[Pkg-freedict-commits] r62 - /packages/freedict-tools/trunk/debian/TODO

joostvb at users.alioth.debian.org joostvb at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Jan 3 10:50:37 CET 2007

Author: joostvb
Date: Wed Jan  3 10:50:36 2007
New Revision: 62

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-freedict/?sc=1&rev=62


Modified: packages/freedict-tools/trunk/debian/TODO
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-freedict/packages/freedict-tools/trunk/debian/TODO?rev=62&op=diff
--- packages/freedict-tools/trunk/debian/TODO (original)
+++ packages/freedict-tools/trunk/debian/TODO Wed Jan  3 10:50:36 2007
@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
 * joostvb: Don't do any major redesign work on the freedict packages after
 * we have XS-Vcs-Svn in debian/control, but see Bug #391023 for the status of
   this field.
 * mail upstream and supply all our patches.
@@ -78,21 +80,7 @@
 stuff in our .diff.gz (if license allows this).
-* Add notes on how to use debian/debian-scripts (or refer to freedict deu-nld
-  source package for an example of usage.
-* Add debian/README.Debian once we have something to say.
-* debian/README
-  > I believe that text could better be in debian-scripts/.
-  Yes, I agree. Besides that, not all and not always the freedict
-  dictionary source packages will have patches. In this case not
-  only this file, but also dependency on the quilt package and some
-  targets in debian/rules file will be unnecessary.
+* Add notes on how to use debian/debian-scripts and other stuff.
 * Perhaps the .xsl files could better get installed in

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