanding this would cause data corruption when transferring 
data between ppc64el client/server and a non ppc64-el system -- 
doubles and big integers would be swapped when there's no need to and 
won't be swapped when there is need to do so.

> We need to create a new port for it

Please let me know when the implementation ID/patch/commit is 

-- Damyan

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