[pkg-fso-commits] [SCM] freesmartphone.org demo GUI branch, master, updated. milestone2-25-gf72c138

Jan Luebbe jluebbe at debian.org
Tue Sep 2 10:26:31 UTC 2008

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit d491d203ed24bbea19aefbb484a6955c0cdf88ca
Author: Jan Luebbe <jluebbe at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Aug 28 17:55:19 2008 +0200

    implement better handling for the gsm registration

diff --git a/data/themes/zhone.edc b/data/themes/zhone.edc
index aa68995..adf419b 100644
--- a/data/themes/zhone.edc
+++ b/data/themes/zhone.edc
@@ -24,10 +24,15 @@ fonts {
 images {
    image: "background.png" COMP;
    image: "button_contacts.png" COMP;
+   image: "button_contacts_inactive.png" COMP;
    image: "button_phone.png" COMP;
+   image: "button_phone_inactive.png" COMP;
    image: "button_sms.png" COMP;
+   image: "button_sms_inactive.png" COMP;
    image: "button_location.png" COMP;
+   image: "button_location_inactive.png" COMP;
    image: "button_configuration.png" COMP;
+   image: "button_configuration_inactive.png" COMP;
    image: "button_main_background.png" COMP;
    image: "button_main_background_active.png" COMP;
    image: "button_background.png" COMP;
@@ -113,6 +118,20 @@ styles {
         action: STATE_SET "default" 0.0;                                \
         target: part_name;                                              \
+#define ACTIVATE_ICON(part_name)                                        \
+    program {                                                           \
+        name: "activate_"part_name;                                     \
+        signal: "activate_"part_name;                                   \
+        action: STATE_SET "default" 0.0;                                \
+        target: part_name;                                              \
+    }                                                                   \
+    program {                                                           \
+        name: "deactivate_"part_name;                                   \
+        signal: "deactivate_"part_name;                                 \
+        action: STATE_SET "inactive" 0.0;                               \
+        target: part_name;                                              \
+    }
 #define SELECTABLE(part_name)                                           \
     program {                                                           \
@@ -1226,6 +1245,13 @@ collections {
                         normal: "button_"part_name".png";                \
                     }                                                    \
                 }                                                        \
+                description {                                            \
+                    state: "inactive" 0.0;                               \
+                    inherit: "default" 0.0;                              \
+                    image {                                              \
+                        normal: "button_"part_name"_inactive.png";       \
+                    }                                                    \
+                }                                                        \
             ICON("phone", 0, 0);
             ICON("contacts", 0, 1);
@@ -1235,10 +1261,15 @@ collections {
         programs {
+            ACTIVATE_ICON("target_icon_phone");
+            ACTIVATE_ICON("target_icon_contacts");
+            ACTIVATE_ICON("target_icon_sms");
+            ACTIVATE_ICON("target_icon_location");
+            ACTIVATE_ICON("target_icon_configuration");
diff --git a/src/zhone b/src/zhone
index e0d595e..7f6861b 100755
--- a/src/zhone
+++ b/src/zhone
@@ -97,29 +97,29 @@ class pyphone_main(edje_group):
     def __init__(self, main):
         edje_group.__init__(self, main, "main")
+        self.targets = {
+            "phone": False,
+            "contacts": False,
+            "sms": False,
+            "location": False,
+            "configuration": True,
+        }
+        self.update()
+    def update( self ):
+        for key, value in self.targets.items():
+            if value:
+                self.signal_emit( "activate_target_icon_%s" % key, "" )
+            else:
+                self.signal_emit( "deactivate_target_icon_%s" % key, "" )
     @edje.decorators.signal_callback("mouse,clicked,1", "target_*")
     def on_edje_signal_button_pressed(self, emission, source):
         target = source.split('_', 1)[1]
+        if not self.targets[target]:
+            return
         if target == "phone" and not self.main.groups["call"].status in ["idle" , "release"]:
             target = "call"
-        if target == "phone":
-            if ( dbus_object.gsm_device_obj is not None ) and dbus_object.gsm_network_iface.GetStatus()["registration"] == 'unregistered':
-                try:
-                    dbus_object.gsm_device_iface.SetAntennaPower(True)
-                    dbus_object.gsm_network_iface.Register()
-                except DBusException, e:
-                    # TODO handle this better
-                    logger.exception( "can't power on antenna and register" )
-                    try:
-                        authstatus = dbus_object.gsm_sim_iface.GetAuthStatus()
-                        if authstatus == "SIM PUK":
-                            target = "puk"
-                        elif authstatus == "SIM PIN":
-                            target = "pin"
-                    except DBusException, e:
-                        logger.exception( "can't get auth status!?" )
@@ -400,6 +400,8 @@ class pyphone_sms(edje_group):
         self.messagebook = result
         self.ready = True
+        self.main.groups["main"].targets["sms"] = True
+        self.main.groups["main"].update()
     def cbMessagebookError( self, e ):
         logger.warning( "error while retrieving messagebook" )
@@ -684,6 +686,8 @@ class pyphone_contacts(edje_group):
         self.phonebook.sort( key = lambda x: x[1].lower() )
         self.ready = True
+        self.main.groups["main"].targets["contacts"] = True
+        self.main.groups["main"].update()
     def cbPhonebookError( self, e ):
         logger.error( "error while retrieving phonebook %s" % e )
@@ -1583,6 +1587,125 @@ class pyphone_error( edje_group ):
         self.signal_emit( "invisible", "" )
+class GSMAgent( object ):
+    def __init__( self, main ):
+        self.main = main
+        self.state = "Waiting for DBus"
+        self.onState = []
+    def setState( self, state ):
+        logger.debug( state )
+        self.state = state
+        for cb in self.onState:
+            cb( state )
+    def cbDBusReady( self ):
+        """
+        This is called to start the authentication process
+        """
+        self.setState( "Enabling GSM" )
+        dbus_object.gsm_device_iface.SetAntennaPower(
+            True,
+            reply_handler=self.cbAntennaPowerReply,
+            error_handler=self.cbAntennaPowerError
+        )
+    def cbAntennaPowerReply( self ):
+        self.setState( "Reading authentication status" )
+        dbus_object.gsm_sim_iface.GetAuthStatus(
+            reply_handler=self.cbAuthStatusReply,
+            error_handler=self.cbAuthStatusError
+        )
+    def cbAntennaPowerError( self, e ):
+        self.setState( "Failed to enable GSM" )
+        logger.exception( e )
+    def cbAuthStatusReply( self, authstatus ):
+        if authstatus == "READY":
+            self.setState( "Registering to network" )
+            dbus_object.gsm_network_iface.Register(
+                reply_handler=self.cbRegisterReply,
+                error_handler=self.cbRegisterError
+            )
+        elif authstatus == "SIM PIN":
+            self.setState( "Waiting for PIN" )
+    	    self.main.groups["pin_edit"].setup(
+                "main",
+                "", # number
+                "Enter PIN", # title
+                None, # reference
+                self.cbPINDone
+            )
+        elif authstatus == "SIM PUK":
+            self.setState( "Waiting for PUK" )
+    	    self.main.groups["pin_edit"].setup(
+                "main",
+                "", # number
+                "Enter PUK", # title
+                None, # reference
+                self.cbPUKDone
+            )
+        else:
+            logger.exception( "Unkown authentication status %s" % authstatus )
+    def cbAuthStatusError( self, e ):
+        self.setState( "Failed to read authentication status" )
+        logger.exception( e )
+    def cbPINDone( self, pin, *args ):
+        self.setState( "Sending PIN" )
+        dbus_object.gsm_sim_iface.SendAuthCode(
+            pin,
+            reply_handler=self.cbAuthCodeReply,
+            error_handler=self.cbAuthCodeError
+        )
+    def cbAuthCodeReply( self ):
+        self.cbAuthStatusReply( "READY" )
+    def cbAuthCodeError( self ):
+        # retry
+        self.cbAntennaPowerReply()
+    def cbPUKDone( self, puk, *args ):
+        self.main.groups["pin_edit"].setup(
+            "main",
+            "", # number
+            "Enter new PIN", # title
+            puk, # reference
+            self.cbNewPINDone
+        )
+    def cbNewPINDone( self, pin, puk ):
+        self.setState( "Sending PUK and new PIN" )
+        dbus_object.gsm_sim_iface.Unlock(
+            pin, puk,
+            reply_handler=self.cbUnlockReply,
+            error_handler=self.cbUnlockError
+        )
+    def cbUnlockReply( self ):
+        self.cbAuthStatusReply( "READY" )
+    def cbUnlockError( self ):
+        # retry
+        self.cbAntennaPowerReply()
+    def cbRegisterReply( self ):
+        self.setState( "Registered to network" )
+        self.main.groups["main"].targets["phone"] = True
+        self.main.groups["main"].update()
+        if dbus_object.gsm_sim_iface.GetSimReady():
+            self.main.groups["contacts"].prepare()
+            self.main.groups["sms"].prepare()
+    def cbRegisterError( self, e ):
+        self.setState( "Failed to register to network" )
+        logger.exception( e )
 class GUI(object):
     def __init__( self, options, args ):
@@ -1597,6 +1720,10 @@ class GUI(object):
             size = options.geometry
+        self.agents = {}
+        self.agents["gsm"] = GSMAgent( self )
         self.groups = {}
         self.groups["swallow"] = edje_group(self, "swallow")
@@ -1673,23 +1800,7 @@ class GUI(object):
         logger.debug( "dbus_objectInitOK!" )
         if dbus_object.gsm_device_obj is not None:
-            try:
-                dbus_object.gsm_device_iface.SetAntennaPower(True)
-                dbus_object.gsm_network_iface.Register()
-                if dbus_object.gsm_sim_iface.GetSimReady():
-                    self.groups["contacts"].prepare()
-                    self.groups["sms"].prepare()
-            except DBusException, e:
-                # TODO handle this better
-                logger.exception( "can't set antenna power and register" )
-                try:
-                    authstatus = dbus_object.gsm_sim_iface.GetAuthStatus()
-                    if authstatus == "SIM PUK":
-                        self.transition_to("puk")
-                    elif authstatus == "SIM PIN":
-                        self.transition_to("pin")
-                except DBusException, e:
-                    logger.exception( "can't get auth status" )
+            self.agents["gsm"].cbDBusReady()
         if dbus_object.device_power_iface is not None:
             # Update Battery charge as soon as we have DBus
@@ -1725,10 +1836,11 @@ class GUI(object):
             policy = dbus_object.usage_iface.GetResourcePolicy( resourcename )
             if policy == 'enabled':
                 items[-1] = "+" + items[-1]
-                continue
             elif policy == 'disabled':
                 items[-1] = "-" + items[-1]
-                continue
+            if resourcename == "GPS":
+                self.groups["main"].targets["location"] = True
+                self.groups["main"].update()
         self.groups["swallow"].part_text_set( "label_top_right", u" ".join( items ) )
     def update_network( self, **args):

freesmartphone.org demo GUI

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