Bug#549669: Incorrect priority?

Adam Spragg adam at spra.gg
Wed Sep 22 19:16:32 UTC 2010

On Wednesday 22 Sep 2010 16:53:46 you wrote:
> What is sure is that it's doesn't work with youtube movies because 0.8.8
> version fixes NPAPI plugin only (mozilla-plugin-gnash now
> browser-plugin-gnash).

Huh? What? Why? That seems...bizarre. Why should the API used between the 
browser and Gnash affect how Gnash interacts with a web server? Makes no 

I also didn't see anything about that on the 0.8.8 release announcement 
either. <http://gnashdev.org/?q=node/76>

> We could talk about other sites.

Heh. Well, I've tried youtube, vimeo, and a few other video sites. None of 
them seem to work with Konqueror. I just assumed it was completely broken. And 
for a while I couldn't think of a single other site that uses flash.

Then I remembered weebls-stuff, and tried <http://www.weebls-
stuff.com/songs/kenya/>, and it does work there.

So, I'm wrong. It does work in some cases, and "important" does fit. Sorry for 
the bug spam.

Just a shame that it doesn't work for Konq, and I need to fire up a whole 
separate browser if I want to watch yt. :-(


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