[pkg-freevo-commits] r109 - packages/freevo/trunk/debian

mennucc1 at alioth.debian.org mennucc1 at alioth.debian.org
Tue Mar 25 14:28:37 UTC 2008

Author: mennucc1
Date: 2008-03-25 14:28:35 +0000 (Tue, 25 Mar 2008)
New Revision: 109

delete duplicate entries

Modified: packages/freevo/trunk/debian/freevo.templates
--- packages/freevo/trunk/debian/freevo.templates	2008-03-25 14:27:43 UTC (rev 108)
+++ packages/freevo/trunk/debian/freevo.templates	2008-03-25 14:28:35 UTC (rev 109)
@@ -76,80 +76,4 @@
 _Choices: xserver, recordserver, encodingserver, webserver, rssserver
 _Default: xserver, recordserver, encodingserver
 _Description: Services to start during boot:
- Choose the services you wish to start on boot.Template: freevo/display
-Type: select
-_Choices: x11, fbdev, dxr3, mga, directfb, dfbmga, dga
-_Description: Video output:
-Template: freevo/geometry
-Type: select
-_Choices: 800x600, 768x576, 640x480
-_Description: Output resolution:
- Choose the resolution to display Freevo at. Most Televisions should be
- configured as 768x576 (NTSC or PAL)
-Template: freevo/norm
-Type: select
-_Choices: ntsc, pal, secam
-_Description: TV Standard:
- Please choose your TV standard. North Americans should choose NTSC, most
- Europeans will choose PAL.
-Template: freevo/chanlist
-Type: select
-_Choices: us-bcast, us-cable, us-cable-hrc, japan-bcast, japan-cable, europe-west, europe-east, italy, newzealand, australia, ireland, france, china-bcast, southafrica, argentina
-_Description: Channel List:
- Set the channel list (set of tuning frequencies) that most closely matches
- yours.
-Template: freevo/title_video
-Type: string
-_Description: Title of video folder:
- Set a title for the video folder. This will displayed by freevo in overview.
-Template: freevo/path_to_video
-Type: string
-_Default: /home/freevo/video
-_Description: Path to videos:
- Set the path to the video folder. Note: A absolute path is required.
-Template: freevo/title_audio
-Type: string
-_Default: Audio folder
-_Description: Title of audio folder:
- Set a title for the audio folder. This will displayed by freevo in overview.
-Template: freevo/path_to_audio
-Type: string
-_Default: /home/freevo/audio
-_Description: Path to audio folder:
- Set the path to the audio folder. Note: A absolute path is required.
-Template: freevo/title_image
-Type: string
-_Description: Title of image folder:
- Set a title for the image folder. This will displayed by freevo in overview.
-Template: freevo/path_to_image
-_Default: /home/freevo/image
-Type: string
-_Description: Path to image folder:
- Set the path to the image folder. Note: A absolute path is required.
-Template: freevo/path_to_recordings
-_Default: /home/freevo/recordings
-Type: string
-_Description: Path to recorded video folder:
- Set the path to the recordings folder. Note: A absolute path is required.
-Template: freevo/start_on_boot
-Type: note
-_Description: Start during boot
- Freevo can be started automatically at boot time (inside a dedicated xserver). Also web, encoding, rss and record server can be start automatically on bootup.
-Template: freevo/services
-Type: multiselect
-_Choices: xserver, recordserver, encodingserver, webserver, rssserver
-_Default: xserver, recordserver, encodingserver
-_Description: Services to start during boot:
  Choose the services you wish to start on boot.

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