[pkg-firebird-general] Bug#846392: random firebird-related crashes

Damyan Ivanov dmn at debian.org
Fri Jan 13 13:19:38 UTC 2017

Control: retitle -1 sporadic segfault when firebird engine is unloaded
Control: forwarded -1 http://tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-5452
Control: tag -1 fixed-upstream
Control: reassign 847288 src:firebird3.0
Control: forcemerge -1847288
Control: affects -1 src:libdbd-firebird-perl

The core issue behind the following bugs:

 - #846392 [src:firebird3.0] random crashes when browsing employee.fdb 
   during build

 - #847288 [src:libdbd-firebird-perl] libdbd-firebird-perl: FTBFS 
   randomly (failing tests)

seems to have been fixed by Firebird upstream: 

The relevant commit for the 3.0 branch is 

I'll proceed with some additional testing and hopefully an upload of 
firebird3.0 that will fix the issue.

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