Rv: swfdec-mozilla is no longer part of the Debian version you are using

Santiago Garcia Mantinan manty at manty.net
Thu Sep 2 19:38:32 UTC 2010

> This replaces swfdec-mozilla and swfdec libraries when
> swfdec-mozilla users upgrade and it works fine because gnash
> version number (0.8.8) is greater than swfdec ones.

I agree with all this.

> And what about swfdec-gnome on a system without swfdec-mozilla? Never
> mind? I'd like to replace it with gnash package but its major version is
> 2 and gnash would only prevail with epoch+1.
> At the moment, I've added the swfdec-gnome replacement that however
> can be only triggered manually or by mozilla-plugin-gnash upgrade, if
> present.
> Any ideas about doing it automatically?

The gnome guys are already depending on gnash instead of swfdec-mozilla, as
I had already notified them of the drop of swfdec, I don't remember the
exact dependencies, I remember they have them on a different gnome package
now, not the same as in lenny.

For doing it automatically... if you said that upgrading of other packages
causes libs to be replaces... then that upgrade should conflict with
swfdec-gnome, as it won't work without swfdec libs, that way a dist-upgrade
should uninstall swfdec-gnome and leave only gnash stuff around, shouldn't

> Package: gnash
> [...]
> Provides: swfdec-gnome
> Replaces: swfdec-gnome
> Conflicts: swfdec-gnome

Something like this that you suggest doesn't do it?

Manty/BestiaTester -> http://manty.net

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