[pkg-firebird-general] Bug#886781: firebird3.0-server-core: Duplicate values in columns with a unique constraint
Damyan Ivanov
dmn at debian.org
Tue Jan 9 20:39:28 UTC 2018
Package: firebird3.0-server-core
Severity: important
Tags: patch upstream fixed-upstream
Control: forwarded -1 http://tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-5694
Copied from upstream bug report:
It is possible to get rows with duplicate values in columns with a unique
Sample database backup is in fb-dupl-uniq.fbk.gz
Notice the unique constraint on test(obj_id, prj_id) and the procedure
add_obj_to_prj which inserts records in TEST ignoring constraint violation.
That procedure is invoked by an after update/insert trigger of table OBJ.
To trigger the problem, run the following shell command:
(triggers updates in 5000 rows, in random order, in 6 parallel processes)
for j in $(seq 1 6); do
( for i in $(seq 1 5000); do
echo $i;
done | shuf | while read i; do
printf "update obj set data='Object %d' where id='911%07d';\n commit;\n" $i $i;
) | isql-fb localhost:/var/lib/firebird/3.0/data/test.fdb
) &;
There may be some update conflicts, but that's irrelevant -- I see the problem
even when there are no update conflicts.
The above may need to be run several times, or the process count to be
increased to surpass the number of CPU cores.
Execute the following SQL to see if the problem is there:
select obj_id, prj_id, count(*) from test
group by 1,2
having count(*) > 1;
-------------- next part --------------
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