[Pkg-freedict-devel] [News] Fund Transfers

Mr Aja Kaolu kalou at ymail.com
Wed Dec 2 21:20:27 UTC 2009

Hello Partner,
Thanks very much for your swift response. Please I crave your indulgence
to understand with me clearly on the advancement and leave the percentage
ratios as proposed. Please indicate your best account for receiving of the
transfers soonest.

The deceased died without leaving any next of kin to his account and ever
since his late, no one has put a claim to his fund and the account content
has been on a constant turn over at the end of every year with it's
interest and the banking ethics does not allow the float of any deposit
more than four years if discovered, Instead will be confiscated as an
unclaimed deposit.

Therefore with due respect and regards, I'm seeking for your co-operation
to have your information's filled in all the relevant banking
documentations of the deceased to make you the true next of kin as his
relative, thereby to authenticate you a beneficiary to the decease's
account balance sum ($9,000,000..00 USD) .it's true that we don't know
each other but understand that business is trust and understanding.

I want you to be rest assured of the risk free , I'm the one that will
work it out ,all I want is your full co-operation to stand as the relative
since the deceased was also a foreigner, this deposit can be approved and
transferred to any of your provided account ,I would not want you to
entertain any fear in this project , I'm certainly as soured .

All the possibility to release the funds lies in the power of my office
and I will use the influence of my office to approve the funds to you as
the relative, Please don't worry about this , this is 100% free from risk
I will appreciate if you could call me on my direct number 00 221 77 224
97 32 ) so that we can talk further to enable me give you more
explanations to ensure your understanding and to be very sure of whom I'm
dealing with for security reasons.

Please we do not need to delay in this kind of opportunity because i am
not permanently placed on this sit in our bank, our authority may decide
to re-shuffle their staff at any time and if we failed to move this funds
out on time.

Another staff that will replace my present position will definitely liaise
with a foreigner of his or her own choice and secretly claim this fund
immediately. I want you to provide me immediately.


To enable me start working in the deceased account files to replace your
information's correctly before you contacting our management's to confirm
you the true next of kin of the fund, i will also give you all the
information's you need to make this claim as next of kin.

I am waiting for your urgent email reponse:  mraja.kalou at yahoo.com.hk ,
mraja_kaolu at yahoo.com.hk ,  mrajakaolu at yahoo.com.hk or telephone call as
soon as possible 00 221 77 224 97 32.

With Regards,
Mr Aja Akolu

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