[Pkg-freedict-devel] Goals & plans
Kęstutis Biliūnas
kebil at kaunas.init.lt
Tue Feb 13 01:19:46 CET 2007
Pr, 2007 02 12 22:42 +0100, Joost van Baal rašė:
> Op zo 11 feb 2007 om 04:36:41 +0200 schreef Kęstutis Biliūnas:
> >
> ... In most cases we won't be able to build
> > debian packages from the upstream .src.tar.bz2 archives, because we
> > can't to depend on the Internet connection at the build time (for
> > downloading lang.zip files from http://download.travlang.com) and we
> > can't to depend on the non free OS (M$ Windows) and non free
> > applications (M$ Access for converting .mdb files to .tei files).
> Well, I believe we can build about 50 dicts using the current free
> tools. For these, lang-lang.tei is in CVS. I believe that's about the
> same set of dicts as produced by the old style Debian freedict package.
> Isn't it?
Currently in the freedict CVS tree almost are no more .tei files.
The databases (.mdb - M$ format) are downloaded from
download.travlang.com at build time. From these databases are
making the *-nophon.tei files, and then from these files --
the final .tei files. Only from these final .tei files we can
build dicts using the current free tools.
> > And for some dictionaries, which do not require to download the
> > databases from http://download.travlang.com, the build process depends
> > on 'mbrdico' package (through the teiaddphonetics script). We can't to
> > add 'mbrdico' package to debian because of non free license, or perhaps
> > we can add it to the non-free branch, but in this case we also need to
> > move all freedict dictionary packages from main to non-free.
> In
> http://freedict.org/debian-repository/source/mbrdico_020708-1.diff.gz,
> it says:
> + This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
> + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
> Also, in
> http://freedict.org/debian-repository/source/mbrdico_020708.orig.tar.gz,
> mbrdico-020708.orig/Copying.txt is the GPL.
This Copying.txt says:
The files provided in this archive are covered by the GNU General
Public License below, except the files provided in the MBROLATOOL
directory which may be obtained separately from
http://tcts.fpms.ac.be/synthesis with their own distribution license.
Thus there are the BINARY directory, which contains precompiled non-free
things. In addition mbrdico depends on the MBROLA database you need
download from http://tcts.fpms.ac.be/synthesis (non-free too).
> > But the upstream promises to distribute the lang1-lang2-tei.tar.bz2
> > archives (Michael, is it a truth?). These archives will be distributed
> > with the GPL license. From these fully prepared .tei files we could
> > build the .dict.dz and .index files for debian binary packages using
> > the only free and existing in debian distribution tools. Therefore only
> > these -tei.tar.bz2 files can be used as source archives for building
> > debian packages for main branch of Debian distribution.
> You should ask on freedict-beta at lists.sourceforge.net.
Michael is subscribed to this list.
> > So, I think, that we have made the good initial work on this "Debian
> > FreeDict Packages" project, but now we must wait while the upstream will
> > release the new freedict-tools archive and begins to release the
> > -tei.tar.bz2 files.
> I'd like to wait till the latest uploads (freedict-swa-eng_0.0.2-1
> freedict-kur-deu_0.1-1 freedict-kur-eng_0.1-1 and
> freedict-kur-tur_0.1-1) get accepted by the ftp-masters in experimental.
It seems that only these dictionaries will not be changed heavily by
> Once these are in, I'd like to upload all other dicts which can get
> build with the freedict-tools as in experimental now.
Currently we can't build once again the many dictionaries which already
are in our svn repository, because of changes in the upstream cvs
> And perhaps start uploading stuff to unstable, also.
I think this could be done only when upstream will release the
new stable dictionaries.
Best regards,
Kęstutis Biliūnas <kebil at kaunas.init.lt>
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