[Pkg-freebob-devel] Re: [Freebob-devel] decreasing brutally freebob cpu usage

Pieter Palmers pieterp at joow.be
Tue Apr 18 12:03:24 UTC 2006

Marcio Teixeira wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm very excited :). See it:
> $ jackd -R -d freebob -a 48000
> +
> # /etc/init.d/syslog-ng start
> = +ou- 70% cpu usage. This is not so good into Athlon2000+ running
> basic desktop.
> Stopping syslog-ng, use decrease for 10%
> I guess reason is that 1394 kernel modules are configured with
> verbose, giving very work for syslog-ng. I wiil test recompiling
> kernel without 1394 verbosity.
That will certainly help a lot.

> Somebody (Pieter ?), in previous message, says about big cpu usage.
> Please, Am I allucinating?
You can get some performance gain if you compile libfreebob without 
debugging and using a configure line like this:
$ CFLAGS="-O2 -march=pentium4 -mmmx -msse" ./configure (...etc...)


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