[Pkg-freeciv-devel] Bug#241929: Bug#241929: freeciv: Freeciv is tip to tail braindamaged and harms young hackers.

Ivan Shmakov ivan at theory.asu.ru
Tue Jul 8 04:29:11 UTC 2008

>>>>> "JDS" == Jason Dorje Short <jdorje at gmail.com> writes:
>>>>> "IS" == Ivan Shmakov <ivan at theory.asu.ru> writes:
>>>>> "JM" == Jan Minar <jjminar at fastmail.fm> writes:

 JM> Package: freeciv
 JM> Version: 1.12.0-0.1
 JM> Severity: important


 JM> * The GUI should be more simple.  The repetitiveness: two
 JM> production choice windows, `Worklist' and `Change', `Worklist'
 JM> doesn't show turns-to-completion, two `Help' buttons in the
 JM> `Worklist' window, etc., etc.

 JDS> There's actually a very large number of ways to change city
 JDS> production. I don't think the repetition is necessarily bad.


 JM> * The `Messages' pop-up hides most of the animations, and there *is
 JM> no way to configure this*.

 JDS> the "message options" menu choice.

	I think that originally that meant that the ``Message'' window
	popped-up in an unfortunate moment of time, when all the AI
	units are moving, thus effectively obscuring their moves.

	When using the Xaw GUI, the problem could probably be solved by
	simply keeping the ``Message'' window open (and in a place where
	it doesn't obscure the map) all the time.  With the GTK client,
	the window could be made (and is, by default) attached to the
	main window, thus never obscuring the map.

	Of course, there's an option to avoid the use of a ``pop-up''
	window altogether, both with Xaw and GTK.

 JM> * The only way to find a specific unit (say the only cruiser I
 JM> have, on an explore mission) is to click through the whole map.
 JM> When the unit is hidden under some another, or in a city, it's
 JM> almost impossible.

 JDS> This is a problem, yeah.  The units dialog should maybe have a
 JDS> button to activate all units you have (of a particular type).
 JDS> Maybe another dialog should list individual tiles' units (as I
 JDS> recall master of magic allowed).

	As of 2.1.5-1~bpo40+0.1 (GTK), there's apparently an option to
	find a unit of a selected type?

 JM> Wishlist: * Using sea units as bridges should be easier: The units
 JM> stop on the sea unit when Goto-ing along.  Moreover, when the sea
 JM> unit is sentried, the Goto-ing unit gets sentried too.  (A special
 JM> `Bridge' command, along with the `Sentry', so that the units would
 JM> not stop/sentry?  `Ferry'--`Autoattack' counterpart, so that
 JM> bridging over few sea squares would be possible (easy when only one
 JM> unit going thru, complex cases would require, eh, more complex
 JM> algorithm)?)

 IS> ... A separate report as well?

 JDS> Complicated AI ferrying systems are somewhat beyond the scope of a
 JDS> user agent.  Stringing together multiple transports sentries
 JDS> should work however.  Maybe goto doesn't like it though.

	I believe that the original report was about that a unit would
	become sentry when commaned to bridge through one or more sea
	units.  This issue seems to be fixed by now.


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