Rv: swfdec-mozilla is no longer part of the Debian version you are using
Miriam Ruiz
little_miry at yahoo.es
Fri Aug 27 18:44:42 UTC 2010
I'm forwarding this to the Flash Packaging Group:
--- El vie, 27/8/10, Santiago Garcia Mantinan <manty at debian.org> escribió:
> De: Santiago Garcia Mantinan <manty at debian.org>
> Asunto: swfdec-mozilla is no longer part of the Debian version you are using
> Para: 593202 at bugs.debian.org
> CC: gnash at packages.debian.org
> Fecha: viernes, 27 de agosto, 2010 17:51
> Hi!
> As swfdec is no longer being actively developped anymore we
> have decided to
> stop distributing it, lenny is the last release that will
> have it, squeeze
> won't.
> The sugestion would be to install mozilla-plugin-gnash and
> remove all swfdec
> related packages (aptitude should be telling you that they
> are no longer
> part of Debian).
> I'm Ccing the gnash maintainers because it seems like a
> good idea to have
> squeeze automatically replace the old and currently useless
> version of
> swfdec's mozilla plugin with gnash's alternative. How does
> this idea look
> like to you?
> If you like it... how should we implement this? can you
> take care of it from
> the gnash src?
> Regards...
> --
> Manty/BestiaTester -> http://manty.net
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