r2 - in /packages/mtasc: ./ branches/ branches/upstream/ branches/upstream/current/ branches/upstream/current/ocaml/ branches/upstream/current/ocaml/mtasc/ branches/upstream/current/ocaml/mtasc/doc/ tags/

pabs-guest at users.alioth.debian.org pabs-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Fri Jun 2 08:54:33 UTC 2006

Author: pabs-guest
Date: Fri Jun  2 08:54:30 2006
New Revision: 2

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-flash/?sc=1&rev=2
[svn-inject] Installing original source of mtasc


Added: packages/mtasc/branches/upstream/current/ocaml/mtasc/doc/install.ml
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-flash/packages/mtasc/branches/upstream/current/ocaml/mtasc/doc/install.ml?rev=2&op=file
--- packages/mtasc/branches/upstream/current/ocaml/mtasc/doc/install.ml (added)
+++ packages/mtasc/branches/upstream/current/ocaml/mtasc/doc/install.ml Fri Jun  2 08:54:30 2006
@@ -1,0 +1,117 @@
+ *  MTASC installer
+ *  Copyright (c)2004 Nicolas Cannasse
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ *)
+#load "unix.cma"
+(* ----- BEGIN CONFIGURATION ---- *)
+let zlib = "zlib.lib"
+let bytecode = true
+let native = true
+(* ------ END CONFIGURATION ----- *)
+let obj_ext = match Sys.os_type with "Win32" -> ".obj" | _ -> ".o"
+let exe_ext = match Sys.os_type with "Win32" | "Cygwin" -> ".exe" | _ -> ""
+let msg m =
+	prerr_endline m;
+	flush stdout
+let command c =
+	msg ("> " ^ c);
+	if Sys.command c <> 0 then failwith ("Error while running " ^ c)
+let cvs root cmd =
+	command ("cvs -z3 -d" ^ root ^ " " ^ cmd)
+let ocamlc file =
+	if bytecode then command ("ocamlc -c " ^ file);
+	if native then command ("ocamlopt -c " ^ file)
+let modules l ext =
+	String.concat " " (List.map (fun f -> f ^ ext) l)
+let sourceforge = ":pserver:anonymous at cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/ocaml-lib" in
+let motiontwin = ":pserver:anonymous at cvs.motion-twin.com:/cvsroot" in
+let download () =
+	msg "*** Please hit enter on login (empty password) ***";
+	cvs sourceforge "login";
+	cvs sourceforge "co extlib-dev";
+	msg "*** Please hit enter on login (empty password) ***";
+	cvs motiontwin "login";
+	cvs motiontwin "co ocaml/mtasc";
+	cvs motiontwin "co ocaml/swflib";
+	cvs motiontwin "co ocaml/extc";
+let compile() =
+	(try Unix.mkdir "bin" 0o740 with Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EEXIST,_,_) -> ());
+	(* EXTLIB *)
+	Sys.chdir "extlib-dev";
+	command ("ocaml install.ml -nodoc -d ../ocaml " ^ (if bytecode then "-b " else "") ^ (if native then "-n" else ""));
+	msg "";
+	Sys.chdir "..";
+	(* EXTC *)
+	Sys.chdir "ocaml/extc";
+	let c_opts = (if Sys.ocaml_version < "3.08" then " -ccopt -Dcaml_copy_string=copy_string " else " ") in
+	command ("ocamlc" ^ c_opts ^ "extc_stubs.c");
+	let options = "-cclib ../extc/extc_stubs" ^ obj_ext ^ " -cclib " ^ zlib ^ " extc.mli extc.ml" in
+	if bytecode then command ("ocamlc -a -o extc.cma " ^ options);
+	if native then command ("ocamlopt -a -o extc.cmxa " ^ options);
+	Sys.chdir "../..";
+	(* SWFLIB *)
+	Sys.chdir "ocaml/swflib";
+	let files = "-I .. -I ../extc swf.ml swfZip.ml actionScript.ml swfParser.ml" in
+	if bytecode then command ("ocamlc -a -o swflib.cma " ^ files);
+	if native then command ("ocamlopt -a -o swflib.cmxa " ^ files);
+	Sys.chdir "../..";
+	(* MTASC *)
+	Sys.chdir "ocaml/mtasc";
+	command "ocamllex lexer.mll";
+	ocamlc "expr.ml lexer.ml";
+	ocamlc "-pp camlp4o parser.ml";
+	ocamlc "-I .. -I ../extc -I ../swflib typer.ml class.ml plugin.ml genSwf.ml main.ml";
+	let mlist = ["expr";"lexer";"parser";"typer";"class";"plugin";"genSwf";"main"] in
+	if bytecode then command ("ocamlc -custom -o ../../bin/mtasc-byte" ^ exe_ext ^ " ../extLib.cma ../extc/extc.cma ../swflib/swflib.cma " ^ modules mlist ".cmo");
+	if native then command ("ocamlopt -o ../../bin/mtasc" ^ exe_ext ^ " ../extLib.cmxa ../extc/extc.cmxa ../swflib/swflib.cmxa " ^ modules mlist ".cmx");
+let startdir = Sys.getcwd() in
+	download();
+	compile();
+	Sys.chdir startdir;
+	Failure msg -> 
+		Sys.chdir startdir;
+		prerr_endline msg; exit 1

Added: packages/mtasc/branches/upstream/current/ocaml/mtasc/main.ml
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-flash/packages/mtasc/branches/upstream/current/ocaml/mtasc/main.ml?rev=2&op=file
--- packages/mtasc/branches/upstream/current/ocaml/mtasc/main.ml (added)
+++ packages/mtasc/branches/upstream/current/ocaml/mtasc/main.ml Fri Jun  2 08:54:30 2006
@@ -1,0 +1,168 @@
+ *  MTASC - MotionTwin ActionScript2 Compiler
+ *  Copyright (c)2004 Nicolas Cannasse
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ *)
+open Printf
+open ExtString
+type p_style =
+	| StyleJava
+	| StyleMSVC
+let print_style = ref StyleJava
+let rec split l str =
+	let rec loop = function
+		| [] -> -1
+		| x :: l ->
+			try
+				let p = String.index str x in
+				let p2 = loop l in
+				if p2 = -1 || p2 > p then
+					p
+				else
+					p2
+			with
+				Not_found -> loop l
+	in
+	let p = loop l in
+	if p = -1 then
+		[str]
+	else if p = 0 then
+		split l (String.sub str 1 (String.length str - 1))
+	else
+		let sub = String.sub str 0 p in
+		sub :: (split l (String.sub str (p+1) (String.length str - (p+1))))
+let class_name file =
+	let path = Filename.dirname file in	
+	let path = (match split ['/';'\\'] path with "." :: l -> l | l -> l) in
+	let file = Filename.basename file in
+	path , try
+		Filename.chop_extension file
+	with
+		_ -> file
+let normalize_path p =
+	let l = String.length p in
+	if l = 0 then
+		"./"
+	else match p.[l-1] with 
+		| '\\' | '/' -> p
+		| _ -> p ^ "/"
+let rec parse_class_path base_path path =
+	if path = "" then
+		[]
+	else
+		let relative fp l =
+			if String.length fp >= 2 && (fp.[0] = '/' || fp.[0] = '.' || fp.[1] = ':') then
+				fp :: l
+			else
+				fp :: (base_path ^ fp) :: l
+		in
+		try
+			let p = String.index path ';' in
+			let fp = normalize_path (String.sub path 0 (p-1)) in
+			let remains = String.sub path (p+1) (String.length path - p - 1) in
+			relative fp (parse_class_path base_path remains)
+		with
+			Not_found ->
+				relative (normalize_path path) []
+let read_package path =
+	let npath = normalize_path path in
+	let rec loop = function
+		| [] ->
+			Printf.eprintf "Warning : package %s not found\n" path;
+			[]
+		| cpath :: l ->
+			let filepath = normalize_path (cpath ^ path) in
+			match Array.to_list (try Sys.readdir filepath with Sys_error _ -> [||]) with
+			| [] -> loop l
+			| files ->
+				match List.filter (fun f -> String.ends_with (String.lowercase f) ".as") files with
+				| [] -> loop l
+				| files -> List.map (fun f -> npath ^ f) files
+	in
+	loop !Plugin.class_path
+let report ?(do_exit=true) (msg,p) etype printer =
+	let error_printer file line =
+		match !print_style with
+		| StyleJava -> sprintf "%s:%d:" file line
+		| StyleMSVC -> sprintf "%s(%d):" file line
+	in
+	let epos = Lexer.get_error_pos error_printer p in
+	prerr_endline (sprintf "%s : %s %s" epos etype (printer msg));
+	if do_exit then exit 1
+	let usage = "Motion-Twin ActionScript2 Compiler 1.12 - (c)2004-2005 Motion-Twin\n Usage : mtasc.exe [options] <files...>\n Options :" in
+	let base_path = normalize_path (try Extc.executable_path() with _ -> ".") in
+	let files = ref [] in
+	let time = Sys.time() in
+	Plugin.class_path := [base_path;"";"/"];
+	let args_spec = [
+		("-pack",Arg.String (fun path -> files := read_package path @ !files),"<path> : compile all files in target package");
+		("-cp",Arg.String (fun path -> Plugin.class_path := parse_class_path base_path path @ !Plugin.class_path),"<paths> : add classpath");
+		("-v",Arg.Unit (fun () -> Typer.verbose := true; Plugin.verbose := true),": turn on verbose mode");
+		("-strict",Arg.Unit (fun () -> Typer.strict_mode := true),": turn on strict mode");
+		("-infer",Arg.Unit (fun () -> Typer.local_inference := true),": turn on local variables inference");
+		("-wimp",Arg.Unit (fun () -> Typer.warn_imports := true),": turn on warnings for unused imports");
+		("-msvc",Arg.Unit (fun () -> print_style := StyleMSVC),": use MSVC style errors");
+		("-mx",Arg.Unit (fun () ->
+			Typer.use_components := true;
+			Parser.use_components := true;
+			GenSwf.use_components := true;
+		),": use precompiled mx package");
+	] @ !Plugin.options in
+	Arg.parse args_spec (fun file -> files := file :: !files) usage;
+	Plugin.class_path := (base_path ^ "std/") :: !Plugin.class_path;
+	if !GenSwf.version = Some 8 then begin
+		Plugin.class_path := (base_path ^ "std8/") :: !Plugin.class_path;
+		Hashtbl.remove Lexer.keywords "add";
+	end;
+	Parser.warning := (fun msg pos -> report ~do_exit:false (msg,pos) "Warning" (fun msg -> msg));
+	if !files = [] then begin
+		Arg.usage args_spec usage
+	end else begin
+		if !Plugin.verbose then print_endline ("Classpath : " ^ (String.concat ";" !Plugin.class_path));
+		let typer = (try
+				Typer.create !Plugin.class_path
+			with
+				Typer.Error (Typer.Class_not_found ([],"StdPresent"),_) -> failwith "Directory 'std' containing MTASC class headers cannot be found :\nPlease install it or set classpath using '-cp' so it can be found.")
+		in
+		List.iter (fun file ->			
+			let path = class_name file in
+			ignore(Typer.load_class typer path Typer.argv_pos);
+		) (List.rev !files);
+		Typer.finalize typer;
+		List.iter (fun f -> f typer) !Plugin.calls;
+		if !Plugin.verbose then print_endline ("Time spent : " ^ string_of_float (Sys.time() -. time));
+	end;
+	| Expr.Invalid_expression p -> report ((),p) "parse error" (fun() -> "Invalid Expression")
+	| Lexer.Error (m,p) -> report (m,p) "syntax error" Lexer.error_msg
+	| Parser.Error (m,p) -> report (m,p) "parse error" Parser.error_msg
+	| Typer.Error (m,p) -> report (m,p) "type error" Typer.error_msg
+	| Typer.File_not_found file ->
+		prerr_endline (sprintf "File not found %s" file);
+		exit 1	
+	| Failure msg ->
+		prerr_endline msg;
+		exit 1;

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