[Pkg-freedict-devel] New freedict-tools and other packages

Kęstutis Biliūnas kebil at kaunas.init.lt
Tue Apr 22 08:42:52 UTC 2008


As you can see in our svn/pkg-freedict repository, I have updated the
freedict-tools package and some dictionaries packages. Now I will try to
describe what was made.

The freedict-tools package was updated to new upstream CVS snapshot,
was made some updates according todays's debian requirements, but
the largest change are - now this tools will produce the three binary
packages for every dictionary source package: the main dict-freedict
dictionary package, the opendict-freedict package and stardict-freedict
package. The opendict-freedict plugin for OpenDict program was made
as separate binary package, because it is more comfortable for users
to find such dictionary. The new stardict-freedict formatted dictionary
was included for use by popular StarDict program.

Now about the dictionaries. I have updated almost all dictionaries from
the upstream cvs tree, which has TEI files and are not derived from
Ergane and are not affected by license problems. So, there are 15
packages updated and 13 packages initially imported. The new packages
are: cro-eng, eng-ara, eng-cro, eng-cze, eng-hin, eng-rom, eng-scr,
eng-swa, eng-tur, iri-eng, scr-eng, slo-eng and wel-eng.
Kęstutis Biliūnas <kebil at kaunas.init.lt>
http://kebil.ghost.lt  |  GnuPG-Key ID: F6E7A452

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