[pkg-freevo-commits] r121 - in packages/freevo/trunk/debian: . patches

mennucc1 at alioth.debian.org mennucc1 at alioth.debian.org
Sat Mar 29 11:38:59 UTC 2008

Author: mennucc1
Date: 2008-03-29 11:38:58 +0000 (Sat, 29 Mar 2008)
New Revision: 121

add slice encoding patches from SVN (to remove when 1.8.1 is out)

Modified: packages/freevo/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/freevo/trunk/debian/changelog	2008-03-29 10:51:56 UTC (rev 120)
+++ packages/freevo/trunk/debian/changelog	2008-03-29 11:38:58 UTC (rev 121)
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@
     to Traduz - Portuguese Translation Team (Closes: #472863).
   * readd dependency on "python-xml" , thanks to rUrek
     (Closes: #472916) and reopens 468586.
+  * add slice encoding patches from SVN
- --
+ -- A Mennucc1 <mennucc1 at debian.org>  Sat, 29 Mar 2008 12:05:59 +0100
 freevo (1.8.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

Added: packages/freevo/trunk/debian/patches/encodingclient.py.diff
--- packages/freevo/trunk/debian/patches/encodingclient.py.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/freevo/trunk/debian/patches/encodingclient.py.diff	2008-03-29 11:38:58 UTC (rev 121)
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+--- freevo/src/video/encodingclient.py	2008/03/24 21:51:48	10586
++++ freevo/src/video/encodingclient.py	2008/03/26 11:48:29	10587
+@@ -81,8 +81,6 @@
+ """
+ def returnFromJelly(status, response):
+     """Un-serialize EncodingServer responses"""
+     if status:
+@@ -90,11 +88,11 @@
+     else:
+         return (status, response)
+ def connectionTest(teststr='testing'):
+     """Test connectivity
+     Returns false if the EncodingServer cannot be reached"""
+     try:
+         (status, response) = server.echotest(teststr)
+     except:
+@@ -102,6 +100,7 @@
+     return (status, response)
+ def initEncodeJob(source, output, friendlyname="", title=None):
+     """Initialize the encodingjob.
+@@ -116,7 +115,6 @@
+     @param title: is obligatory if you have a dvd/dvd-on-disc, in wich case you need
+         to specify a title (integer)
+     """
+     _debug_('initEncodeJob(%s, %s, %s, %s)' % (source, output, friendlyname, title), DINFO)
+     if not (source or output):
+         return (False, "EncodingClient: no source and/or output")
+@@ -130,27 +128,36 @@
+     return (status, response)
+ def getContainerCAP():
+     """Get a list of possible container formats
+     This returns a list with plain strings, each identifiyng a container format, like
+     Avi, MPEG or OGG. Currently only Avi is available. The strings are user-readable.
+     """
+     try:
+         response = server.getContainerCAP()
+     except:
+-        return (False ,'EncodingClient: connection error')
++        return (False, 'EncodingClient: connection error')
+     return (True, response )
++def setTimeslice(idnr, timeslice):
++    """Set """
++    try:
++        (status, response) = server.setTimeslice(idnr, timeslice)
++    except:
++        return (False, 'EncodingClient: connection error')
++    return (status, response)
+ def setContainer(idnr, container):
+     """Set a container format
+     container is one of the possible container formats. It should be one of the strings
+     returned by getContainerCAP.
+     """
+     if not (idnr or container):
+         return (False, "EncodingClient: no idnr and/or container")
+@@ -161,19 +168,20 @@
+     return (status, response)
+ def getVideoCodecCAP():
+     """Get a list of possible video codecs (depending on the input and container format)
+     This returns a list with plain strings, each identifiyng a video codec, like
+     MPEG4(divx), Xvid etc. Currently only MPEG4 is available. The strings are user-readable.
+     """
+     try:
+         response = server.getVideoCodecCAP()
+     except:
+-        return (False,'EncodingClient: connection error')
++        return (False, 'EncodingClient: connection error')
++    return (True, response)
+-    return (True,response)
+ def setVideoCodec(idnr, vcodec, tgtsize, multipass=False, vbitrate=0, altprofile=None):
+     """Set a video codec
+@@ -187,7 +195,6 @@
+     @param vbitrate: is the video bitrate, if it is not 0 then this value is used instead
+         of using the tgtsize.
+     """
+     if not (idnr or vcodec or tgtsize or vbitrate):
+         return (False, "EncodingClient: no idnr and/or videocodec and/or targetsize")
+@@ -198,13 +205,13 @@
+     return (status, response)
+ def getAudioCodecCAP():
+     """Get a list of possible audio codecs (depending on the input and container format)
+     This returns a list with plain strings, each identifiyng a audio codec, like
+     MP3, Ogg, etc. Currently only MP3 is available. The strings are user-readable.
+     """
+     try:
+         response = server.getAudioCodecCAP()
+     except:
+@@ -212,6 +219,7 @@
+     return (True, response )
+ def setAudioCodec(idnr, acodec, abrate):
+     """Set a audio codec
+@@ -222,7 +230,6 @@
+         between 0 and 320 is valid, it is advisable to take standard encoding bitrates
+         like 32, 64, 128, 160, 192, 256 and 320.
+     """
+     if not (idnr or acodec or abrate):
+         return (False, "EncodingClient: no idnr and/or audiocodec and/or audiobitrate")
+@@ -233,13 +240,13 @@
+     return (status, response)
+ def setVideoRes(idnr, videores):
+     """Set the video resolution
+     @param vidoeres: is a string in the form of x:y
+     """
+     if not (idnr or videores):
+         return (False, "EncodingClient: no idnr or no videores")
+@@ -250,13 +257,13 @@
+     return (status, response)
+ def setNumThreads(idnr, numthreads):
+     """Set the number of encoder threads
+     @param numthreads: is a string value from 1-8
+     """
+     if not (idnr or numthreads):
+         return (False, "EncodingClient: no idnr or no numthreads")
+@@ -267,6 +274,7 @@
+     return (status, response)
+ def getVideoFiltersCAP():
+     """Get a dict of possible video filters & processing operations
+@@ -274,13 +282,13 @@
+     a list of options (also human-readable strings) as possible settings for each filter.
+     The first option in the list is the default.
+     """
+     try:
+         response = server.getVideoFiltersCAP()
+     except:
+         return (False, 'EncodingClient: connection error')
+-    return (True ,response)
++    return (True, response)
+ def setVideoFilters(idnr, filters):
+     """Set a number of possible video filters & processing operations
+@@ -291,7 +299,6 @@
+     to each keyword is thus a string (wich means you cannot choose more then 1 option/setting) per
+     video filter.
+     """
+     if not (idnr or filters):
+         return (False, "EncodingClient: no idnr or filter dictionary")
+@@ -302,11 +309,11 @@
+     return (status, response)
+ def queueIt(idnr, now=False):
+     """Insert the current job in the encodingqueue
+         If now is true, the encoding queue is automatically started
+     """
+     if not idnr:
+         return (False, "EncodingClient: no idnr")
+@@ -317,6 +324,7 @@
+     return (status, response)
+ def getProgress():
+     """Get the progress & pass information of the job currently encoding.
+@@ -336,7 +344,6 @@
+     @returns: When the queue is active, this call returns a tuple of 4 values:
+         (friendlyname, status, perc, timerem)
+     """
+     try:
+         (status, response) = server.getProgress()
+     except:
+@@ -344,9 +351,9 @@
+     return returnFromJelly(status, response)
+ def startQueue():
+     """Start the encoding queue"""
+     try:
+         (status, response) = server.startQueue()
+     except:
+@@ -354,6 +361,7 @@
+     return (status, response)
+ def listJobs():
+     """Get a list with all jobs in the encoding queue and their current state
+@@ -362,7 +370,6 @@
+         containing 3 values (idnr, friendlyname, status) These values have the same
+         meaning as the corresponding values returned by the getProgress call
+     """
+     try:
+         (status, response) = server.listJobs()
+     except:
+@@ -389,14 +396,14 @@
+     if function == "runtest":
+         #(status, idnr) = initEncodeJob('/storage/video/dvd/BRUCE_ALMIGHTY/', 'bam.avi', 'lala', 17)
+         (status, idnr) = initEncodeJob('/dev/cdrom', '/home/rdc/fogu.avi', 'lala', 1)
+-        print "Job has idnr nr : %s" % idnr
++        print "Job has idnr num: %s" % idnr
+         print idnr
+         #sleep(5)
+         (status, codec) = getVideoCodecCAP(idnr)
+         print codec[0]
+         print codec[1]
+         print setVideoCodec(idnr, codec[1], 1400, True, 0)
+-        #print setVideoFilters(idnr, {'Denoise' : 'HQ denoise'})
++        #print setVideoFilters(idnr, {'Denoise': 'HQ denoise'})
+         #sleep(5)
+         print queueIt(idnr, True)
+         sleep(5)

Added: packages/freevo/trunk/debian/patches/encodingcore.py.diff
--- packages/freevo/trunk/debian/patches/encodingcore.py.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/freevo/trunk/debian/patches/encodingcore.py.diff	2008-03-29 11:38:58 UTC (rev 121)
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+--- freevo/src/encodingcore.py	2008/03/24 21:51:48	10586
++++ freevo/src/encodingcore.py	2008/03/26 11:48:29	10587
+@@ -96,42 +96,45 @@
+-#from pytvgrab enum.py, see http://pytvgrab.sourceforge.net
+ class Enum(dict):
+     """Enum
++    from pytvgrab enum.py, see http://pytvgrab.sourceforge.net
+     Enum(names, x=0)"""
+     def __init__(self, names, x=0):
+         for i in range(x, x+len(names)):
+             self.__dict__[names[i-x]]=i
+             self[i]=names[i-x]
+     # __init__()
+ status = Enum(['notset', 'apass', 'vpass1', 'vpassfinal', 'postmerge'])
+ class EncodingOptions:
+     def getContainerList(self):
+         """Return a list of possible containers"""
+         return mappings['lists']['containers']
+     def getVideoCodecList(self):
+         """Return a list of possible video codecs"""
+         return mappings['lists']['videocodecs']
+     def getAudioCodecList(self):
+         """Return a possible audio codec list"""
+         return mappings['lists']['audiocodecs']
+     def getVideoFiltersList(self):
+         """Return a list of possible video filters"""
+         return mappings['filtertype']
+ class EncodingJob:
+     """Class for creation & configuration of EncodingJobs. This generates the mencoder commands"""
+     def __init__(self, source, output, friendlyname, idnr, chapter=None):
+         """Initialize class instance"""
+         _debug_('encodingcore.EncodingJob.__init__(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' % \
+@@ -157,6 +160,11 @@
+         self.crop = None
+         self.cropres = None
++        # list of initial and end point of slice to encode
++        self.timeslice = [ None , None ]
++        # corresponding arguments for mencoder
++        self.timeslice_mencoder = []
+         self.acodec = mappings['lists']['audiocodecs'][0]
+         self.abrate = 128
+         self.afilters = {} # Not used atm, might be used in the future
+@@ -195,6 +203,24 @@
+                 self.finishedanalyze = True
++    def setTimeslice(self, timeslice):
++        "Set the encoding timeslice"
++        self.timeslice = timeslice
++        assert(type(timeslice) == type([]))
++        assert(len(timeslice) == 2)
++        self.timeslice_mencoder = []
++        start=0
++        if timeslice[0]:
++            self.timeslice_mencoder += [ '-ss', str(timeslice[0])]
++            start = timeslice[0]
++        if timeslice[1]:
++            self.timeslice_mencoder += ['-endpos', str(timeslice[1]-start)]
++            if timeslice[1] < start:
++                self.timeslice_mencoder = []
++                self.timeslice = [ None , None ]
++                return 'Invalid slice of times: end is before start ??'
+     def setContainer(self, container):
+         """Set a container to hold the audio & video streams"""
+         #safety checks
+@@ -210,6 +236,7 @@
+         else:
+             self.output = ('%s.%s' % (self.output, self.container))
+     def setVideoCodec(self, vcodec, tgtsize, multipass=False, vbitrate=0, altprofile=None):
+         """Set video codec and target filesize (in MB) or bit rate (in kbits/sec)"""
+         _debug_('setVideoCodec(self, vcodec=%s, tgtsize=%s, multipass=%s, vbitrate=%s)' % \
+@@ -237,21 +264,25 @@
+         self.acodec = acodec
+         self.abrate = abrate
+     def setVideoFilters(self, videofilters):
+         """Set video filters"""
+         for vfilter, option in videofilters:
+             if mappings['filter'].has_key(option):
+                 self.vfilters += [ mappings['filter'][option]]
+     def setVideoRes(self, videores):
+         if videores == 'Optimal':
+             (self.resx, self.resy) = (0, 0)
+         else:
+             (self.resx, self.resy) = videores.split(':')
+     def setNumThreads(self, numthreads):
+         self.threads = numthreads
+     def _CalcVideoBR(self):
+         """Calculates the video bitrate"""
+@@ -296,18 +327,25 @@
+         self._CropDetect()
+-    def _CropDetect(self): #contains pieces of QuickRip
+-        """Detect cropping
++    def _CropDetect(self):
++        """Detect cropping, contains pieces of QuickRip
+         Function is always called because cropping is a good thing, and we can pass our ideal values
+         back to the client wich can verify them visually if needed.""" #not true atm
+         #build mplayer parameters
+-        if hasattr(self, 'length'):
+-            sstep = int(self.length / 27)
++        start = 0
++        if self.timeslice[0]:
++            start = self.timeslice[0]
++        if self.timeslice[1]:
++            sstep = int( (self.timeslice[1] - start) / 27)
++        elif hasattr(self, "length"):
++            sstep = int( (self.length - start) / 27)
+         else:
+             sstep = 60
+-        arguments = [ '-vf', 'cropdetect=30', '-nosound', '-vo', 'null', '-frames', '10','-fps=540', '-sstep', str(sstep)]
++        arguments = self.timeslice_mencoder + [ "-vf", "cropdetect=30", "-nosound", "-vo", "null", "-fps", "540"]
++        if sstep > 0:
++            arguments +=  [ "-sstep", str(sstep)]
+         if self.info.mime == 'video/dvd':
+             arguments += [ '-dvd-device', self.source, 'dvd://%s' % self.chapter ]
+@@ -319,6 +357,7 @@
+         #print (' '.join([mplayer]+arguments))
+         self._run(mplayer, arguments, self._CropDetectParse, None, 0, None)
+     def _GenerateCLMencoder(self):
+         """Generate the command line(s) to be executed, using MEncoder for encoding"""
+         #calculate the videobitrate
+@@ -344,6 +383,7 @@
+             self.cls = [ videopass1, videopass2 ]
+     def _GCLMSource(self):
+         """Returns source part of mencoder"""
+         if self.info.mime == 'video/dvd':
+@@ -355,6 +395,7 @@
+         else:
+             return [ self.source ]
+     def _GCLMVideopass(self, passnr):
+         """Returns video pass specefic part of mencoder cl"""
+         vf = copy(self.vfilters)
+@@ -478,13 +519,16 @@
+         if yscaled:
+             args += ['-sws', '1']
++        args = self.timeslice_mencoder + args
+         return args
+-    #from QuickRip, heavily adapted, new algo
+-    #TODO give this another name, it does more then crop detection only
+     def _CropDetectParse(self, lines, data): #seek to remove data
+-        """Parses Mplayer output to obtain ideal cropping parameters, and do PAL/NTSC detection"""
++        """Parses Mplayer output to obtain ideal cropping parameters, and do PAL/NTSC detection
++        from QuickRip, heavily adapted, new algo
++        TODO give this another name, it does more then crop detection only
++        """
+         #print '_CropDetectParse(self, lines=%r, data=%r)' % (lines, data)
+         re_crop = re.compile('.*-vf crop=(\d*:\d*:\d*:\d*).*')
+@@ -613,12 +657,14 @@
+         #end analyzing
+         self.finishedanalyze = True
+     def _CalcBPP(self, x, y):
+         """Perform a BPP (Bits per Pixel calculation)"""
+         bpp = (self.vbrate * 1000) / (x * y * self.fps)
+         _debug_('_CalcBPP() = %s, fps=%s' % (bpp, self.fps))
+         return bpp
+     def _OptimalRes(self, x, y):
+         """Using BPP calculations, try to find out the ideal resolution for this movie"""
+         nonoptimal = True
+@@ -639,9 +685,12 @@
+         return ( int(optx), int (opty) )
+-    #from Quickrip, adapted
+-    def _MencoderParse(self, line, data): #seek to remove data
+-        """Parses mencoder stdout to get progress and trem"""
++    def _MencoderParse(self, line, data):
++        """Parses mencoder stdout to get progress and them
++        from Quickrip, adapted
++        seek to remove data
++        """
+         #(passtype, title) = data
+         re_progress = re.compile('(\d+)\%\) .*Trem:\s*(\d+\w+)\s+')
+@@ -650,22 +699,23 @@
+             self.trem = re_progress.search(line).group(2)
+             #self.ui_updateProgress(perc, trem, passtype)
+-    #from QuickRip, adapted
+-    def _run(self, program, arguments, finalfunc, updatefunc=None,
+-                flushbuffer=0, data=None, lock=None): # seek to remove data and/or crop (not really used)
+-        """Runs a program; supply program name (string) and arguments (list)"""
++    def _run(self, program, arguments, finalfunc, updatefunc=None, flushbuffer=0, data=None, lock=None):
++        """Runs a program; supply program name (string) and arguments (list)
++        seek to remove data and/or crop (not really used)
++        """
+         command = [program]
+         command += arguments
+-        self.thread = CommandThread(self, command, updatefunc, finalfunc,
+-                                    flushbuffer, data, None) #self.lock)
++        self.thread = CommandThread(self, command, updatefunc, finalfunc, flushbuffer, data, None)
+         self.thread.start()
+-#command executing class - Taken from Quickrip & adapted.
+ class CommandThread(threading.Thread): # seek to remove data andor crop (not really used)
+-    """Handle threading of external commands"""
++    """Handle threading of external commands
++    command executing class - Taken from Quickrip & adapted.
++    """
+     def __init__(self, parent, command, updatefunc, finalfunc, flushbuffer, data, lock):
+         threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+         self.parent = parent
+@@ -677,6 +727,7 @@
+         self.lock = lock
+         _debug_('command=\"%s\"' % ' '.join(command))
+     def run(self):
+         #self.lock.acquire()
+         self.pipe = popen2.Popen4(self.command)
+@@ -736,7 +787,6 @@
+ class EncodingQueue:
+     """Class for generating an encoding queue"""
+     def __init__(self):
+         #we keep a list and a dict because a dict doesn't store an order
+         self.qlist = []
+@@ -746,12 +796,14 @@
+         #remove old files
+         self._removeTmp()
+     def addEncodingJob(self, encjob):
+         """Adds an encodingjob to the queue"""
+         self.qlist += [encjob]
+         self.qdict[encjob.idnr] = encjob
+     def getProgress(self):
+         """Gets progress on the current job"""
+         if hasattr(self, 'currentjob'):
+@@ -760,6 +812,7 @@
+         else:
+             return 'No job currently running'
+     def startQueue(self):
+         """Start the queue"""
+         if not self.running:
+@@ -767,6 +820,7 @@
+             _debug_('queue started', DINFO)
+             self._runQueue()
+     def listJobs(self):
+         """Returns a list of queue'ed jobs"""
+         if self.qdict == {}:
+@@ -777,6 +831,7 @@
+                 jlist += [ (idnr, job.name, job.status) ]
+             return jlist
+     def _removeTmp(self):
+         """Removes possible temporary files created during encoding"""
+         tmpfiles = ['frameno.avi', 'divx2pass.log', 'xvid-twopass.stats', 'x264_2pass.log' ]
+@@ -785,6 +840,7 @@
+             if os.path.exists(tmpfile):
+                 os.remove(tmpfile)
+     def _runQueue(self, line='', data=''):
+         """Executes the jobs in the queue, and gets called after every mencoder run is completed"""
+         if self.qlist == []:

Added: packages/freevo/trunk/debian/patches/encodingserver.py.diff
--- packages/freevo/trunk/debian/patches/encodingserver.py.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/freevo/trunk/debian/patches/encodingserver.py.diff	2008-03-29 11:38:58 UTC (rev 121)
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+--- freevo/src/helpers/encodingserver.py	2008/03/24 21:51:48	10586
++++ freevo/src/helpers/encodingserver.py	2008/03/26 11:48:29	10587
+@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@
+ class EncodingServer(xmlrpc.XMLRPC):
+     def __init__(self, debug=False, allowNone=False):
+         """ Initialise the EncodingServer class """
+         _debug_('EncodingServer.__init__(debug=%r, allowNone=%r)' % (debug, allowNone), 2)
+@@ -80,14 +79,16 @@
+         self.jobs = {}
+         self.encodingopts = EncodingOptions()
+         self.queue = EncodingQueue()
+-        _debug_("EncodingServer started...", DINFO)
++        _debug_('EncodingServer started...', DINFO)
+     def xmlrpc_echotest(self, blah):
+         """ Using Twisted check the connection """
+         _debug_('xmlrpc_echotest(blah=%r)' % (blah), 2)
+         return (True, 'EncodingServer::echotest: %s' % blah)
+-    def xmlrpc_initEncodeJob(self, source, output, friendlyname="", chapter=None):
++    def xmlrpc_initEncodeJob(self, source, output, friendlyname='', chapter=None):
+         """ Using Twisted initialise an encoding job """
+         _debug_('xmlrpc_initEncodeJob(source=%r, output=%r, friendlyname=%r, chapter=%r)' % \
+             (source, output, friendlyname, chapter), 1)
+@@ -95,11 +96,11 @@
+         if not (source or output):
+             return (False, 'EncodingServer::initEncodeJob:  no source or output given')
+-        # generate a "random" idnr based on the time in p2.3, int() can return long
++        # generate a 'random' idnr based on the time in p2.3, int() can return long
+         # int's, which is fine, except it makes XMLRPC fail somewhere along the way so we
+         # devide or random number by 100 :)
+         idnr = int((time.time() / random.random()) / 100)
+-        _debug_("idnr=%s" % (idnr), 2)
++        _debug_('idnr=%s' % (idnr), 2)
+         self.jobs[idnr] = EncodingJob(source, output, friendlyname, idnr, chapter)
+         #wait for the analyzing to end
+@@ -109,30 +110,43 @@
+             _debug_('Analysis failed')
+             return (False,10)
+-        _debug_("Initialized job %s (idnr : %s)" % (friendlyname, idnr), DINFO)
++        _debug_('Initialized job %s (idnr: %s)' % (friendlyname, idnr), DINFO)
+         return (True, idnr)
+     def xmlrpc_getContainerCAP(self):
+         """ Using Twisted get the container capabilities """
+         _debug_('xmlrpc_getContainerCAP()' , 2)
+         return EncodingOptions.getContainerList( self.encodingopts)
+     def xmlrpc_setContainer(self, idnr, container):
+         """ Using Twisted set the container """
+         _debug_('xmlrpc_setContainer(idnr=%r, container=%r)' % (idnr, container), 2)
+         status = self.jobs[idnr].setContainer(container)
+         if not status:
+-            return (True, "EncodingServer::setContainer: OK")
++            return (True, 'EncodingServer::setContainer: OK')
++        else:
++            return (False, 'EncodingServer::setContainer: %s' % status)
++    def xmlrpc_setTimeslice(self,idnr,timeslice):
++        _debug_('xmlrpc_setTimeslice(self, %s, %s)' % (idnr, timeslice), 3)
++        status = self.jobs[idnr].setTimeslice(timeslice)
++        if not status:
++            return (True, 'EncodingServer::setTimeslice: OK')
+         else:
+-            return (False, "EncodingServer::setContainer: %s" % status)
++            return (False, 'EncodingServer::setTimeslice: %s' % status)
+     def xmlrpc_getVideoCodecCAP(self):
+         """ Using Twisted get the video capabilities """
+         _debug_('xmlrpc_getVideoCodecCAP()', 2)
+         return EncodingOptions.getVideoCodecList(self.encodingopts)
+     def xmlrpc_setVideoCodec(self, idnr, vcodec, tgtsize, multipass=False, vbitrate=0, altprofile=None):
+         """ Using Twisted set the video codec """
+         _debug_('xmlrpc_setVideoCodec(idnr=%r, vcodec=%r, tgtsize=%r, multipass=%r, vbitrate==%r)' % \
+@@ -144,15 +158,17 @@
+         status = self.jobs[idnr].setVideoCodec(vcodec, tgtsize, multipass, vbitrate, altprofile)
+         if not status:
+-            return (True, "EncodingServer::setVideoCodec: OK")
++            return (True, 'EncodingServer::setVideoCodec: OK')
+         else:
+-            return (False, "EncodingServer::setVideoCodec: %s" % status)
++            return (False, 'EncodingServer::setVideoCodec: %s' % status)
+     def xmlrpc_getAudioCodecCAP(self):
+         """ Using Twisted get the audio capabilities """
+         _debug_('xmlrpc_getAudioCodecCAP()', 2)
+         return EncodingOptions.getAudioCodecList(self.encodingopts)
+     def xmlrpc_setAudioCodec(self, idnr, acodec, abrate):
+         """ Using Twisted set the audio codec """
+         _debug_('xmlrpc_setAudioCodec(idnr=%r, acodec=%r, abrate=%r)' % (idnr, acodec, abrate), 2)
+@@ -163,9 +179,9 @@
+         status = self.jobs[idnr].setAudioCodec(acodec, abrate)
+         if not status:
+-            return (True, "EncodingServer::setAudioCodec: OK")
++            return (True, 'EncodingServer::setAudioCodec: OK')
+         else:
+-            return (False, "EncodingServer::setAudioCodec: %s" % status)
++            return (False, 'EncodingServer::setAudioCodec: %s' % status)
+     def xmlrpc_setVideoRes(self, idnr, videores ):
+@@ -178,9 +194,9 @@
+         status = self.jobs[idnr].setVideoRes( videores)
+         if not status:
+-            return (True, "EncodingServer::setVideoRes: OK")
++            return (True, 'EncodingServer::setVideoRes: OK')
+         else:
+-            return (False, "EncodingServer::setVideoRes: %s" % status)
++            return (False, 'EncodingServer::setVideoRes: %s' % status)
+     def xmlrpc_setNumThreads(self, idnr, numthreads ):
+@@ -193,9 +209,9 @@
+         status = self.jobs[idnr].setNumThreads( numthreads)
+         if not status:
+-            return (True, "EncodingServer::setNumThreads: OK")
++            return (True, 'EncodingServer::setNumThreads: OK')
+         else:
+-            return (False, "EncodingServer::setNumThreads: %s" % status)
++            return (False, 'EncodingServer::setNumThreads: %s' % status)
+     def xmlrpc_getVideoFiltersCAP(self):
+@@ -214,33 +230,37 @@
+         status = self.jobs[idnr].setVideoFilters(unjam(filters))
+         if not status:
+-            return (True, "EncodingServer::setVideoFilters: OK")
++            return (True, 'EncodingServer::setVideoFilters: OK')
+         else:
+-            return (False, "EncodingServer::setVideoFilters: %s" % status)
++            return (False, 'EncodingServer::setVideoFilters: %s' % status)
+     def xmlrpc_queueIt(self, idnr, now=False):
+         """ Using Twisted queue a job to run """
+         _debug_('xmlrpc_queueIt(idnr=%r, now=%r)' % (idnr, now), 2)
+         self.queue.addEncodingJob(self.jobs[idnr])
+         del self.jobs[idnr]
+-        _debug_("Added job %s to the queue" % idnr, DINFO)
++        _debug_('Added job %s to the queue' % idnr, DINFO)
+         if now:
+             self.queue.startQueue()
+-        return (True, "EncodingServer::queueIt: OK")
++        return (True, 'EncodingServer::queueIt: OK')
+     def xmlrpc_getProgress(self):
+         """ Using Twisted get the progress status of the current job """
+         _debug_('xmlrpc_getProgress()', 2)
+         prog = self.queue.getProgress()
+         if type(prog) is str:
+-            return (False, "EncodingServer::getProgress: %s" % prog)
++            return (False, 'EncodingServer::getProgress: %s' % prog)
+         return (True, jam(prog))
+     def xmlrpc_startQueue(self):
+         """ Using Twisted start the job queue """
+         _debug_('xmlrpc_startQueue()', 2)
+         self.queue.startQueue()
+-        return (True, "EncodingServer::startqueue: OK")
++        return (True, 'EncodingServer::startqueue: OK')
+     def xmlrpc_listJobs(self):
+         """ List the current jobs """
+@@ -257,7 +277,7 @@
+     os.chdir(tmppath)
+     debug = False
+-    if len(sys.argv) >= 2 and sys.argv[1] == "debug":
++    if len(sys.argv) >= 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug':
+         debug = True
+         import encodingcore
+         encodingcore.DEBUG = debug

Added: packages/freevo/trunk/debian/patches/reencode.py.diff
--- packages/freevo/trunk/debian/patches/reencode.py.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/freevo/trunk/debian/patches/reencode.py.diff	2008-03-29 11:38:58 UTC (rev 121)
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+--- freevo/src/video/plugins/reencode.py	2008/03/24 21:51:48	10586
++++ freevo/src/video/plugins/reencode.py	2008/03/26 11:48:29	10587
+@@ -29,11 +29,12 @@
+ # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
++import os
+ from os.path import join, split
++import config
+ import plugin
+ import menu
+-import os
+-import config
++import util
+ from video.encodingclient import *
+ from gui.AlertBox import AlertBox
+ from gui.PopupBox import PopupBox
+@@ -57,9 +58,11 @@
+         self.source = ''
+         self.output = ''
+         self.resetprofile()
++        self.timeslice = [ None, None ]
+     def resetprofile(self):
+         self.profile = {}
++        self.timeslice = [ None, None ]
+         self.profile['container'] = config.REENCODE_CONTAINER
+         self.profile['resolution'] = config.REENCODE_RESOLUTION
+         self.profile['videocodec'] = config.REENCODE_VIDEOCODEC
+@@ -148,6 +151,8 @@
+         menu_items += [ menu.MenuItem(_('Start Encoding'), self.create_job, self.profile) ]
+         menu_items += [ menu.MenuItem(_('Select Encoding Profile'), action=self.select_profile) ]
+         menu_items += [ menu.MenuItem(_('Modify Container'), action=self.mod_container) ]
++        menu_items += [ menu.MenuItem(_('Modify Start Time'), action=self.mod_start_time) ]
++        menu_items += [ menu.MenuItem(_('Modify End Time'), action=self.mod_end_time) ]
+         menu_items += [ menu.MenuItem(_('Modify Resolution'), action=self.mod_resolution) ]
+         menu_items += [ menu.MenuItem(_('Modify Video Codec'), action=self.mod_videocodec) ]
+         menu_items += [ menu.MenuItem(_('Modify Video Bitrate'), action=self.mod_videobitrate) ]
+@@ -161,6 +166,7 @@
+         menuw.pushmenu(encoding_menu)
+         menuw.refresh()
+     def select_profile(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
+         _debug_('select_profile(self, arg=None, menuw=None)', 2)
+         menu_items = []
+@@ -173,6 +179,46 @@
+         menuw.pushmenu(encoding_menu)
+         menuw.refresh()
++    def set_start_time(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
++        self.timeslice[0] = arg
++        if menuw:
++            menuw.back_one_menu(arg='reload')
++    def set_end_time(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
++        self.timeslice[1] = arg
++        if menuw:
++            menuw.back_one_menu(arg='reload')
++    def _select_time(self, arg=None, menuw=None, which=None):
++        bookmarkfile = util.get_bookmarkfile(self.item.filename)
++        if not os.path.exists(bookmarkfile):
++            self.error(_('No bookmarks are set for this video'))
++            return
++        menu_items = []
++        menu_items = [ menu.MenuItem(_('Do not set'), action=which, arg=None),]
++        for line in util.readfile(bookmarkfile):
++            sec = int(line)
++            hour = int(sec/3600)
++            min = int((sec-(hour*3600))/60)
++            time = '%0.2d:%0.2d:%0.2d' % (hour,min,sec % 60)
++            menu_items.append(menu.MenuItem(time, action=which, arg=sec))
++        encoding_menu = menu.Menu(_('Select Time'), menu_items, item_types = 'video encoding menu')
++        encoding_menu.infoitem = self
++        menuw.pushmenu(encoding_menu)
++        menuw.refresh()
++    def mod_start_time(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
++        self._select_time(arg, menuw, self.set_start_time)
++    def mod_end_time(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
++        self._select_time(arg, menuw, self.set_end_time)
+     def mod_container(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
+         _debug_('mod_container(self, arg=%r, menuw=%r)' % (arg, menuw), 2)
+         items = []
+@@ -183,6 +229,7 @@
+         menuw.pushmenu(container_menu)
+         menuw.refresh()
+     def mod_resolution(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
+         _debug_('mod_resolution(self, arg=%r, menuw=%r)' % (arg, menuw), 2)
+         items = []
+@@ -193,6 +240,7 @@
+         menuw.pushmenu(resolution_menu)
+         menuw.refresh()
+     def mod_videocodec(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
+         _debug_('mod_videocodec(self, arg=%r, menuw=%r)' % (arg, menuw), 2)
+         items = []
+@@ -203,6 +251,7 @@
+         menuw.pushmenu(videocodec_menu)
+         menuw.refresh()
+     def mod_videobitrate(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
+         _debug_('mod_videobitrate(self, arg=%r, menuw=%r)' % (arg, menuw), 2)
+         items = []
+@@ -213,6 +262,7 @@
+         menuw.pushmenu(videobitrate_menu)
+         menuw.refresh()
+     def mod_audiocodec(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
+         _debug_('mod_audiocodec(self, arg=%r, menuw=%r)' % (arg, menuw), 2)
+         items = []
+@@ -223,6 +273,7 @@
+         menuw.pushmenu(audiocodec_menu)
+         menuw.refresh()
+     def mod_audiobitrate(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
+         _debug_('mod_audiobitrate(self, arg=%r, menuw=%r)' % (arg, menuw), 2)
+         items = []
+@@ -233,6 +284,7 @@
+         menuw.pushmenu(audiobitrate_menu)
+         menuw.refresh()
+     def mod_numpasses(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
+         _debug_('mod_numpasses(self, arg=%r, menuw=%r)' % (arg, menuw), 2)
+         items = []
+@@ -243,6 +295,7 @@
+         menuw.pushmenu(numpasses_menu)
+         menuw.refresh()
+     def mod_numthreads(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
+         _debug_('mod_numthreads(self, arg=%r, menuw=%r)' % (arg, menuw), 2)
+         items = []
+@@ -253,6 +306,7 @@
+         menuw.pushmenu(numthreads_menu)
+         menuw.refresh()
+     def mod_videofilter(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
+         _debug_('mod_videofilter(self, arg=%r, menuw=%r)' % (arg, menuw), 2)
+         items = []
+@@ -263,6 +317,7 @@
+         menuw.pushmenu(videofilter_menu)
+         menuw.refresh()
+     def select_encoding_profile(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
+         _debug_('select_encoding_profile(self, arg=%r, menuw=%r)' % (arg, menuw), 2)
+@@ -314,6 +369,7 @@
+         if menuw:
+             menuw.back_one_menu(arg='reload')
+     def alter_prop(self, arg=(None, None), menuw=None):
+         _debug_('alter_prop(self, arg=%r, menuw=%r)' % (arg, menuw), 2)
+         (prop, val) = arg
+@@ -371,6 +427,12 @@
+         idnr = resp
++        (status, resp) = setTimeslice(idnr, self.timeslice)
++        _debug_('setTimeslice:status:%s resp:%s' % (status, resp))
++        if not status:
++            self.error(resp)
++            return
+         (status, resp) = setContainer(idnr, profile['container'])
+         _debug_('setContainer:status:%s resp:%s' % (status, resp))
+         if not status:
+@@ -378,7 +440,8 @@
+             return
+         multipass = profile['numpasses'] > 1
+-        (status, resp) = setVideoCodec(idnr, profile['videocodec'], 0, multipass, profile['videobitrate'], profile['altprofile'])
++        (status, resp) = setVideoCodec(idnr, profile['videocodec'], 0, multipass,
++            profile['videobitrate'], profile['altprofile'])
+         _debug_('setVideoCodec:status:%s resp:%s' % (status, resp))
+         if not status:
+             self.error(resp)

Modified: packages/freevo/trunk/debian/patches/series
--- packages/freevo/trunk/debian/patches/series	2008-03-29 10:51:56 UTC (rev 120)
+++ packages/freevo/trunk/debian/patches/series	2008-03-29 11:38:58 UTC (rev 121)
@@ -4,3 +4,10 @@
+#slice encoding, from SVN
\ No newline at end of file

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