[Pkg-freevo-maint] [Freevo-devel] problems Re: Release 1.8.0rc2

Duncan Webb duncan at linuxowl.com
Fri Mar 7 21:17:57 UTC 2008

Duncan Webb wrote:
> A Mennucc wrote:
>> hi
>> I am trying to prepare a Debian package of freevo new version 1.8.0rc2 ;
>> the package is ready, but unfortunately, I can't seem to use it start
>> freevo.
>> To try to understand what is going on, I removed all Debian packages;
>> then I installed dependencies (see below);
>> I unpack the 1.8.0rc2  tar.gz;
>> I 'cd' into it
>> $ ./freevo setup'
>> $ cp local_conf.py.example ~/.freevo/local_conf.py
>> eventually I try to start the program, and it exits immediately, with
>> just this output
>> $ ./freevo
>> trying "/var/log/freevo"...
>> trying "/var/cache/freevo"...
>> If I try to get some debug info, I see this.
>> $ ./freevo --debug --trace
>> version='2.4.4 (#2, Jan  3 2008, 13:36:28) \n[GCC 4.2.3 20071123
>> (prerelease) (Debian 4.2.2-4)]'
>> python='python'
>> FREEVO_SCRIPT='/home/debdev/freevo-1.8.0rc2/freevo'
>> RUNAPP=''
>> FREEVO_PYTHON='/home/debdev/freevo-1.8.0rc2/src'
>> FREEVO_LOCALE='/home/debdev/freevo-1.8.0rc2/i18n'
>> FREEVO_SHARE='/home/debdev/freevo-1.8.0rc2/share'
>> FREEVO_CONTRIB='/home/debdev/freevo-1.8.0rc2/contrib'
>> FREEVO_CONFIG='/home/debdev/freevo-1.8.0rc2/freevo_config.py'
>> FREEVO_HELPERS='/home/debdev/freevo-1.8.0rc2/src/helpers'
>> PYTHONPATH='/home/debdev/freevo-1.8.0rc2/src'
>> PATH='~/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin/:/sbin:/usr/sbin' 
>> USER='debdev'
>> HOME='/home/debdev'
>> getpid(name='freevo', arg=['python',
>> '/home/debdev/freevo-1.8.0rc2/src/main.py', '--trace'])
>> fname='/tmp/freevo-1013.pid' pid=0
>> start(name='freevo', arg=['python',
>> '/home/debdev/freevo-1.8.0rc2/src/main.py', '--trace'], bg=0, store=1)
>> Nothing happens, it dies with no further info.
>> When I try the above procedure with 1.8.0rc1, I can start freevo.
>> Here is the install status of some freevo-related packages in this box.
>> pn  freevo         <non definita> (descrizione non disponibile)
>> pn  freevo-common  <non definita> (descrizione non disponibile)
>> pn  freevo-data    <non definita> (descrizione non disponibile)
>> pn  freevo-doc     <non definita> (descrizione non disponibile)
>> pn  freevo-lirc    <non definita> (descrizione non disponibile)
>> un  freevo-media   <non definita> (descrizione non disponibile)
>> pn  python-freevo  <non definita> (descrizione non disponibile)
>> ii  python-kaa-base                      0.2.0-1
>> ii  python-kaa-imlib2                    0.2.2-1
>> ii  python-kaa-metadata                  0.7.2-1
>> pn  python-lirc                          <non definita>
>> and also:
>> Duncan Webb ha scritto:
>>> Sorry all freevoers,
>>> There is a small (well not so small) bug in the last release that will
>>> show up if you using the TV and do not have TV_CHANNELS defined in
>>> local_conf.py
>>> As a result I have redone the Freevo release for 1.7.6 as and
>>> added a patch to 1.8.0rc2.
>>> The bug shows up in 1.7.6 as;
>>> Error in TV.xml file, unable to set TV_CHANNELS
>>> and in 1.8.0rc2 freevo not starting.
>>> Humble apologies,
>>> Duncan
>> I tried also applying the patch, no help
> Will you try the attached patch, it simply moves the import of config to 
> being the first freevo import and allows errors in local_conf.py to be 
> reported instead of hidden.

Did this patch help?

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