[Pkg-fonts-bugs] Bug#575729: ttf-freefont: please package the otf variants too

Jan Dittberner jandd at debian.org
Sun Mar 28 20:07:38 UTC 2010

Package: ttf-freefont
Version: 20090104-5
Severity: wishlist

one of the packages I co-maintain (spring) got a bug [1] filed to include
FreeSansBold.otf. The upstream source comes with a copy of this file but I
think it would be better to have it in a separate font package.

[1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=575512

So please provide a package otf-freefont containing the OpenType versions of
the freefont fonts.


Jan Dittberner - Debian Developer
GPG-key: 4096R/558FB8DD 2009-05-10
         B2FF 1D95 CE8F 7A22 DF4C  F09B A73E 0055 558F B8DD
http://ddportfolio.debian.net/ - http://people.debian.org/~jandd/
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