[Pkg-freevo-maint] [LCFC] templates://freevo/{freevo.templates}
Justin B Rye
jbr at edlug.org.uk
Sat Jun 20 11:10:02 UTC 2009
Christian Perrier wrote:
> This is the last call for comments for the review of debconf
> templates for freevo.
Only one last bit of case-sensitivity:
> Template: freevo/chanlist
> Type: select
> __Choices: USA broadcast, USA cable, USA cable HRC, Japan broadcast, Japan cable, Europe (West), Europe (East), Italy, New-Zealand, Australia, Ireland, France, China broadcast, South-Africa, Argentina
> Choices-C: us-bcast, us-cable, us-cable-hrc, japan-bcast, japan-cable, europe-west, europe-east, italy, newzealand, australia, ireland, france, china-bcast, southafrica, argentina
> _Description: Channel List:
JBR with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
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--- ../freevo-1.9.0.pristine/debian/freevo.templates 2009-05-30 11:23:21.000000000 +0100
+++ debian/freevo.templates 2009-06-20 12:07:19.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,80 +1,97 @@
Template: freevo/display
Type: select
-_Choices: x11, fbdev, dxr3, mga, directfb, dfbmga, dga
+Choices: x11, fbdev, dxr3, mga, directfb, dfbmga, dga
_Description: Video output:
+ Please choose the type of video output to use with Freevo.
Template: freevo/geometry
Type: select
-_Choices: 1920x1080, 1280x720, 800x600, 768x576, 640x480
+Choices: 1920x1080, 1280x720, 800x600, 768x576, 640x480
_Description: Output resolution:
- Choose the resolution to display Freevo at. Most CRT televisions
- should be configured as 768x576 (NTSC or PAL). Newer HD televisions
- use 1280x720, and FullHD uses 1920x1080.
+ Please choose the resolution to use with Freevo. Most CRT television
+ systems should be configured as 768x576 (NTSC or PAL). HD television
+ systems use 1280x720, and FullHD uses 1920x1080.
Template: freevo/norm
Type: select
-_Choices: ntsc, pal, secam
-_Description: TV Standard:
- Please choose your TV standard. North Americans should choose NTSC, most
- Europeans will choose PAL.
+Choices: ntsc, pal, secam
+_Description: TV standard:
+ Please choose the TV standard to use. NTSC is used in North America,
+ much of South America, and Japan; SECAM in France, the former USSR,
+ and parts of Africa and the Middle East; and PAL elsewhere.
Template: freevo/chanlist
Type: select
-_Choices: us-bcast, us-cable, us-cable-hrc, japan-bcast, japan-cable, europe-west, europe-east, italy, newzealand, australia, ireland, france, china-bcast, southafrica, argentina
-_Description: Channel List:
- Set the channel list (set of tuning frequencies) that most closely matches
- yours.
+__Choices: USA broadcast, USA cable, USA cable HRC, Japan broadcast, Japan cable, Europe (West), Europe (East), Italy, New-Zealand, Australia, Ireland, France, China broadcast, South-Africa, Argentina
+Choices-C: us-bcast, us-cable, us-cable-hrc, japan-bcast, japan-cable, europe-west, europe-east, italy, newzealand, australia, ireland, france, china-bcast, southafrica, argentina
+_Description: Channel list:
+ Please choose the channel list (set of tuning frequencies) that most
+ closely matches the one used in your country.
Template: freevo/title_video
_Default: Video folder
Type: string
_Description: Title of video folder:
- Set a title for the video folder. This will displayed by freevo in overview.
+ Please choose the title of the video folder.
+ .
+ This will displayed by Freevo in overview.
Template: freevo/path_to_video
_Default: /home/freevo/video
Type: string
_Description: Path to videos:
- Set the path to the video folder. Note: A absolute path is required.
+ Please choose the directory where video files are stored.
+ .
+ You must use an absolute path (with a leading "/" character).
Template: freevo/title_audio
_Default: Audio folder
Type: string
_Description: Title of audio folder:
- Set a title for the audio folder. This will displayed by freevo in overview.
+ Please choose the title of the audio folder.
+ .
+ This will displayed by Freevo in overview.
Template: freevo/path_to_audio
_Default: /home/freevo/audio
Type: string
_Description: Path to audio folder:
- Set the path to the audio folder. Note: A absolute path is required.
+ Please choose the directory where audio files are stored.
+ .
+ You must use an absolute path (with a leading "/" character).
Template: freevo/title_image
_Default: Image folder
Type: string
_Description: Title of image folder:
- Set a title for the image folder. This will displayed by freevo in overview.
+ Please choose the title of the image folder.
+ .
+ This will displayed by Freevo in overview.
Template: freevo/path_to_image
_Default: /home/freevo/image
Type: string
_Description: Path to image folder:
- Set the path to the image folder. Note: A absolute path is required.
+ Please choose the directory where image files are stored.
+ .
+ You must use an absolute path (with a leading "/" character).
Template: freevo/path_to_recordings
_Default: /home/freevo/recordings
Type: string
_Description: Path to recorded video folder:
- Set the path to the recordings folder. Note: A absolute path is required.
-Template: freevo/start_on_boot
-Type: note
-_Description: Start during boot
- Freevo can be started automatically at boot time (inside a dedicated xserver). Also web, encoding, rss and record server can be start automatically on bootup.
+ Please choose the directory where video recording files are stored.
+ .
+ You must use an absolute path (with a leading "/" character).
Template: freevo/services
Type: multiselect
-_Choices: xserver, recordserver, encodingserver, webserver, rssserver
-_Default: xserver, recordserver, encodingserver
+__Choices: xserver, recordserver, encodingserver, webserver, rssserver
+Choices-C: X server, Recording server, Encoding server, Web server, RSS server
+Default: xserver, recordserver, encodingserver
_Description: Services to start during boot:
- Choose the services you wish to start on boot.
+ Freevo can be started automatically when the machine boots, using a
+ dedicated X server. Web, encoding, RSS, and recording servers can be
+ launched at the same time.
+ .
+ Please choose the services you wish to start on boot.
--- ../freevo-1.9.0.pristine/debian/control 2009-05-30 11:23:21.000000000 +0100
+++ debian/control 2009-06-20 12:07:23.000000000 +0100
@@ -17,40 +17,60 @@
Depends: ${python:Depends}, python-freevo (= ${binary:Version}), freevo-data (= ${binary:Version}), mplayer, lsdvd, console-tools | kbd, debconf, adduser
Recommends: cdparanoia, xine-ui, xmltv-util, libxmltv-perl
Suggests: mencoder, libdvdcss2, lame, ttf-liberation | ttf-mscorefonts-installer, fbxine, flac, vorbis-tools, fbset, matrox-tools, nvram-wakeup
-Description: A Python based PVR/DVR Framework for Music and Movies
- Freevo is an open-source home theatre PC platform based
- on Linux and a number of open-source audio/video tools.
- MPlayer and/or Xine can be used to play audio and video
- files in most popular formats. Freevo can be used both
- for a standalone PVR computer with a TV+remote,
- as well as on a regular desktop computer using the monitor and keyboard.
+Description: home theater framework - binaries
+ Freevo is a Personal Video Recorder system for saving television
+ input to disk and playing it back. It can be used either for a
+ dedicated PVR with a TV (plus remote) or on a regular desktop
+ computer using the monitor and keyboard.
+ .
+ This package provides Freevo binaries and servers.
Package: python-freevo
Architecture: all
Section: python
XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions}
Depends: python (>= 2.5), ${python:Depends}, python-alsaaudio, python-libxml2, python-beautifulsoup (>= 3.0.1), python-kaa-imlib2 (>= 0.2.2), python-kaa-metadata (>= 0.7.1), python-kaa-base (>= 0.4.0), python-elementtree, python-pygame (>> 1.7.1release-4.1+b1), python-imaging, python-twisted (>= 2.5.0), python-sqlite, python-xml
-Description: Python modules for Freevo
- This package contains Python modules for Freevo
+Description: home theater framework - Python modules
+ Freevo is a Personal Video Recorder system for saving television
+ input to disk and playing it back. It can be used either for a
+ dedicated PVR with a TV (plus remote) or on a regular desktop
+ computer using the monitor and keyboard.
+ .
+ This package provides Python modules for Freevo.
Package: freevo-data
Architecture: all
Recommends: freevo (= ${binary:Version})
Depends: ttf-dejavu | ttf-bitstream-vera
Conflicts: freevo-media, freevo-common (<< 1.8.0rc2)
-Description: Themes and non-application data for Freevo
- This package contains themes, fonts and other non-application data
- for Freevo.
+Description: home theater framework - themes and data
+ Freevo is a Personal Video Recorder system for saving television
+ input to disk and playing it back. It can be used either for a
+ dedicated PVR with a TV (plus remote) or on a regular desktop
+ computer using the monitor and keyboard.
+ .
+ This package contains themes, fonts, and other data for Freevo.
Package: freevo-lirc
Architecture: all
Depends: freevo (= ${binary:Version}), python-pylirc, lirc
-Description: Lirc control for Freevo
- This package add lirc support for Freevo.
+Description: home theater framework - LIRC support
+ Freevo is a Personal Video Recorder system for saving television
+ input to disk and playing it back. It can be used either for a
+ dedicated PVR with a TV (plus remote) or on a regular desktop
+ computer using the monitor and keyboard.
+ .
+ This package integrates Linux Infra-red Remote Control support for
+ Freevo.
Package: freevo-doc
Section: doc
Architecture: all
Recommends: freevo
-Description: Documentation for Freevo
- This package contains documentation files for Freevo.
+Description: home theater framework - documentation
+ Freevo is a Personal Video Recorder system for saving television
+ input to disk and playing it back. It can be used either for a
+ dedicated PVR with a TV (plus remote) or on a regular desktop
+ computer using the monitor and keyboard.
+ .
+ This package contains documentation for Freevo in HTML.
-------------- next part --------------
Template: freevo/display
Type: select
Choices: x11, fbdev, dxr3, mga, directfb, dfbmga, dga
_Description: Video output:
Please choose the type of video output to use with Freevo.
Template: freevo/geometry
Type: select
Choices: 1920x1080, 1280x720, 800x600, 768x576, 640x480
_Description: Output resolution:
Please choose the resolution to use with Freevo. Most CRT television
systems should be configured as 768x576 (NTSC or PAL). HD television
systems use 1280x720, and FullHD uses 1920x1080.
Template: freevo/norm
Type: select
Choices: ntsc, pal, secam
_Description: TV standard:
Please choose the TV standard to use. NTSC is used in North America,
much of South America, and Japan; SECAM in France, the former USSR,
and parts of Africa and the Middle East; and PAL elsewhere.
Template: freevo/chanlist
Type: select
__Choices: USA broadcast, USA cable, USA cable HRC, Japan broadcast, Japan cable, Europe (West), Europe (East), Italy, New-Zealand, Australia, Ireland, France, China broadcast, South-Africa, Argentina
Choices-C: us-bcast, us-cable, us-cable-hrc, japan-bcast, japan-cable, europe-west, europe-east, italy, newzealand, australia, ireland, france, china-bcast, southafrica, argentina
_Description: Channel list:
Please choose the channel list (set of tuning frequencies) that most
closely matches the one used in your country.
Template: freevo/title_video
_Default: Video folder
Type: string
_Description: Title of video folder:
Please choose the title of the video folder.
This will displayed by Freevo in overview.
Template: freevo/path_to_video
_Default: /home/freevo/video
Type: string
_Description: Path to videos:
Please choose the directory where video files are stored.
You must use an absolute path (with a leading "/" character).
Template: freevo/title_audio
_Default: Audio folder
Type: string
_Description: Title of audio folder:
Please choose the title of the audio folder.
This will displayed by Freevo in overview.
Template: freevo/path_to_audio
_Default: /home/freevo/audio
Type: string
_Description: Path to audio folder:
Please choose the directory where audio files are stored.
You must use an absolute path (with a leading "/" character).
Template: freevo/title_image
_Default: Image folder
Type: string
_Description: Title of image folder:
Please choose the title of the image folder.
This will displayed by Freevo in overview.
Template: freevo/path_to_image
_Default: /home/freevo/image
Type: string
_Description: Path to image folder:
Please choose the directory where image files are stored.
You must use an absolute path (with a leading "/" character).
Template: freevo/path_to_recordings
_Default: /home/freevo/recordings
Type: string
_Description: Path to recorded video folder:
Please choose the directory where video recording files are stored.
You must use an absolute path (with a leading "/" character).
Template: freevo/services
Type: multiselect
__Choices: xserver, recordserver, encodingserver, webserver, rssserver
Choices-C: X server, Recording server, Encoding server, Web server, RSS server
Default: xserver, recordserver, encodingserver
_Description: Services to start during boot:
Freevo can be started automatically when the machine boots, using a
dedicated X server. Web, encoding, RSS, and recording servers can be
launched at the same time.
Please choose the services you wish to start on boot.
-------------- next part --------------
Source: freevo
Section: video
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Freevo Debian Dream Team <pkg-freevo-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Uploaders: Georg W. Leonhardt <leonhardt at geole.info>, A Mennucc1 <mennucc1 at debian.org>
Build-Depends-Indep: po-debconf
Build-Depends: cdbs (>= 0.4.48), python-all-dev (>= 2.5), python-central (>= 0.5), debhelper (>= 5.0.38), quilt, docbook
XS-Python-Version: >= 2.5
Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-freevo/freevo/
Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-freevo/freevo/
Homepage: http://freevo.org/
Package: freevo
Architecture: all
XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions}
Depends: ${python:Depends}, python-freevo (= ${binary:Version}), freevo-data (= ${binary:Version}), mplayer, lsdvd, console-tools | kbd, debconf, adduser
Recommends: cdparanoia, xine-ui, xmltv-util, libxmltv-perl
Suggests: mencoder, libdvdcss2, lame, ttf-liberation | ttf-mscorefonts-installer, fbxine, flac, vorbis-tools, fbset, matrox-tools, nvram-wakeup
Description: home theater framework - binaries
Freevo is a Personal Video Recorder system for saving television
input to disk and playing it back. It can be used either for a
dedicated PVR with a TV (plus remote) or on a regular desktop
computer using the monitor and keyboard.
This package provides Freevo binaries and servers.
Package: python-freevo
Architecture: all
Section: python
XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions}
Depends: python (>= 2.5), ${python:Depends}, python-alsaaudio, python-libxml2, python-beautifulsoup (>= 3.0.1), python-kaa-imlib2 (>= 0.2.2), python-kaa-metadata (>= 0.7.1), python-kaa-base (>= 0.4.0), python-elementtree, python-pygame (>> 1.7.1release-4.1+b1), python-imaging, python-twisted (>= 2.5.0), python-sqlite, python-xml
Description: home theater framework - Python modules
Freevo is a Personal Video Recorder system for saving television
input to disk and playing it back. It can be used either for a
dedicated PVR with a TV (plus remote) or on a regular desktop
computer using the monitor and keyboard.
This package provides Python modules for Freevo.
Package: freevo-data
Architecture: all
Recommends: freevo (= ${binary:Version})
Depends: ttf-dejavu | ttf-bitstream-vera
Conflicts: freevo-media, freevo-common (<< 1.8.0rc2)
Description: home theater framework - themes and data
Freevo is a Personal Video Recorder system for saving television
input to disk and playing it back. It can be used either for a
dedicated PVR with a TV (plus remote) or on a regular desktop
computer using the monitor and keyboard.
This package contains themes, fonts, and other data for Freevo.
Package: freevo-lirc
Architecture: all
Depends: freevo (= ${binary:Version}), python-pylirc, lirc
Description: home theater framework - LIRC support
Freevo is a Personal Video Recorder system for saving television
input to disk and playing it back. It can be used either for a
dedicated PVR with a TV (plus remote) or on a regular desktop
computer using the monitor and keyboard.
This package integrates Linux Infra-red Remote Control support for
Package: freevo-doc
Section: doc
Architecture: all
Recommends: freevo
Description: home theater framework - documentation
Freevo is a Personal Video Recorder system for saving television
input to disk and playing it back. It can be used either for a
dedicated PVR with a TV (plus remote) or on a regular desktop
computer using the monitor and keyboard.
This package contains documentation for Freevo in HTML.
More information about the Pkg-freevo-maint
mailing list