Bug#548611: gnash: please add a configuration setting for initial volume level

Francesco Poli frx at firenze.linux.it
Wed Sep 1 20:26:29 UTC 2010

On Wed, 01 Sep 2010 18:33:43 +0200 Gabriele Giacone wrote:

> On 08/31/2010 08:22 PM, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > Hence, I should block Flash cookies, shouldn't I?
> > 
> > Well, sorry for not telling explicitly before (it didn't come up to me
> > that my problem had to do with cookies!), but I am convinced I am
> > already blocking Flash cookies!
> Well, I hadn't thought about flash cookies and consequently nor to
> block them.
> I told you the yt-cookies story because at the moment is the most
> frequent topic. I wanted to exclude cookies from possible causes list
> and I see that you already exclude them all, even the flash ones :)

Yes, this means that we are back to the initial issue.
I would love to have a configuration option to set the default initial
volume percentage...   ;-)

> I propose this workaround:
> 1) comment out SOLSafeDir option
> 2) access to yt, set volume level you want as initial level, close your
> browser
> 3) uncomment out SOLReadOnly, the latter denies future changes.
> Same workaround can be done at user level, by right-clicking on a clip,
> "Edit - Preferences - Security" and ticking "Do not write Shared Object
> files". This sets solReadOnly to true in ~/.gnashpluginrc
> Alternative workaround could be something such as:
> 3) # chmod -R 500 ~/.gnash/SharedObjects
>    # chmod 600 ~/.gnash/SharedObjects/s.ytimg.com/soundData.sol
> so that gnash can also remember volume level.

I have been thinking about something similar, but... well, let's admit
it: it's gonna be *deadly unpractical*, as soon as you begin repeating
this procedure for each box you administer and/or use!   :-(

I don't even dare think how I could *document* this procedure in my
notes!   ;-)

A simple line in a configuration file would be much simpler, much more
practical and understandable.
But I am sure you are well aware of that!

> > Which levels? The alsamixer ones?
> > 
> > They are fine for all the other applications I use, why should I mess
> > up with them just to adapt to gnash?!?
> I can't figure out yet how gnash can set volume higher than volume set
> by your mixer.

I don't think it does.

> I mean ok, yt player starts with maximum level


> but why that maximum
> level is higher than usual. For example, why higher than your audacious
> maximum level? It's higher, isn't it?

I don't think it is higher than audacious maximum volume level.
It's higher than the volume level audacious is configured to use!

I configured audacious to start at volume 20 % , hence it may well be
that audacious maximum level equals gnash maximum level.

It's just that audacious may be configured to start at a sane volume
level (something that I can easily increase or decrease during play,
should I need to do so), while gnash has no means to set an initial
volume level, and relies on cookies to remember user choices...

> Doesn't it simply depend on the source? Hence the reason is that all
> video you're watching are _recorded_ louder than we'd like they were?
> It would make sense doing some comparisons.

As I said above, I think the key difference is in the used tools:
gnash vs. audacious.
Audacious may be configured so that it starts at, say, 20 % volume.
Gnash has no such configuration option.

Please note that also mplayer has a suitable configuration option for
the initial volume level:

$ grep volume ~/.mplayer/config 

That's where I took inspiration for this bug report: I just thought "it
would be useful, if gnash had a similar configuration option!".

 Need some pdebuild hook scripts?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
 GnuPG key fpr == C979 F34B 27CE 5CD8 DC12  31B5 78F4 279B DD6D FCF4
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