[Pkg-freeciv-devel] I need your help INVESTMENT PURPOSE.
sakar mohammed
Tue, 18 Jan 2005 13:15:42 +0100
Dear Sir =2F Madam=2E
My name is Sakar Mohamed=2C I know that you will be surprised to receive this message=2Eplease consider this message as a request from a family in dire need of help=2E=2C i'm 23years of age=2C I got your contact through the Senegal Information exchange {S=2EI=2EE} regarding your trustworthiness=2E My purpose of contacting you is to help me out of my difficult condition in view of my Father death=2C the insurance company were my father have life insurance as diside to pay me the sum amount of =284=2E2million USdollar=29=2C as my father's money=2C but i have a little problem they told me to give them the Forign Account to pay the Money because the money will be Approved from there corresponding Bank in EUROP=2E
I will like you to reply me back as soon as you see this mail so that will can discuss the mondality of the business=2C i will give you 5% Out of the money and 5% For any alittle expensive that will spend doring the transaction of the money=2C please as you know i dont have anybody to go me and get forigne Account that is why i contact you please do as God send you=2C and may God bless you amen=2E
Best Regard=2E
Sakar Mohamed=2E=2E