[pkg-fso-commits] [SCM] FSO frameworkd Debian packaging annotated tag, debian/, created. debian/
Joachim Breitner
mail at joachim-breitner.de
Mon Feb 2 21:49:15 UTC 2009
The annotated tag, debian/ has been created
at a6866221ec951aa7d6d1f4449159b077504484ba (tag)
tagging 5848db108f06ece3b4ef30af63eeb1987e64a61f (commit)
replaces milestone5
tagged by Joachim Breitner
on Mon Feb 2 22:49:34 2009 +0100
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Daniel Willmann (4):
ogsmd: Use right method _rightHandSide in SimGetSimInfo
ogsmd: Append the subscriber numbers as name, number tuple.
ousaged: Make the Bluetooth device actually (de-)activate bluetooth
ogsmd: Remove stray "if s:" in state_inline_multipleR
Guillaume Chereau (1):
Added test for opreferencesd
Joachim Breitner (116):
use framework in module path
Merge branch 'master' into nomeata-fixes
use framework in module path
Debian Checking
Depend on python-serial
Add init script
Depend on python-yaml
adjust /etc path
Depend on python-gst0.10
Install frameworkd.conf from the FSO image
ERROR-less config file
Proper ogsmd settings
hmm, commit --amend and merge do not seem to like each other
Include openmoko scenario files
install ringtone and depend on gst sid support
Proper version number
Store .sid file as base64
Add gbp.conf file
Debian changelog
Unpack .sid file in rules
Clean up more files
Debian changelog
other distribution
Ignore itself
Improved configuration file
Accept number type 185
ogsmd: Convert ntype to int in time
Merge branch 'master' into nomeata-fixes
manual merge
Include udev rules file in frameworkd
Accept number type 185
ogsmd: Convert ntype to int in SimRetrieveEntry like in SimRetrievePhonebook
tag for release
Explicitly depend on dbus
Explicitly depend on alsa-utils
tag for release
Vcs-Header using git:// url
Add gstreamer dependencies
rename to fso-frameworkd
split wireless glue out
Make sure everything is installed in the right package
tag for release
Description added
copyright file
remove duplicated sentence
Workaround for #90, revert when fixed upstream
Workaround for #90, revert when fixed upstream
tag for release
ogsmd: Make unknown number types non-fatal
ogsmd: Make unknown number types non-fatal
tag for release
ogsmd: import sys
tag for release
Frameworkd does not work with python2.4
tag for release
Merge master
dbus-config: correct paths for Gypsy interface
Merge branch 'master' into nomeata-fixes
Merge milestone3 via nomeata-fixes into Debian
Add notify_message.mp3
Install notify_message.mp3
Add new voip-handset.state file
Install examples files
Do not compress example python files
This frameworkd.conf is notused
Instal frameworkd.conf from milestone3
tag for release
Fix self-made import bug in audio.py
tag for release
fixed installprefix for Debian
tag for release
Merge commit 'refs/tags/milestone4' into debian
new upstream release entry
Update 01_adjust-etc-path-in-setup.py.patch
removing 03_print-ntype-error-in-const.py.patch, solved upstream
Refresh debian/patches/05_fix-installprefix-in-config.py.patch
Removed -06_backport-fix-for-fso-140.patch
document quilt patch changes
Added 06_persist-in-var-lib: Put persistent data in /var/lib/freesmartphone
change new upstream version number to what they use in OE
Patch 07_do-not-use-ctypes.patch
leftover copy’n’pasted copyright info
debian/fso-frameworkd.dirs – must have lost it somewhere
Revert "leftover copy’n’pasted copyright info"
Revert "Patch 07_do-not-use-ctypes.patch"
Conflict with earlier versions of python2.5, due to #505318 in previous versions
Conflict with pre-milestone4 versions of openmoko-panel-plugins
Merge commit 'upstream/' into debian
New upstream version entry for stabilization branch
tag for release
Typo in openmoko-panel-plugin package name
tag for release
Merge commit 'upstream/' into debian
Entry about new upstream version
Include snapshot-release.sh helper
tag for release
Merge commit 'upstream/' into debian
Entry about new upstream version
tag for release
Merge commit 'upstream/' into debian
Entry about new upstream version
tag for release
Fix "debian/copyright: mention that copyright holder of decorator.py is Michele Simionato" (Closes: #511471)
Remove mention of non-free files in debian/copyright
Merge commit 'upstream/' into debian
Updated 01_adjust-etc-path-in-setup.py.patch
update 02_ascii-encode-in-gsm-channel.py.patch
setup.py adjusting moved from 06_persist-in-var-lib.patch to 01_adjust-etc-path-in-setup.py.patch
Changelog entry
Remove wireless glue package
versioned conflicts agains the panel plugin
Conflict against old zhone packages
install network.tab
tag for release
update copyright file
Luca Capello (47):
debian/control: depend on python-dbus
debian/frameworkd.init: convert to LSB format
debian/control: depend on python-dbus
debian/frameworkd.init: convert to LSB format
debian/control: depend on gsm0710muxd
debian/control: add Vcs-* fields
debian/control: (Closes: #500044) Build-Depends: on python-dev
move to team maintenance: Debian FreeSmartphone.Org Team
debian/control: add myself to Uploaders:
debian/control: update Vcs-* fields to fso-frameworkd
tag for release
debian/fso-frameworkd.init: stop means 'Stopping...'
restore upstream sources
debian/patches/01_adjust-etc-path-in-setup.py.patch: new file
debian/frameworkd.conf: new file
debian/scenarios: new files
debian/sounds.base64: new files
debian/patches/02_ascii-encode-in-gsm-channel.py.patch: new file.
debian/patches/03_print-ntype-error-in-const.py.patch: new file
debian/patches/04_correct-dbus-paths-for-gypsy.patch: new file
debian/patches/05_fix-installprefix-in-config.py.patch: new file
tag for release
debian/copyright: add myself for the Debian packaging
debian/patches/06_backport-fix-for-fso-140.patch: new file
tag for release
debian/fso-frameworkd.init: check for /etc/frameworkd.conf
remove GTA02 config files, now provided by fso-config
remove sound files, now provided by fso-sounds
debian/fso-frameworkd.preinst: new file
debian/fso-frameworkd.init: exit with 0 if no frameworkd.conf
debian/README.Debian: add notes about fso-config-* packages
debian/control: correct versioned Replaces:
debian/changelog: (Closes: #495668) non-free sounds removed
debian/NEWS: new file
debian/README.Debian: add notes about fso-sounds-* packages
debian/README.Debian: better rephrase some parts
debian/*: do not use contracted forms for the auxiliaries
do not install YAML config files, now provided by fso-config
debian/NEWS: s/ringtones/ring- and message-tones/
debian/README.Debian: tone rules in /usr/share/fso-sounds-rules
new binary package fso-sounds-none
debian/README.Debian: local configuration for the sounds
debian/fso-sounds-none.dirs: new file
new binary package fso-config-general
debian/fso-frameworkd.init: fix output if no /etc/frameworkd.conf
debian/control: remove double the in fso-sounds-none
tag for release
Martin Giraud-Sauveur (1):
debian/control: Depends on ppp
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer (10):
ogsmd: improve killall function, patch courtesy sdhillon. closes FSO ticket #260
fix SIGTERM handler in daemon support code
ogsmd: [TI CALYPSO] disable +COLP=1 to prevent falling into FSO #211.
ogsmd: disable frame depth inspection per default
ogsmd: remove old low level AT parser, state-based one is default now
ogsmd: channel/parser: fix an embarrasing bug in the low-level AT parser that
ogsmd: [TI CALYPSO] Apply reinit commands with a delay after resuming.
ogsmd: bandaid against Release() not working if the call has not been connected.
ogsmd: cancel outgoing dialling using a calypso-proprietary command
Sascha Wessel (1):
ogpsd: UBXDevice::parse: improve handling of corrupted ubx packets
FSO frameworkd Debian packaging
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